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Television and Film
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Television and Film #881
Television and Film
Rank them
Is there a sci fi film as under rated as this?
Amazing that the only thing a random improv comedy group got wrong about the rise and fall of Sam Hyde's...
/jhrg/ - Jonah Hill Response General
Dude like clean your room idk
Why is her name Michael?
Why was he so lazy?
Daily reminder that: Blade 2 > Blade > Blade trinity
So is rick meant to be Mexican or what...
Why did she talk with a Chinese accent? It was really distracting
What are some films that show us the true nature of the nigger beasts
What did he mean by this?
Wh*te """"""people""""""""""""
ITT: actors too good for capeshit
Got a big enough joint there Rick?
So do you think Anton killed this guy or nah
Am I evil?
Why are critics and audiences so divided?
Celebs that disappointed you
Ungrateful big lip, rim encrusted, menthol cigarette smelling mouth, cotton picking...
Name my band
God himself could not sink this ship
Bojack horseman
Are you looking forward to season 11 of The X-Files?
Jeepers Creepers 3
Immersion breaking tropes was it?
Character is a scientist
/GoT/ General
Harry Knowles, AINTITCOOL founder accused of sexually assaulting a female at Alamo Drafthouse in Austin
Post five favorites and other anons give you recommendations based on your pick
Post comfy movies to watch during the Fall
Do you love them?
I didn't hate it
It don't matter
What movie has the best plot twist
What would Tom Cruise have said to that french reporter?
Why did this movie make so much money? Not even the audience i watched it with was scared...
ITT : Jumpscares that got you
I dreamt about her again bros. Will she be in future kinos?
Star Trek Discovery
Can't get a reservation at Dorsia to save his life
A-anyone have a webm?
There is not a single reason why you should not have this
Dr who general /who/
Reminder Ross was right and Rachel is a stuck up cunt
Why do people not like these movies?
A TV Show has never made me cr-
So now that the dust has settled who was in the wrong here?
This show is so fucking awkward
Why doesn't Hollywood have anymore legit sex goddess actresses? Lots of fatties now
Ready for Cocktober?
Really arms my photo torpedoes
Problems with The Orville:
What's the best film noir movie?
Fuck you I liked it
He's gonna take you back to the past
Xavier renegade angel
Fuck you Sup Forums and Sup Forums as usual you are wrong
Mwahhhaaa the French champagne has always been celebrated for its excellence...
/got/ general
Is he ok?
Do you have any movie posters on your walls? I have pic related
Got a Job In a Theater Last Week Today my boss told me they start the show last to get people eating early so they can...
It isn't bad
Aint it Cool News 1996-2017
You're a beta male sexist
What went wrong?
Underrated Sequels
How would y'all describe Riverdale's morals?
What's the golden age of the simpsons?
Why are there no average/loser female protagonists?
According to imdb, Sophia Lillis has no new movies coming out in 2018...
The new Star Trek is a really great show!!
Is this the most famous animal scene in TV or Film?
Good doctor
The Vietnam War
Is it time to admit that this was better than Disney Star Wars?
Webm Thread
Which actor understood the character better?
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRGGHH this seems like a really nice place to build a castle...
I got to season 2 of Eastbound and I'm not digging it. Is it worth watching?
We can all agree captain chink was the best character on STD
The Sopranos
2 episodes in and /pol is losing their minds whats the problem with this show so far ?
What did Star Trek mean by this?
2 Movies(transformers, a billion dollar franchise and the nut job, from a successful movie) that failed
Is it advantageous for actors to have a "look" rather than being classically handsome?
El Mariachi budget: 7'000 dollars
The Big Bang Theory
Why does this movie trigger so many Sup Forumstards?
Who was the chaddest character in cinema history?
Aye paye for Limmy's omemayed shoe
Amy Schumer isn't funn-
It sucks
Actors and actresses that have never been in a good movie
Is propane actually better than charcoal?
Why did he kill himself? He could have just said "no thanks."
What did yours turn into?
The Mummy (1932-2017) - general
What did I think of this movie?
So what does TV think about tila tequila?
Any kino that you'd recommend when you're alone on your birthday?
Opinions on Gummo?
What is Sup Forums opinion on Super Deluxe?
Name a more iconic duo..... ill wait
You are given unlimited funds and these two actresses. What kind of movie do you make?
