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Dig on this
What would your gang be called? Mine would be the 88110333s
Fuck off cyrus
t. Luther
The Big Guys. We would all wear masks.
The Big Guys
The Sneeds. Our mortal enemies are the Chucks.
but if you're sneeds, wouldn't you have previously been chucks?
reminder this nigger tried to sue Rock* for using his likeness in the Warriors video game.
Can you?
We disbanded at some point and became the Sneeds but Chuck still exists
What was their end game?
why hasn't this been remade? you'd think it would be an easy nostalgia cash grab
No, it was because they used a different actor to dub him
Yeah, it looks like it could make a very easy sequel-remake, with the old characters showing up again all grown up, as cameos.
Is this the only case where the video game was better than the movie?
They say the Batman Begins game was also very good.
Why did they use the word "waste" instead of "kill"? Were they too childish and naive and in denial of the reality that gang life actually results in death sometimes?
It actually was pretty good and I prefer the Arkham games but Knight was meh.
the check ems
kill yourself
Don't you mean waste yourself?
Why didn't they show whatever his name was that got thrown in front of the train I wonder why they didn't show him just exploding like a bug on a windshield?
The Chads
I think the gore would have gone against the style of the movie. They managed to make a comfy movie where people get killed, maybe that's also why they say "waste".
The failed shitty scripts.
The Resistance :^)
whatever it takes
The Imperial CuntSSmashers
The way he reacted to himself saying that was priceless.
>The Warriors, come out to playay
Left the theatre right there
That's true and implications are always better imo because the viewer is the one to think of the fucked up situation.
that was pretty close ill give you that.
Yes. Yes I can dig it. So now can you please stop asking? I heard you the first time.
Easily the most ridiculous looking gang
t. 88110334
They will mime the shit out of your ass.
Best scene.
Is that even a gang? How do they know it's not just a bunch of mimes from a circus or something?
him going in front of the train was a last minute change of script after the actor kept causing problems by making suggestions to the director
what are you doing on here gramps?
Even though I don't remember everything from it, this is THE movie I wish I could watch again "for the first time". It's one of those were you feel like you are right there with the characters, sharing the situations and the tension.
tow blackskinheads MUH NIGGAS
Daily reminder that Luther did nothing wrong
Cyrus wanted to be killed because he knew becoming a martyr would unite the gangs. Luther was Cyrus' friend and carried out the killing and was supposed to take over for Cyrus but the Warriors wormed their way out and then got the wrap pinned on Luther
>tfw no Lizzy gf
the one on the left is one smug Pepe... ohhh BABY!
You almost got it but no (you) for you.
Vermin best Warrior, no question