What is the shittiest webcomic that you still regularly follow? Out of habit, guilty pleasure...

What is the shittiest webcomic that you still regularly follow? Out of habit, guilty pleasure, hoping for an improvement, doesn't matter, share it with us.

I'd say this is mine due to incredibly lazy art, which is near XKCD level, and the tumblerite jokes.

Diary Comics or anything that's just some girl posting about her life is cheating.

i dont even get that one

what is there to get?

The worst one I follow right now is Alien Hand Syndrome. But that's not so much out of habit as it is genuine interest when the lesbian-ing will begin.

I used to follow that because I liked The Book of Biff. I think it took until this comic before I realized it was time to stop.


What the fuck is this shit, someone post the Summer Slam edit. This better be the original artist being lazy and not some faggot ripping off whatever the nameless cunt that did the original.

I guess it would be relatively bad, since after a certain point I drop it.

I picked back up Sam & Fuzzy because I heard it was on the last chapter.
Sometimes I still go see how Goblins is doing.

You mean the edits of this strip?


There's something off about these faces that I can't quite point out...

I don't know why I still read El Goonish Shive. The comic moves so slowly that I forget half the plot points by the time they become relavent again. I guess the girls are cute

That's some certifiable cringe

This comic has one the most bland, flat, uninspired art styles I've ever seen. I seriously don't know how anyone can find this shit aesthetically appealing or enjoyable to read unless you're hugely into TG fetishism and require it to get off or something.

These girls look like they were drawn by a computer. Nothing is exaggerated or sexy.

The artist neglected to draw any cleavage when it should be visible.

Those legs look like fucked up pieces of play-doh.

The face looks like it was drawn by one of those retarded kids in high school anime club who watches and talks about anime 24/7 but still can't even draw a simple anime face right.

At least it's not QC I guess.

Does Homestuck count? It ended but it just won't fucking die so I can move on.

Bittersweet Candy Bowl.

Not sure why I even follow it anymore, it's just become a habit.

Isn't this the comic made by that guy who is abit too into Ashley Burch?

I don't follow shitty webcomics.

I don't even understand that concept.

My interest in EGS was rekindled when I discovered the lewd edits tumblr.

Why is everything so matte and clay like goddamnit

I don't know if anyone here knows sonoci, but her comics seem kinda cringy looking back on it.

I checked her tumblr and it just seems like standard person who makes comics about whatever they're watching or playing.

Yeah, but the humor in her comics seems sort of low-brow most of the time, at least to me.


You have to understand, back in the keenspot days we were desperate for anything that was more coherent than Snuffy Smith.
Now everything that was great about those days has more or less dissolved into a morass of Tumblr woker-than-thou politics, or like EGS just stagnated in place.
Has it really been over 10 years? where did the time go?

I really hate to admit it because I think Aaron Diaz is an insufferable cunt, but I actually do think Dresden Codak is interesting. The execution is pretentious a lot of the time and the morality is pretty black and white, but I do think it deals with genuinely creative ideas.

Holy shit the kid in this comic is literally me.

Like, I have this really unhealthy and self destructive aversion to going to sleep at night because I never want it to be tomorrow.

I used to follow El Goonish Shive for a long time after I gave up on it
I keep impulsively checking Dumbing of Age even though I've also given up on it


I know it's bad. I just read it for the cheesecake

Kat is best girl


I like his artwork. It has improved dramatically over the years. I liked his art blog back when it was more about art commentary than social commentary.

I think the world he's building has a lot of potential, that sadly we'll never get to see much of because he updates so slowly (spends too much time on the art?) that we get maybe 10 updates a year, tops.
>See also: Lackadaisy Cats, Derelict, The Meek

Yes, the morality is hilariously black & white.

I'm going to disagree with you on the ideas though. I think the ideas are completely insipid. He's all TRANSHUMANISM GOOD UPGRADE MY BODY, and any character who disagrees is one-dimensionally bad and evil. A good writer will present credible counterpoints and then craft arguments and events to persuade and demonstrate to the reader that the path of the protagonist is right and righteous. Aaron Diaz doesn't persuade, he beats you over the head with a blunt object. That's why he's an insufferable cunt in real life, and that's why his writing is insipid and soulless.

DC stands entirely on the MC's tits and ass just like any other webcomic bar a few

Maybe it's the sleepiness, but I chuckled at that one. Learning how to make popcorn is intrdstng.

Last week I removed Dresden Codak from my rotation.

Today I removed Sinfest.


It's the only webcomic I regularly follow

Nedroid is dead, man.

It's also good

unfortunately one does not simply 'remove dresden codak from their rotation' since even if you forget about it for 2 years it only takes 5 minutes to catch up

I'm ashamed to say VG cats. It's so bad, so why do i habitually look it up?

what was the final straw? havent seen that in ages, quit even before the whole feminist thing

Dumbing of Age, probably.

I generally avoid the actual site, I catch up using the thread that's usually ongoing here.

I used to read the original series the author created and didn't mind it much, but it's gone downhill in such away that it's entertaining to read if only to punch holes in it.

My first thought was "edit thread"

And I couldn't resist the urge


It just doesn't make me laugh anymore. But I haven't given up on it yet.

I occasionally go back to check LFG to see if it got anywhere, and then as usual it didn't so I forget about it again for a few months.

That's about it.

>Because occasionally, you'll read a joke you remember hearing driven into the ground a year ago.

Still convinced Scott is stuck in a time hole

I don't know if this counts as "regularly" but Homestuck. What a journey THAT was. It was fun 5 years ago. The most fun internet garbage I've ever experienced.

Surprised nobody from /doag/ has commented

I think people are so used to SMBC having flat humour that even if they dont laugh for ages its not enough for them to stop as long as they get it

I don't want to break them up or anything but I blame a good part of SMBC's decline on his growing friendship with Randall Munroe.

I also read a comic called "quantum vibe", I forget where I found it but it had a pretty interesting story for a while, but this new storyline has been fucking atrocious and it's just pissing me off the more it goes on

dresden codak continues to be bad but nowadays I just skip it without actually reading anything so at least it doesn't make me mad?? that's a positive thing right

OH, actually by far and away the shittest comic I still follow is fucking "clique refresh" from that stripsearch hack amy falcone, got fucking damnit that comic is such a horrid piece of shit. it's like a horrible car accident I can't look away from, my only solace is that it doesn't update very often which is fucking incredible since most of the updates these days are just single panel reaction shots with awful art and little to no dialog? god it's awful (and semi-cheating since half of it is clearly her just diarying about her stupid life)

EGS has been pretty good again now that we're mostly back on storyline, it's far out of "guilty pleasure" territory for me at least (also I dig the EGS:NP updates again)

dan shive is a fucking weirdo though for sure

Why would he attempt and fail at having the reader follow a z-curve? What does it add? I had to read it twice before I could make sense of it.

We've had two so far

I don't know if I regret quitting Homestuck after EOA5.

I'm convinced the only people who regularly read doag are the Sup Forums posters.