Watch sex scene

>watch sex scene
>feel nothing
>watch kissing scene
>get rock hard
Someone explain

>Someone explain
Your Catholic guilt is repressing your peen

It's just virgin frustration. I feel that too

It's because being intimate and emotional with women is one of the greatest things you will never have

Same thing happens when I think about a girl i like

>watch sex scene
>feel nothing
>watch kissing scene
>feel nothing
>watch gruesome shooting scene
>get rock hard
Someone explain

I don't like you

>watch any kino scene
>get rock hard

guess my dick is a kino-meter

You should get hormones and start your transition.

Heh, did OP just recently see the opening of A Ghost Story too?

>watching movies with sex scenes and kissing scenes

what kind of faggot fucking movies are you watching

Ross, didn't grandma take away your computer for the month?

>watch kissing scene
>feel nothing
>watch sex scene
>feel nothing
>watch foot-puffing scene
>feel everything

>watch kissing scene
>recoil in disgust

>characters have sex
>he doesn't even eat her butthole

what's even the point?

>watch sex scene
>feel nothing
>watch kissing scene
>feel nothing
>watch two twinks look at each other longingly
someone explain pls

There's nothing personal about sticking your meat appendages in another humanoid.

I enjoy kissing more than sex. I enjoy jacking off most of all

last night I fapped to myself in the mirror while pretending to be Patrick Bateman

I'm getting really ripped too

Leave Ross alone, he seems pretty cool.


Why are some prostitutes remiss about kissing?

I would retweet this if it was a tweet

Shut up Hole, Ross is a pedophile, he's admitted it at this point just before claiming he wants to shoot up a school. Pedos deserve death

I fucking HATE the sound kissing makes in movies. I'm not /r9k/-tier, but that smooching sound makes me REEEEEEEE fucking hard. It's like fingers against a chalkboard.

you are so fucking hot

Fuck, relate to this way too much

Love shit tier romantic movies but can't admit to anyone

Two night stand is one of my favourite films

Felt so ashamed saying that

you have to be kidding me

How can one user be so patrician?

It's just so fucking terrible to me. I shut the movie off sometimes if the kiss sounds last longer than 1 seconds.

>watch sex scene
>feel nothing
>watch kissing scene
>feel nothing
>watch gruesome shooting scene
>feel nothing
>watch foot-puffing scene
>feel nothing
>watch two twinks look at each other longingly
>feel nothing
>watch plane scene
>get tom hardy

someone explain

Same for me with interracial kissing.

too much porn

>tfw realized when people say someone is attractive they actually mean "they give me an erection"
>I have never gotten an erection from the appearance of someone

That was one sexy scene


Girls only want guys who are remarkably outgoing and muscular. An average looking shy guy has no chance unfortunately.

>feel nothing

not even for this

Why do American midwesterners from the 80s tie handkerchiefs around their labradors' necks?

>put penis in gf
>she feels nothing

>implying that women are worth anything past their vaginas

I bet you're a woman or a tranny

name literally five (5) [fünf] kino's where this happens.

>>tfw realized when people say someone is attractive they actually mean "they give me an erection"

um cool it with the misogyny dude

>he hasn't felt the warmth of a woman's tender love


>watch scene
>get rock hard
someone explain

Posting any of these images should be a bannable offence

>beta male detected

b-back off m8!!!


The image loaded so slowly that the jump scare lost its effect.

>lie in bed at night fantasizing about cuddling with a woman

almost as though constant exposure to pornography has desensitized you to sex

>lie in bed every other night with a 1,000 yard blank stare at my own mirror in the dark, thinking about what "could have been" and "will never happen in real life" and contimplating the right appropriate time and date to commit suicide, and how you may even be reborn into a better life after it happens

Why not just mute the movie

I always have 3 potential love interests at any given time. That way, when one inevitable rejects me, I have backups to keep my hopes up and keep the bad thoughts away. It's a great system.

all the air buds

>put penis in gf
>feel everything
>bust in 2 seconds flat

>watch sex scene
>feel nothing
>watch kissing scene
>feel nothing
>watch gruesome shooting scene
>feel nothing
>watch foot-puffing scene
>feel nothing
>see two straightbros hug
>get rock hard

>petting/makeout scene
>rock hard
>sex starts
>instantly lose erection
Can anyone explain this to me?

its simple, you get depressed that it will never ever happen to you. That stress makes you lose your boner.

pretty much. gf wonders why i don't escalate to sex when we're together, but i feel it'd just ruin it.

