But almost no movies set in ancient Mesopotamia?
Why are there so many movies set in ancient Egypt and Greece
>tfw no Gods of Mesopotamia
because all civilization on it were cities made of mud and shit with retarded art and satanic gods
Because arabs (and all muslims) will sperge out at the mere suggestion that they aren't the original inhabitants.
They trigger jews and muslims
It reminds them of a time before gay Abrahamic religions
Democrats aren't the only ones who want to censor the past
Do they sperg at ancient Egypt movies?
>retarded art and satanic gods
t. jealous kike
Uncool pagans like the Druids and the Picts
No because the Egyptian government has managed to rig the movie industry in displaying ancient Egyptians as arabs even though most of them had light hair (Ramses the Great was ginger)..
No since they believe in Exodus
They believe that Moses was a Jew and that jews built the pyramid, but also Moses was a muslim (somehow) so Muslims built the pyarmids
Don't bother trying to figure it out none of it makes sense.
But also some Muslims believe the pyramids should be blown up anyway just like they blew up Palymyra
Hair color isn't as important as the fact that Muslims believe in the historical myth that jews built the pyramids (they didn't)
Hollywood is babylon 2.0
also Intolerance was made by the director of Birth of a nation, has great scenes
talmud and kabbalah is babylonian mythos
Hair colour proves they weren't arabic or black though.
DNA testing showed that ancient Egyptians cluster with Bedouins and Jordanians
non-arabic jordanians maybe.
Lol no it doesn't.
>non-arabic jordanians
lol wut
>closest to ancient Europeans and Anatolians
not Bedouins.
>Giving knowledge to the masses that Abrahamic religions have different origins, and similarities with Sumerian mythology can destroy the foundations of modern zeitgeist
Babylon's secrets must stay hidden in plain sight for a reason
What are some good mesopotamian stories?
Is there enough for more than 1 movie?
There is the creation myth, the epic of Gilgamesh, the many, many stories of various heroes, gods and kings, and the alternative to just make an original sword and sandal adventure movie. But nobody bothers
Same study
>Krause’s team compared the mummies’ mitochondrial and nuclear DNA to ancient and modern populations in the Near East and Africa. They discovered that ancient Egyptians closely resembled ancient and modern Near Eastern populations, especially those in the Levant
Everyone would shit their pants if they knew the original Adam and Eve was a beast man fucking a temple prostitute for a week straight
Oh, and something with this aesthetic.
>It reveals that mummies were closely related to ancient Middle Easterners
>The findings show that the mummies’ closest kin were ancient farmers from a region that includes present-day Israel and Jordan
>Archaeological discoveries and historical documents suggest close ties between Egypt and the Middle East, but “it is very nice that this study has now provided empirical evidence for this at the genetic level”
>Instead, their closest relatives were people living during the Neolithic and Bronze ages in an area known as the Levant
Why didn't you highlight this instead? And btw ancient Europeans were farmers from the Middle East
Yeah those modern populations have been ARABED, that doesn't mean the ancient populations were arabic.
Because “muh white supremacy”. Just let them bask in there in their ignorance
Dumuzid the good shepard (proto Jesus) getting cucked by the goddess Ishtar into having to descend into hell every 6 months and then rise again to live on earth for 6 months
Enlil flooding the earth because humans annoy him but his brother trickster god (Enki) tells Ziusdra (Noah) to build an arc to service. Enki wanted humans to survive so they could keep doing his work for him since he was lazy af.
The Innana (servantgods ) rebelling against the Annunaki (master gods) in the garden of Edin. Humans are created out of the blood of the slaughtered rebel gods
Enkidu fucking Shamat the temple prostitue and then having fun times with Gilgamesh as they fight monsters in Lebanon
Enki tricking Adapa (Adam) into *not* eating the bread of life that the main father God (El) gave to him would have made humanity immortal, thus dooming mankind forever.
Everything in Genesis is a spin off of Sumerian myhtology.
Are you too retarded to understand the image? Ancient Egyptians cluster with modern Bedouins and Palestinians
>ancient farmers from a region that includes present-day Israel and Jordan
Nobody sensible would refer to such people as "Jordanians", as was done in this post.
