About to watch this for the first time. What am i in for?

About to watch this for the first time. What am i in for?

fetishes and girl screaming for weird reasons

A cool old British guy who should be talked about more and get more love and respect.

This, a LOT of fetishes.

a nigger

It really isn't sexually as Sup Forums makes it out to be

a shw for children

Fetish Fuel: The Show

Don't be surprised if you develop at least 10 fetishes due to this show.

I fapped to the blonde one when I was

It's a cartoon, that was a given.

I was 11, shit*

>first episode in and the blonde is already throwing around blushing aheagos
I think im gonna watch this show

Lots of delicious camp
Alfred being based as fuck like says
And a sore right arm


As far as I remember about this show, it was pretty tame when it came to lewds, don't recall that many crap being passed under the radar.

You get what you see on the cover, 3 teen schoolgirl/Inspector Gadgets spies.
They never lose, might get wiped on a battle but will win the episode against the "Villain of the Week".

An alright show with ridiculous villains and pretty formulaic intros.


I've seen the .gifs, so I know there's a lot of fetishes, but a bunch of people were too young to recognize them as fetishes when they first watched.

>What am i in for?
Alex. Just Alex.


Stuff like this.


And this.

A really, really good weight gain fetish episode.

>Fuck Sam
>Marry Alex
>Kill Clover

You literally cannot argue with this

Oh my god im dying


How does one physics?

Spy science

Sounds about right to me.

Fuck Clover.
Marry Clover.
Kill Clover.

did the same thing recently. Its okay. Its at its worst when the writers ignore past episodes and do stuff that makes no sense