>It was all a lie lmao
Is Cucka really gonna retcon Azz's run? Fucking seriously? Which was far superior than the trash he's providing. Like seriously this is hackery beyond all levels and DC is currently employing Lobdell and Humphreis.
I get it, DC is really sticking it to the new fans because old faggots went not muh with their Superbro retcon and this. I wonder what they'll do once old faggots stop throwing money at their Rebirth mediocrity.
It was all a lie lmao
Azz, pls
I hope so, Azz's run is insanely overrated
Cucka should go to Tel Aviv and live with the faggots.
I don't read WW, but if I wrote a well-received run, and it was all undone and retconned to be a "lie" by another writer, I'd be pretty pissed.
Surely Rucka must realize how Diana has been plagued by numerous origin stories over the years. But his ego won't let him listen to reason.
The Azz/Chiang run was great, but it's far enough removed from how Wonder Woman has always been done that it feels like an extended Elseworlds.
Plus, literally every aspect of it was completely destroyed by Meredith Finch anyway.
Azzarello's run is pretty shit thou, its literally the same shit EVERY single new writer does with WW.
They try too hard to make their own definite version and deliever shit that only newfags like.
Personally, the actual problem with this run and Rucka in here is that he dared to attack the alt-right pet monkey so now they are on a rampage to hate on him.
The only real change to her origin was done in the Azz run.
I'm sure he's used to it, considering he's done it himself.
>DC is currently employing former Marvel hacks who turned out to be good thanks to DC editors
Nice, isn't it?
>Themiscyra and the Amazons are gone
They aren't going to be happy until they fuck up her origins so badly that it will turn out that she's actually Donna Troy.
Holy fuck.
>Surely Rucka must realize how Diana has been plagued by numerous origin stories over the years.
Isn't that part of the current ongoing right now, that Diana's had as many origins as Donna Troy?
At least amazons are no longer rapist and baby killers.
yes, they should be perfect and boring
I liked Azzarello's run, but i'm not mad. I'm enjoying what Rucka is doing with the book right now.
If he keeps the bald Ares design, i'm good
Rucka retconned the MurderAmazons and people are ANGRY about it?
Gimme a break.
>people are ANGRY about it?
Sit down user. I have some important news to tell you.
Different people like different things. Some other people might not have liked some things, but do get pissed off when comics decide to hand wave away things for "lol fuck it" reasons. Sorry holmes. Take all the time you need to process this earth shattering information.
You have to understand the WW fandom, they will praise every run as the best, then praise the next one as the best one while the previous gets retconned and shat on because in their mind WW is always good.
Thread ended here, guys
Meh Azz's run stands by itself so it doesn't matter.
That said I hope Rucka still uses some of his stuff like his version of Ares (which was better than Rucka's 2 dimensional evil dude) and hopefully we get to see Zola, Zeke, Milan, and Hera still the same.
That's pretty much every WW writer and in the long run it has damaged the character because they don't build from the previous run but they just tear down what happened before and start all over again.
Next guy that comes on after Rucka is going to just change it again.
If it's just the MurderAmazons I'm all for it.
>Next guy that comes on after Rucka is going to just change it again.
The message they send, quite clearly, is that you shouldn't get attached to any story elements or characters or characterization because they will be instantly and ruthlessly deleted every six-seven months.
Y'all mother fuckers need to stop buying comic books that do this shit.
If she's been there her whole life, how is it not her home?
Are you forgot Amazon war
They didn't kill babies, they killed the fathers and gave their male children to Hephaestus .
One thing is "it was almost like and Elseworld, and this is a reboot anyway"
Another is "it was all false and it was a WRONG"
I wish they actually rebooted Wonder Woman instead of doing this
an Elseworld*
was WRONG*
>I've never been home
Wait, doesn't this negate a ton of Rucka's original run as well?
the new 52 negates all of his run, it's not the same universe any more.
They also didn't rape them
Which makes user's memery completely wrong But that's nothing new
It's everything
Johns rectonned the Amazon raids in Darkseid War
This is an entirely different matter. faux Hippolyta doesn't even remember what happened with her and Zola and First Born etc etc... because NOTHING of New 52 WW actually happened
>I wish they actually rebooted Wonder Woman instead of doing this
Rebooting willy-nilly is what got DC in trouble in the first place. What made Rebirth so great (and profitable) was that it somehow untied the Gordian Knot that New 52 had made of DC continuity without dismissing what had happened over the last five years.
Oh, so shitting on the previous run and writting it off as "lol it never happened, and now 70% of the continuity and how other characters interacted in the shared universe doesn't make any sense, just like in Odyssey" is better than rebooting
This IS basically a reboot, it just AKNOWLEDGES the previous timeline, but it doesn't count.
Can someone give me some context here?
>without dismissing what had happened over the last five years.
that's exactly what is happening in WW, and making a fucking point about it
The whole point of Rebirth is that it IS the same universe as pre-Flashpooint when we were led to believe in New 52 that it wasn't.
it is now post rebirth, but 10 years have been stolen
the whole point of rebirth is a mess
it's not pre-flashpoint and it's not post-flashpoint
Hmm, maybe dismiss was the wrong word. I guess erase would be better.
The point is that we aren't starting over from scratch here. Rebirth reaffirmed that the current DC Universe is still Post-CoIE New Earth and that the differences between it and New 52 are due to outside fuckery.
Whether that's a good thing or not is obviously subjective, but DC's protracted dominance of the sales charts seems to imply that most fans like the idea.
Because most fans like status quo and Rebirth is a promise to make everything "hated" from the New 52 go away and be replaced by post-Crisis
It might as well be called Pandering.
>What made Rebirth so great
Rebirth is shit. Once you get over the joy of having your nostalgia jerked off you might realize that they're tying continuity into a frigging knot.
They killed the babies before Hephaestus showed up. They also promised to sell the males babies to Circe for her to experiment on them.