Americam Vandal
Meditative Films
Am I evil?
Why won't Hollywood cast older women in leading roles?
What went wrong?
Look what she done to him
The antagonist wins
Harry Knowles Sex-Assault Allegations Prompt Staff Exodus at Ain't It Cool News
Name a better film
*Blocks your path and makes a snarky comment about your appearance*
Post-apocalyptic kino
What went wrong with American Gods?
Who do you prefer?
Can we talk about how Vice Principals is pure confident autistic kino?
What are some kinos (movies) about women kicking a man's ass?
Dunkirk- honest thoughts
Haha, me leaving is the only realistic part of that fantasy
Does anyone actually find her attractive?
Its time for real bobby posting
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Anybody wanna explain to me how this episode was supposedly so deep and meaningful?
Finally got around watching this show, Season 1 is awesome so far
So how come she succeeded at performing the Vulcan nerve pinch when she is just a human?
Holy fucking YUM
Wait, this is actually real?
You gota bee on you wife
Lets see dr pavels card
Howdy, the name's Raylan Gibbons
Where do they go from here?
Kino choice m8, kino choice
You're as fucking crazy as she is
The Great Debate
The Hilarious Way Stranger Things Was Affected By IT
Watched this last night and I REALLY liked it. What are the other great anime films?
/got/ general
Hey gang! Let's cast Neuromancer!
So what will his consensus be on STD?
It was a different time
His Andrew Dice Clay and Ronald Reagan impressions are the greatest I've ever heard
This is the pinnacle of comfycore/depressionkino. Prove me wrong
Shitty CGI
It's Monday 3:07 pm in Milwaukee
Name the biggest problem with superhero movies
Post a movie, and the poster above must watch it
How does he shave?
Top 10 Films and Top 5 Shows
Mad Max thread
If the movie is popular then it means it's shit
Do Americans normally stand in front of their TVs during the anthem?
New movie idea:
Recommend me a movie like scarface, with drug cartels, shootings, drugs etc
Puts on hat
Is he right ?
53 days till justice league
Josh Duhamel & Tyrese Gibson In Talks For TRANSFORMERS 6
Well? is he right?
What the fuck is this shit?
Tfw no skarch in trailer
Mixed feelings, then this comes up
Cast her
I really like this girl! Is it worth watching Suicide Squad just for her?
I want to show this to my gf (I'm 27...
Star Trek Discovery Cast Takes a Knee in Premiere Night Protest
Is Rachel a bitch?
It did fall... right?
Why do people hate this again?
The Orville
Why do most modern people don't watch the classics
*breathes in*
Be honest with me, this is a masterpiece
So i heard you wanted to talk about Joe
Why are there not more adult-oriented animated films being made (besides the obvious reason of money)...
What does /tv think of The Ninth Gate?
Saw the first episode. A little slow, and simple - but it has good bones. Long show though...
What does Sup Forums think of the Eric Andre show
What did you watch last night instead of football?
1,180 days until Avatar 2
Do the impeach drumpf dance!
What the fuck did they do to Klingons on this show?
Is this the most intelligent man on television?
Movies Endings that turn a film from being boring/bad to kino!
Yes well done harry well done
Why are all of her lines so sanctimonious and self righteous?
Ed Skrein in Battle Angel Alita
Is this the best WW2 movie that has ever been made?
Name a better black mirror episode
Put on hat
Is redditlettermemeia right, is It too reliant on jumpscares?
You will never save the world and stick it in her bum
Help out a fellow film student Sup Forums
What movies do manic pixie dream boys watch?
Youre a really creepy dude Sup Forums
Modern horror movie
Why are we supposed to hate him?
Comfy Animated Films
Holy fuck I'm so bored. I hope it's not some stupid shit like last time
Do you guys make your girlfriends pay for concessions when you go out?
Awful lot of effort just to get told "no", stick to reading from the prompter, sweetheart
Show me a better Batman movie
Kathleen Kennedy appreciation thread
*ruins your childhood*
Say that again
Can you pinpoint the point where GoT went down the drain?
We live inside a dream
Twin Peaks
What does Sup Forums think of this guy?
Past a certain age, a man without a family, can be a bad thing
The Orville
Why would Netflix, a capitalist corporation, promote c*Mmunist propaganda?
