You've just been commissioned to develop your favorite childhood book series as a cartoon. What books do you pick...

You've just been commissioned to develop your favorite childhood book series as a cartoon. What books do you pick? What's your show like tonally?

My favorite childhood book was Dinotopia, that won't do well as a cartoon it's perfect as it is.
My other favorite was every Paul Jennings short story book, so I'd make a series out of that.

Personally, I'd go with the Secrets of Droon. It's not very well-known, but I remember it being insanely popular among my friends when I was a kid, so it's clearly got some appeal.

The premise is basically that three kids find a portal to another world in a basement, and they have all sorts of crazy adventures with that world's magical princess. But it's also got a villain that actually poses a real threat who they have to fight against (and they don't always win). There's also a ton of really good character development.

Since the series is so long and the books themselves so short, it could easily be made into a show with one story per episode, and two-parters for the specials. It would be a lore-heavy show that starts off light with action and drama building up as it goes on.

The Charlie Bone series, as an animated episodic thing, and if it does well enough with slightly higher budget specials for ends of storylines.
Could possibly seen as too similar to HP, but with HP never having a cartoon in any form the comparison might help if anything

Oh shit, that would be amazing. It gets pretty dark though, they might have to aim it at slightly older audiences.

I vaguely remember a series about a bunch of sister-princesses who have magic powers based on different gemstones. That could be a cute, lighthearted series aimed at young girls.

The heroes guide series
Might be better as movies
Fairytale adventure from the Prince perspective and the princesses are villains would be refresing to see in these day and age.

Tonally it would be comedic fun yet preachy.

Literally anything by Tamora Pierce. Seriously, she basically created a more child-friendly Song of Ice and Fire, I don't understand why nobody's done anything with it yet.

She does excellent world building, but her Tortall books might be hard to adapt due to the main character switching and time jumps from one series to another.

I can see her Circle of Magic books doing really well as a show though.

I loved those books and their weird, upside-down question marks.

Animorphs. I'll just come to Sup Forums, start another Animorphs thread, and steal all the ideas. Current thought on tone would be like Fullmetal Alchemist (inb4 Sup Forums get out) with playful fun/animation one minute and Dark Horrors of War the next.

Deltora Quest

Each season is one of the books, six episode seasons

The Judy Blume Fudge books. Just a funny slice of life series about a kid dealing with his batshit crazy little brother.

>The Edge Chronicles
It'd be fucking great. Violence might get a little much for a kid's cartoon though. But if it's possible to faithfully represent the art style, the story and seeing itself would be god-tier.

I would literally kill someone for a good Discworld show.

I didn't really have a favorite series, but i remember reading this one the most while growing up.

>Starts off as high school hijinks with two friends and then turns into a revenge story about halfway when the protags best friend is shot down

It's kind of too late now, but I would have loved to have seen a more faithfully done How To Train Your Dragon. The books were a lot more original and entertaining than the movies and show were.

When you think about it, what they really did was take movie Hiccup and give him all of book Fishlegs's character traits.


Man everytime an Animorphs thread pops up I know it's going to be great.

Anthology horror series with a different artist every episode.

My favorite book series as a childhood was...Captain Underpants. I think that would be a fun cartoon. Maybe like Teen Titans Go.
When I was older, like 10-12, I really liked Percy Jackson, and I think that would be an AWESOME cartoon. I'm thinking similar to Young Justice.

Being an edgy middle schooler my favorite series was The Demonata books. I honestly have no clue how to adapt this without making it a parody.

A proper Percy Jackson adaptation is the stuff dreams are mad of.

I've never heard anyone else talk about those books, and it's a shame because they're so good.
But yeah, it would be hard to do a direct adaptation since it could get pretty dark at times.

> that one guy in the mire who trapped people and cut their toes off to collect the dust from the twilight woods that was under their nails because he was actually a knight obsessed with completing his quest

Didn't Goosebumps already have a show?

Either way your idea sounds pretty cool, I'd watch it

Class of the Titans scratched my childhood Greek mythology itch for a while, but Percy Jackson would be a much better show.

then again if the darkerstuff was saved for specials you could only need a slightly older tone there and toe that line otherwise

I don't even know how or what, but yes absolutely yes

i hadn't realised how mucb I wanted YJ-style Percy Jackson show

Each episode as a standalone story featuring different Discworld inhabitants. So one episode would be a Watch mystery, the next a wacky Rincewind adventure, and after that a philosophical Death story. Tonally it would be all over the place, but with a good introduction explaining what Discworld is I think it could work.

Well, since the Animorphs were taken, I'll spring for Bruce Coville's Rod Albright series, or maybe Space Brats. I remember enjoying those when I was a kid.

Odd and the frost Giants

The Grave yard book

American Gods