Cartoon has an Asian character

>Cartoon has an Asian character
>They have a colored streak in their hair

I see people using this pic to talk about things that they like, and things that they hate.

What emotion is the image even trying to convey?

Pain, I think.

It's a shitty meme forcing people to argue about Doug Walker


as a max level meme master

it is suppose to mean that someone LIKE doug walker would like it

meaning someone with shit taste


But most things he likes/hate are also things that Sup Forums like/hate.

Your point being?

>>Cartoon has an Asian character
They say edgy things in their native language that nobody understands.

>Hates Space Jam
>Hates Hook
>Hates Goofy Troop
>Hates Osmosis Jones
>Implying Sup Forums hates those
>Implying Sup Forums is a hivemind
>GOing for Doug Walker advocacy b8