Sound in tv show or movie sounds exactly like your door-bell
$20 for a VHS
What happened to McKayla?
So don't American cars need to have headrests? What if someone rear ends you?
So why does Sup Forums want this film to fail so much? Literally 90% of you say/want it to be shit
Is it worth it?
Are QI and WILTY the best examples of long-running panel shows which have managed to maintain their good quality...
This movie opened my eyes. I'm never eating at McDonald's again
TV's First Trans Full-Frontal Nude Scene
Jim Carrey, the Ascended
Band of Brothers
Are you ready for /fit/kino?
This was fucking garbage. Do people seriously enjoy this for anything else aside from the visuals?
This movie any good?
Shit. I didn't think they'd actually show a 7 year old with his arm bitten off
Manic Pixie dream girl exists solely in the fevered imaginations of sensitive writer-directors to teach broodingly...
Trick americans into watching this expecting a shitty thriller
Isabella Moner
Rick and Morty
Over 1 billion at the box office on an 80m budget
Where's the Nirvana/Kurt Cobain Biopic?
So who's gonna go see it tomorrow?
What did Sup Forums think of the new Rick and Morty episode?
Supernatural: Multiverse possibilities edition
Were the Klingons meant to be a metaphor for Muslims, and Starfleet a metaphor for the West?
H-he dead? ;_;
ST:D Jesus fuck
If you put on Wizard of Oz and Dark Side of the Moon at the same time it will sync up!
GAMBIT Plot Details
Who is/was the most attractive male actor of all time?
Discovery lovers get in here
He did nothing wrong
Ben Affleck is a "Belittling, Annoying, Out of Shape Creep" Says Justice League Crew
What does c3po have that jar jar binks doesn't? why do people prefer him? is it millenial nostalgia...
About to marathon this kino, what will I think of it?
Howcome leo hasn't hit up this pussy yet?
Parents watch rick and morty
/got/ general
/who/ - Doctor Who General
My girlfriend made this Rick and Morty style picture of us for my birthday. Do you guys like it?
Country roads, take me home to the place I belong
Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End
How do we save Bella, bros?
About to start getting into Game of Thrones. I got season 1 all set up. What am I in for? No spoilers please
Talks constantly about brave hippies in the US ;_;
Shitty documentaries itt
O-our show will totally not be about Trump
Giv good film 2 watch
I can usually get past my casual Racism and Sexism and still find a way to enjoy most Trek's
What the fuck happened to her?
Got an >>88165388 res at Dubsia tonight
Thoughts? Pretty high rating on imdb
It's been 20 years. Maybe we should just give up guys. She did it. She won
It's about time someone addressed all the refugee women
Was she a Mary Sue Sup Forums?
Name for a more repugnant talk show host
Gondor calls for economic aid!
Was she best girl ?
Is this a good jumping-on point for someone who has never watched Star Trek before?
Best movie of this decade
What are your opinions on film writer and director Mike Landis?
Blankly reads lines
Is this actually good or just proto tumblrella: the show?
Biopics That Should Be Made
Can we all agree that the attempt of a sci-fi renaissance was a complete letdown?
20 mins of 'self aware' jokes and commentary on society
So, Jerry
Seasons 1-3 of Family guy were actually kinda good, despite the bad rap the show gets as a whole, because s4+ is so bad
So Sup Forums, if you hate Rick and Morty as much as you claim, why do you continue to watch and discuss it?
Hi I'm Jonny Knoxville, and this is Golf Course Airhorn
Front page of reddit
Beats Civil War, Spider-Man, Guardians of the Galaxy II, and Batman vs Superman at the domestic box office
Do you think we'll get an extended cut on the blu-ray?
Manners maketh man
Cries and collapses from pressure while his friend is getting killed in front of him
Just watched episode 3
So why wasn't he there when tommy lee jones opened the door
I watched the first three episodes of this and I have one question:
ITT: Subtle Simpsons jokes
Jim Norton has fucking lost it lads
What is the GOAT sitcom?
Why is he in EVERYTHING?
What's the most intellectual television show of all time, Sup Forums?
Remember when American TV shows were so afraid of criticizing the Obama administration that they resorted to making...
/sf&sg/ - Sneed's Feed & Seed General
I download and watch the first show with at least one full season posted ITT
Is there any other actress who is as universally liked on Sup Forums for pure acting talent?
