How can an annoying old man pull a hot woman like this?

How can an annoying old man pull a hot woman like this?

He's Jewish


Half a billion in syndicated tv money

I think Alexis Fawx is a pretty good porn surrogate for her.

funny and rich. Appearance doesn't matter for women.

Is that his real wife?

why did he marry someone who wasn't jewish?

Holy shit he actually is a billionaire

Being extremely rich, funny and charismatic.

He's a self hating jew, and a big fan of Wagner.

hes worth 600 million dollars

No. Bet he wishes she was, though.

He's a rich Hollywood Jew, dumbass.

You haven't realized yet? Looks in men are far less important to women than money and power.

And honestly though, Larry David is a funny guy. And humor counts for a lot... and honestly man, he could be pulling top shelf if he wanted, his woman is a hot 50 year old but he could have a hot 18 year old if he wanted.

I wouldn't say he's self-hating, but he's definitely realizes which stereotypes are true and has no problem poking fun at himself (like most jews).... and Wagner is the bomb, kudos for a jew to realize this despite Wagner's strongly outspoken anti-semitism.

>funny guy

funny how, like a clown?

They did date irl

Sheckles goy

no, funny and rich is what women go for for marriage, they still fuck chad on the side cause of his large penis and 8 pack abs

he's literally a billionaire

>Looks in men are far less important to women than money and power.
this is true, but ONLY if you have a billion dollars. even then she still won't enjoy having sex with you unironically, so you might as well get a whore.

Chicks dig the kippah.