>watch sex scene
>feel nothing
>watch kissing scene
>feel nothing
>watch gruesome shooting scene
>feel nothing
>watch foot-puffing scene
>feel nothing
>see two straightbros hug
>feel nothing
>See post about Sophia Lillis's poop schedule
>get rock hard

I wish I could do this more but I can't fall asleep or induce a dream while doing it. I can be comfy or be asleep, but not both ;_;

patrician. even if you get a gf, best to keep this mentality.

>you get depressed that it will never ever happen to you
Shit reasoning, as I have no reason to expect making out to happen to me either, yet I still get aroused by it.

yw faggot

Because you're probably part of the generation that was poisoned by easily accessible hardcore porn. You probably had access to scenes before you ever had contact with a woman and that's forever ruined intimacy for you. I just watch softcore now and i want to cum to the foreplay

>he uses reddit
Pls go back.

Seeing people make love like that, that could rustle your emotional jimmies way more than a simple pecking of the lips. and in turn you lose your boner

and the thought of a naked guy and his cock, that could be turn off too

if he is desensitised, why would he get hard at simple kissing

The kissing scene in Notorious is the hottest scene in movie history. I get stiff every time.

Same.... I always put myself into some kind of fantasy where I get the girl (Been doing a lot of prowrestling/dnd ones). I usually cuddle my big pillow as I fall asleep, or pretend to be laying next to my love interest

Its fucking weird and pathetic, but at the same time I have been doing it since I was 11 and it helps me fall asleep. There are some days where I just yearn to go to bed so I can daydream awhile.

Probably will try to not do it today so I wont sleep


I feel sad every time I see teenagers kissing in a movie.

Yes!! Oh gott yes! Finally.

It's such a disgusting disrupting horrible loud noise.

I never heard people in rl ever make those sounds.

I'm convinced that other people are drones and that they don't experience it either because they are incapable of emotions anyway.

untrue I'm one of those guys

>see that picture
>feel nothing
>read your post
>realize it was meant to be a jumpscare
>look at picture again
>get startled

They only want those guys but they don't want ALL of those guys.

Years of watching depraved porn have desensitized you to the poorly pantomimed sex that occurs in most films. But a scene of well acted genuine affection between two individuals excites you because you'll never experience it for yourself.

This actually makes perfect sense.

>Girls only want guys who are muscular.
>this is what /fit/ actually believes

sex itself is pantomimed for me I dont get action enough

Shit, nigger are you me?

Also hang in there, bro. I was a kissless virgin then I met someone who's favorite thing is fall asleep while I hold her.

I never did this because I was afraid of enjoying it, heh. I mean I never daydream. But I do have dreams when I'm asleep, where the girl I'm currently obsessing over loves me back. It sucks when I wake up because they feel so vivid. I probably have no chances with her but I will keep persisting, regardless of how people say that's what assholes do.

This is a good mentality, my therapist recommended me something similar too (not just for love but all aspects of life). It's good to have 2 backups, yes.

Man I always have like a million girls in my mind but I feel like purposely having 2 back up girls that is really unloyal to the girl you are interested in

You can't be unloyal to someone you aren't dating. If you're seriously with someone that's when it's time to jettison the back-ups.

What? No, that is NOT being unloyal. Especially if you are not even dating her yet.
2 people never own each other, not even when they are in a couple. Always have a backup or more because when one thing breaks and you don't have a backup, it can lead to despair.

You are not even dating and you already have to back ups

you may have a kissing fetish! like me!
or maybe i'm alone

Exactly? That's how it works.
You like girl A, she rejects you, you don't care because you can try B and C. And also look for a new A so you always have 3.
You can't just look for A and assume A will definitely like you back. There's a chance she will not and then you are back to zero. It's more emotional stress on yourself imo.

this is the patrician's choice

Kissing is awkward for me. My ex and I would never kiss, even though we'd fuck everyday we just skipped the kissing and got straight to it.

Nah dude that is not good. Your heart and mind is not fully in the right place if you arent giving the girl you are trying to date your full focus.

Yeah, so? Again how is that disloyal? If you're saying for awhile and exclusive it's probably a good sign that the relationship isn't gonna work out long term if you're still keeping backups.


You sound like my parents.
Sorry bro but I think your mindset is dangerous. There's no point in giving a girl you are trying to date your full focus if she doesn't like you back. It's a waste of effort. You have to only give her your full focus AFTER you realize she likes you back. Otherwise what's the point? She maybe won't like you regardless of your effort. Maybe she will but it's better to have backups, it's safer.

Provide a better idea if you are so smart. I bet you are the kind that "doesnt need no woman".