Star trek discovery
Is he playing a character? Filthy frank (Joji) even called him out and said he doesn't actually believe the shit he says
Is it worth watching Tin Star just to see more of her?
We need a gun for the main villain
Name another real life event caught on film greater than 9/11
Character gets knocked unconscious from one punch to the face
Best cruise film?
Spaniards are officially white
Is he autistic or is his mind on another level that normal humans can't comprehend?
Defeat ornella
"Am I evil?"
/std/ + /trek/ - Star Trek: Discovery Premiere night
Is he the greatest white man to ever host a radio show?
ITT: Times you were Pennywise the Clown
Thoughts ?
You know this was directed at you Sup Forums, right? All you Sup Forums, alt-right, MRA, white nationalists...
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Worst episode of the entire series
Ungrateful big lipped, rim encrusted, menthol cigarette smelling mouth, cotton picking...
Can anyone imagine not having sex for 40 days?
Close blast doors and activate defense grid
Who's the most insufferable tv character ever?
Haha, me leaving is the only realistic part of that fantasy
ITT: genuinely sympathetic villain
Wtf i love israel now
How will Blunald Dlumpf ever recover?
Which plotline did you like better?
/std/ + /trek/ = Star Trek: Discovery General
Why did their careers peter out after they left SNL in the early 2000s...
No Monster Madness this year
Mfw a closet racist and sexiest beta male tells me he doesn't like Rick and Morty
IS he...Dare I say it? /ourguy/
Well that episode sucked ass
Shit Sup Forums tricked you into watching
How can people not understand what this films about? Are they just really stupid?
Whose the best charc in bojack and why is it mr peanutbutter?
I'm watching the 1st season of The Wire and I just got done watching the episode where DeAngelo teaches the younger...
What are some movies about cute young virgin girls?
Ehhh hehehh uhhh.. hhehhe uhhh
How do I find secondhand Criterion Blu-Rays for cheap?
/std/ - Star Trek Discovery
New movie idea:
What do I think of Ozark?
What's the best episode?
Filth Frank show
I didn't have to go easy on you. A different binding agent, a stronger mix... I want you to remember that...
Has there ever been a worse fucking actress?
It's a Sup Forums being wrong again episode
Nolan Batman Quadrology
Reminder that Family Guy seasons 1-3 was actually funny and endearing...
Why is Sup Forums so obsessed with this movie?
Tough Crowd
Mentally ill on the show
Vice principals live thread. New episode starts in 20 minutes
I KNOW I wasn't the only one who found this hilarious!
ITT: Celebrities that come off as liars
Decent budget
/GoT/ General
Continuation of the 'Post legit 10/10 episodes. Any show.' thread
How would you make Chapter 2 work?
The Dark Knight question
/std/ - Star Trek Discovery
Is Adam Driver a chad?
Dose Wonder Women actually have a chance at best picture this year?
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Married... With Children
Cringiest simpson episode/scene?
Fucking ungrateful apes
This was nominated for best picture
Tfw no new Orville episode this Sunday
Anyone watch this? Trailer looked shit and Jaden's flat ass voice acting turned me off, but I like the supporting cast...
So, we're all just pretending this never happened?
These are big boobs
Watch sex scene
Wake up in the morning
How did they make this?
I know pic related is from a vidya but this is just an accurate portrayal of what South Park became since the Obama...
What actually was the point of this scene? Was it essential to show you how Johnny got the flowers?
Dr. Zaius Dr Zaius
Why did this get so much a shit?
Maze Runner: The Death Cure Trailer #1 (2018)
Can doing nudity early in a career (18/19) help or hinder an actress?
User, think you'll check out my new film?
Paid a prostitute to watch Satantango with me. Ama
What are some genuinely scary shows/movies that I could watch this October? I might see IT in theaters...
Was she the most beautiful actress of all time ?
Doona is bae
So we just gonna ignore this?
What's his end game?
Just watched this for the first time. What the fuck was the point of this movie? Other than making a billion dollars...
How long does he have left?
Guardians of the galaxy marketing is getting out of hand
So Courtney did it, right?
How is this? whenever I see people discussing it it's positive, but what could it be compared to...
This show supports
What the fuck is wrong this family?
What can I do while I wait for Rick and Morty to come on?
