Was it ever explained how he could take away peoples bending?

Was it ever explained how he could take away peoples bending?

He was a blood bender

On eastern folklore, chakra flux is related to blood flux.

imbalance of the humors

How does that mean he can take away bending?

He blocked up the unique flow of Chi that allows bending to take place.

The same way Chi blocking works.

Basically this. Permanent Chi pressure.

Could he take away Bender's bending?

No because Bender has no blood

Doesn't his bending relies on hydrolic? If anything, that would make him easier to bend.

this character was just a ripoff of v for vendetta he had the same motive cept he went after benders and not the governent. hid behind a mask. proclaimed himself the cure for the problem. and all the avatar fags ate that shit up like it was cool. you know damn well they used a guy fawkes mask as a template to create this motherfucking shit he has on.

Look, we're all happy you liked a movie. But go ahead and tell me how Alan Moore didn't just follow the template set by Aldous Huxley and George Orwell.
tl;dr everything comes from something else

*hydraulic FFS


Yeah, these two things in combination.

We know he employed Chi-Blocking techniques, training his rebels in its use, and that he knew the style too. Combine that knowledge of Chi-Blocking with his Bloodbending, and he could effectively set it from "Temporary Paralysis" to "Permanent Disability".

Which means theoretically someone else with equal knowledge of Bloodbending and Chi-Blocking could have undone it, no Energy Bending fix-all needed.

Katara's just set in "Muh forbidden".

Why didn't he freeze or boil someone else's blood.

To be fair to Katara, even though she could bloodbend, she probably didn't get much practice with it, and there's no indication she has much in the way of chi blocking knowledge.

He's a big guy

There no way that blood bending couldnt have turned out as one of the best forms of healing. If she wouldnt of been such a shit over it, the whole world could of been cured of many ailments if she could of taught others how to heal with it.

Can water benders even boil? I mean, We see turning water into ice often enough, but I don't think they ever showed boiling via bending.

That's a good point that anyone could fix it, but how does the bending block work if it didn't stop airbending?

What ailments can you cure by increasing someone's blood pressure???

In theory it should work if they can move the water fast enough

I think the idea was that, since Korra had never used Airbending before, when Amon blocked the Chi-Paths that she normally used for her other forms of Bending, it essentially enabled her to use Airbending for the first time by attempting to brute-force her way around the blocks, causing her to instead utilize chi-paths here-to unused by her body, and thus unaffected by Amon's bloodbending.

I seem to recall a couple of times that Waterbenders bent steam to use for smokescreens, but usually it was already present, not from water they heated themselves. Maybe it's a rare talent, like the conceptually similar Earthbending skill of Lavabending?

Bloodbenders can't bend oil.

Low blood pressure :^)

Korra is a shitty martial artist, if she couldn't even beat Amon in a test of pure skill. She relied on bending too much. Hell, how good of a fighter was Aang without his bending?

Aang wasn't a good fighter at all. He was just good at evading attacks, not even defending. I'm pretty sure he was only even good at evading because of his airbending

When was that explained?
