How the fuck is this show popular?
I watched the first episode and it was unfunny as shit. Every single "joke" felt force as fucked.
What is the appeal?
How the fuck is this show popular?
I watched the first episode and it was unfunny as shit. Every single "joke" felt force as fucked.
What is the appeal?
Well what's a good show to you?
Because it's not Mr. Pickles.
Yep, it's about that time.
It's Reddit: the show.
>>I don't like this show.
Never change, Sup Forums
I am not interested in hearing a half-baked attempt at a response to a show after only watching one episode.
Watch a few more episodes before wasting everyone's time, sheesh.
It was pretty funny until Justin turned into Phil Fish.
I am a lot into SF stuff and I like the dry humor of it.
The first episode is pretty meh. Try watching next four episodes. If you don't like it then you shouldn't bother with the rest of the show. you will love episode five :^)
>dry humor of it.
R&M is the exact opposite of dry humor
Quitting the internet and cancelling the rest of the show out of spite?
Better than Anime shit, the only Anime I have liked was cromartie high and guess what, it was despised in Japan, meanwhile shit like Azumanga daioh or Bobobo or whatever are called were stupid as hell.
fuck you, bobobo-bo bo-bobo is best anime
It's the new, edgier Futurama for insufferable libshits and redditors to dig into. These people actually think this shit is moving and deep.
fuck off roiland
>judging an entire show based on the pilot
How new are you to the show experience?
It barely changes whatsoever. The pilot is a pretty good indication of the humor and message of the entire show.
>nothing but endless praise for rick and morty on Sup Forums when it premiered
>now that it's popular everyone calls it the worst shit ever
Dude I enjoy R&M but I LOVE Duckman. It's not really fair to compare the two.It would be like comparing Wolfmother and Black Sabbath. There wouldn't be the first without the second.
The real problem is : why do you care so much about other people's opinion ? Just watch 3 episodes and if you don't like it, that's it.
And don't judge without watching at least 3 episode (or about 1 hour of content)
First episodes of every show are bad, retard. Name ONE show where the first episode is held in high regard!
South Park
Same thing with undertale on Sup Forums. Demo comes out and everyone loves it, but then it gets too popular and everyone needs to start hating. Sup Forums is full of contrarian faggots.
>Same thing with undertale on Sup Forums.
Nice try. Why hasn't hiroshimoot made an Undertake board like the one for horses?
literally no one was talking about anime you giant retard
>He's never seen Jesus vs Frosty
Samurai jack
>>It would be like comparing Wolfmother and Black Sabbath
>this is what Sup Forums listens to
OH. YOu're THAT KInd OF GUy.
Kids have been spoodfed horseshit cartoons for the past 20 years. They've been conditioned to like it at this point.