Good movies with bad titles
Transporters confirmed to kill
This fat fuck's show went to absolute shit
What's next for her career?
Hehe I'm le epic ringmaster *tips wigdora*
On an alien planet
Lmao guys what doth life hehehe
Why did her career crash and burn?
DCEU Iris West is 10x hotter than Lois Lane
Is it true that people who dislike Rick and Morty are unintelligent?
How can an annoying old man pull a hot woman like this?
Best actress of our generation
ITT: Your dream projects
Why did slashers die?
What the fuck was he taking ?
What r some moovies I can enjoy even if I'm not very smart (got a 73% on my IQ test)?
Why did men desire power above all else?
What did they mean by this?
What would be your ideal male face
*blocks your path*
What happened to him?
Neo Yokio rocks
Oh n
During the filming of Blade Runner 2049, Ford reportedly stayed in character at all times...
She wants to watch a film with you but you have to choose which one
His new movie is here
Name a movie that liberals will never understand
This movie is unwatchable
How do you go from this
Movies and shows that fit this chart
Worst movie alien of all time?
How much will this ruin the original movie?
Comfy Horror Shows
45 years old
/got/ - Game of Thrones General
S-she still /ourgirl/ Sup Forums
"Choose the form of The Destructor!
Legit the worst movie I've ever seen
What are some movies that capture the essence of Americana?
*Breathes in*
Post legit 10/10 episodes. Any show
Is this the Britney vs Christina of movies?
He's my friend
W-wasn't it supposed to be cute?
What the fuck were they thinking with this?
Yeah i'm pretty into movies. I'm assuming you're not really familiar with Wes Anderson
WTF I hate Game of Thrones now
Does this movie really deserves all the acclaim it's getting?
Anyone else find this niggas films incredibly boring?
Name a hotter movie character
We helped some people, didn't we Sup Forums?
What Simpsons gags took you a while to get?
Can someone explain this meme to me
You're excited for season 2 aren't you user?
I'm literally three minutes into this and I already feel like turning it of...
JUSTICE LEAGUE Test-Screenings
What went so horribly horribly wrong?
This is Disney star Isabella Moner, does she have a future in Hollywood?
What's the oldest movie you've seen?
Crank 3: Nofap
ITT: Video Store Memories
ITT the best scenes in cinema history
This is Alison Brie
Can Sup Forums agree that both Rogue One and TFA were inferior to the prequels?
Vice: Mainstreaming Footlove is changing how actresses are cast
My name is ___________ and you can go fuck yourself
Post a more cunty female
Your greatest Drive-In experience?
She will claim what she has been denied
ITT: movies that only impress people with extremely limited knowledge of cinema
ITT: movies with stupid premises
Two asians in one Star wars movie
Dan Harmon Suicide Countdown
Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?
I recently watched a French interview featuring the famous American actor Jonah Hill in where he is humiliated in front...
Dodge this
Is there a show more up its own ass?
Is there a better love story than pic related?
World peace season 1 cost a million dollars to make
What was his tax policy?
Who's the most based character on Americans?
ITT: actual lovecraftian movies
The only costume designed by George
English version
/got/ - Game of Thrones General
What is the GOAT stand-up special?
ITT: god-tier trailers
Lol lets put the two least favorite people to make a 30 min episode about a shitty movie nobody cares about
ITT: Sup Forums related clothing
What's the most patrician way of watching tv shows/movies?
Rich girl who just wants someone to love her
What's the worst movie you've ever seen in theaters?
It's confirmed The Orville is the Highest IQ Trek show
That shield doesn't belong to you. You don't deserve it. My father made that shield
Which one?
ITT: Movies where every actor involved regrets taking part in it
Were the performances kino?
Who's the best Peep Show girl Sup Forums? apart from pic related obviously
/trek/ Kino opening is back to menu boys Edition
Taxi Driver or Raging Bull?
Jesus, these digits are super
Hey Faggots
Why is no one talking about this new show
TONIGHT! Star Trek BOLDLY GOES where it has already gone before, AGAIN!
Post your top 5 films, not necessarily in order. I'll start:
ITT: bullets you dodged
What film series does this represent?
What's his catchphrase again?
Has her acting career peaked yet?
I dare you to find me a more kino sequence in cinema
Why do you guys hate Rick and Morty?
