Is there a better pleb filter?

these, it could make a good music video maybe. But there's literally no substance - there's nothing to understand, everything is spoonfed to us.

VVitch IS pleb filter, consider yourself filtered, pleb

Why? It was ok

Absolutely loved this movie the first 60 minutes or so, then there is that balding dude monologue that feels completely out of place and like the director is talking directly to me, insulting my intelligence, along with bad EDM music in the background.

Completely took me out of the film and made it drop to a 7/10.

What the fuck was the director thinking?

Outing yourself like only a pleb can.

>it's a "Rooney Mara eats a whole pie will sitting on the floor in bare feet" episode

>No ones claiming it was 2deep4u
Did you even read the OP? That's exactly the claim it's making.

What did the message say?

Wow, man, you probably didn't get the fact that it was a poignant critique of capitalism. Probably too dumb. It's supposed to make you think.

This thread is literally about that, dumbass.

>Just like what I like and stop having opinions

L m a o

"the pie was vegan"