Why are there so many movies set in ancient Egypt and Greece
This is the most obnoxious movie I've ever seen
Movie is set in New York
Horror Movies for Halloween
Are you hyped for the new Peter Rabbit movie?
Who should play him as adult richie in the sequel?
Why is this guy famous again?
Wow he really took his gf's death hard
What is his Endgame?
Despite word of the cancellation by syfy, fandom rose up and gave us new hope...
What's his best movie?
Why isn't this lauded more? It exposes the death of free speech
Has anyone watched this show? I've heard its pretty good
/sys/ Say You're Sorry General
Millionaire field niggas and they're still oppressed
My goal as a film critic is to remain as objective as possible. What does this mean? Well it means that...
/sg/ - Simpsons general
How would you make a school trailer?
What's his problem?
What went wrong?
What did I think of this movie Sup Forums?
Are you looking forward to the new season of Vikings?
What are the best right wing youtube channels that haven't been censored by the youjew yet?
Dead Careers General 2
Proper lubrication and good joints will come to you, but only if you say "Thank you, Bigweld!" in this thread
185 million budget
"Gal Gadot is pur......"
Gods of Egypt
Does this hold up in 2017?
Lauren Southern thread
Do Americans seriously do this?
/got/ general
Whats next in the career of the beautiful and talented young actress Juno Temple...
Was he in the wrong to sacrifice people that pledged his life to him?
Where did it go wrong?
Best Buy or Worst Guy?
Things in everyday life and work that are usually handled very weirdly or poorly in film and TV
Prequel Love Thread
Why did they have this scene? Hitlers didn't die like that
Sup Forums webm thread
What went wrong?
Is she the best Europe has to offer?
Youtube kino is allowed here right? >>88120076
What happened to her? She starred in one of the most critically respected comedies...
Who is the best supporting character and why is it Skinner?
He is clean, not even a traffic ticket
Finn Wolfhard Net Worth
Doctor who general /who/
Why does he wear the glove?
How was it?
The Orville
I got an 8:30 reservation at Dorsia
Gonna watch the first season what am i in for
ITT: Subtle jokes in television you missed as a kid
You want a good girl, but what you need is a fish pusy
BvS comfy thread
What are some Gemma kinos?
You guys tricked me into watching 5 minutes of this shit and I'm pretty mad
New card, waddya think?
New Brick & Mortor today
Whats the Winnick consensus?
Does Sup Forums like WWE?
Actor Pierce Brosnan threatens to divorce wife if she loses weight
Who will play them in the inevitable biopic?
What the fuck is this shit
JJ and Spielberg teaming up again
Hey, I don't browse this board. Wondering what Sup Forums's general consensus is on some of the best films of all time...
Alright lets settle this
He's unironically not wrong
This is objectively bad. Why can't I stop watching?
"The world needs you! ..... I need you!"
Was her son Sheridan gay or what?
Never stands up to House, always does as he's told, feeds information to Vogler to save his job
$20,000 a month child support
ITT: Subtle Simpsons jokes
Star Trek
Todd is asexual
Please please please god make this happen
Post a picture and others post recommended films
Is it kino?
Nice hiss
Which is the best 90's sitcom?
How can Sup Forums ever recover from this?
What are some Christian kino? Pic related
Main character's backstory reveals he's been obsessed with the same girl for 9 years
What movies do girls like to watch?
Reminder that Olivia Munn is considered the worst and most unfunny correspondent on the Daily Show
Why does he look like my local rabi?
War movie does it's best to be as historically accurate as possible
Thoughts on Ashley Graham's performance on Lip Sync Battle?
The Little Hours
ITT: Times you acted like Pennywise
Who approved this ending shot?
This episode was dark as fuck. Quite possibly the darkest, most depressing episode of any TV show of all time
What's the best tvshow/movie to watch when drinking your life away?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Good for him
Gina Valentino film break through when?
Why are white """men""" so intimidated by strong black men being loud in the theatre?
Why is Sup Forums so obsessed with her?
I don't get it
Pardners btfo by their own organisation
Donate to us on Patreon
Do people unironically pay for Netflix...
What did he mean by this?
"The director said he could find comedy in almost everything but conceded there were areas even he would not mine for...
Was it kino?
What's the best episode(s)?
I've never seen a single episode of Rick and Morty. AMA
Why did Weyland-Yutani send a bunch of interstellar truck drivers to investigate the anomaly?
Post some jungle kino
Mon chéri, you can't handle me
ITT: Talentless hacks
Characters who did nothing wrong
Which ISP in Colorado should I switch to?
Role playing chat room
Literal 10/10s only please
"Thanks for taking me out to an ice cream shop user!"
Itt Reddit as fuck movies. Ill start. children of men and baby driver
"Whaddya mean I'm too old to play a teenage love interest in a movie? I don't look a day over 21!"
Did Sacchan do anything wrong?
Season 2 when?
How much do you sympathize with Larry David when watching Curb?
Makes a clear, coherent sound
What the fuck was his problem?
People are very strange these days. I used to know a girl; she had a dozen guys. One of them found out about it...
Why the fuck did someone make this film
Ally suffers from several phobias which intensify after learning that Donald Trump has won the 2016 U.S...
Why do the Riverdale writers hate Cheryl so much?
Minute to minute, this may literally be the most purely entertaining movie I've ever seen. Not the best movie...
What's the film equivalent of this album?
So I finally got around to seeing this, and I rather enjoyed it. it didn't really do anything wrong, good acting...
This is a kids movie
Was he a high functioning autistic?
What are some movie where the villain drives the protagonist(s) insane?
What the fuck happened with Bradley Cooper? the guy just dissapeared
Why is this allowed?
I'm watching a Voyager episode where the Doctor is helping someone give birth...
Actors its impossible to hate
What do yo think of super models getting roles in big budget movies?
MASS KINO EVENT TOMORROW: Hundreds of NFL players will demonstrate during anthem
They're making a movie
What would it have been like to be the Alien during this scene?
Was this Tarantino's greatest moment?
She won. Get over it
So what did we think?
I believe this is a metaphor for Artificial Intelligence and the fact that humanity will have to face and overcome it...
Will Alison Schermerhorn be nominated for an Oscar for her role in Steven Spielberg's new historical drama The Post?
What was her problem? Why was she such a bitch?
I do not have any hype for this movie
If you're a '90s kid who spent seven years watching Cory and Topanga grow up on "Boy Meets World...
Why the FUCK haven't you bought your Baywatch (2017) blu-ray?
Will this be kino?
It's over anakin! I have the high ground!
Love is a song that never ends
/got/ general how will the show finally end
Where exactly was he going?
Doctor Who General /who/
Hey Dad!
At what age did you grow out of David Lynch?
An Argentine played an Egyptian princess
It's a transgender rights episode
What are some places outside of Los Angeles with a robust film industry?
So we all agree that this movie would've been an instant 10 if not for Furiosa's character, right?
Fuck, my chest hurts after watching this (no pun intended). What a brutal emotional ride
Watching movie with family
What show has the worst fanbase and why is it Rick and Morty?
Literally what did they mean by this?
Are we hyped for Aquaman?
Why do so many young actresses do the short hair look?
Blade runner thread
Why didn't George Lucas film the original design? It's a lot scarier than some Jeepers Creepers devil
ITT Movies you have watched more than 10 times
Plain lo in the morning
ITT: Movies you've never seen
This show is self aware. Don't tell me Sup Forums actually took it seriously?
Well that escalated quickly
What went so terribly wrong?
What the FUCK was her problem?
Sup Forums approved tattoos
Why has this kind of zombie disappeared from film? Modern zombies are too fast and human-like. That's not scary IMO
Reminder: Seth MacFarlane whored himself to make this Kino Show
Now that everyone's seen IT, what do you think about her body of work?
I have never seen anything Star Trek and I want to catch up. Now...
Gone With The Wind (1939)
There is no Jim Carrey
What do you call this hairstyle?
Does anyone actually remember ANY of their names? What do you call them if you don't?
The "Amazing" Spider-man series sure was weird
This is the greatest action scene in film history. Say something nice about it
What the heck was her problem?
What the hell is wrong with this board's taste?
Pitch me your idea for making this into a film
Well well, look at the city slicker pulling up in his fancy german car
Never seen it. Spoil it for me
ITT: Interesting Movie/TV Details
He's my friend
Don't mind me. Just posting the greatest female stand-up comedian of all time
Best Cruise film?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...