Jordanians are the inhabitants of the modern country of Jordan. Ancient peoples from that region were something else.
No you don't get it.
They share DNA that is unique to Bedouin & Palestinians, however, those modern populations have been significantly ARABED and are not pure representations of their ancient selves.
The Levant was closer to Europeans genetically before Islam.
Why else do you think they're so much more retarded now?
>We reconstructed the genetic structure of the Levantines and found that a pre-Islamic expansion Levant was more genetically similar to Europeans
This less white the Middle East gets the dumber it gets. The same goes for Europe and America, sadly.
They should make a movie about this.
>According to Herodotus, the rites performed at these temples included sexual intercourse, or what scholars later called sacred sexual rites:
>The foulest Babylonian custom is that which compels every woman of the land to sit in the temple of Aphrodite and have intercourse with some stranger at least once in her life. Many women who are rich and proud and disdain to mingle with the rest, drive to the temple in covered carriages drawn by teams, and stand there with a great retinue of attendants. But most sit down in the sacred plot of Aphrodite, with crowns of cord on their heads; there is a great multitude of women coming and going; passages marked by line run every way through the crowd, by which the men pass and make their choice. Once a woman has taken her place there, she does not go away to her home before some stranger has cast money into her lap, and had intercourse with her outside the temple; but while he casts the money, he must say, “I invite you in the name of Mylitta”. It does not matter what sum the money is; the woman will never refuse, for that would be a sin, the money being by this act made sacred. So she follows the first man who casts it and rejects no one. After their intercourse, having discharged her sacred duty to the goddess, she goes away to her home; and thereafter there is no bribe however great that will get her. So then the women that are fair and tall are soon free to depart, but the uncomely have long to wait because they cannot fulfil the law; for some of them remain for three years, or four.
You are an absolute moron
Nordicism is not different than afrocentrism. ramses wasnt a ginger he was red haired with heavy baltic contribution, ginger isnt the same as red haired, everyone knows they were caucasian, but you are a retard for not understanding some phenotypes in the caucasian (and even in the mongoloid race are not static, the hair color of anatolians or mediterraneans don't mean filthy snowniggers were the original people there, just that those phenotypes used to be more widespread among the caucasian race. You are an absolute retard.
Wtf are you rambling about nords for?
>Arabs got Arabed
Fuck off brainlet
>everyone knows they were caucasian
Hmm, if only.
state sponsored temple prostitution is the only way Sumerian society could functioned since the
The Levant wasn't Arab before Islam, idiot
Neither was Mesopotamia or North Africa.
Are you implying Greeks were mestopotamians
Literally nation of cuckolds
Thank you based Alexander
Muslims didn't build the pyramids. It is known that it was built by the people of Hebrew faith. However the arguement is that Jews consider themselves the same Jews as moses' time where as Muslims consider themselves as the same as Jews in moses' time. By that I mean following the same laws a religious rules and stuff
See this post >ancient Egyptians closely resembled ancient AND MODERN Near Eastern populations, especially those in the Levant
Ancient Egyptian royalty were inbred, so recessive genes came out easily. Even then it was not most, the majority of Pharoahs had dark hair. Arabs do have colored hair, although it's rare.
Bedouins have always been Arab you fucking retard
There isn't a single mention of pyramids in your link
They were boring as fuck, mudhut tier architecture, shit compared to Egyptian and Greek architeture
Damn bro, the child benefits ware probably off the chain, get knocked up in the temple and live like a queen for life
> Caucasians in north fuking africa
Because their culture and mythology was appropriated by (((others))).
It was likely a fake story or a joke.
Yes, and?
And in India and West Asia too. Pretty neato that words sometime have multiple definitions, huh?
who are the Vandals, Alex
The Levant, Mesopotamia, Egypt, etc weren't Bedouin until the Islamic/Arab invasions.
The Bedouins were backwards illiterate desert dwelling nomads and pastoralists while the Levant, Mesopotamia, North Africa, etc by that time were full of sedentary agriculturalists already in the Iron age. Not even Muhammad could read as late as 600 AD.
Ancients Egyptians weren't Arabs or Bedouins or black.
Because there aren't as many records of what happened.
You realize Caucasians came to the Middle East from the Caucasus and then traveled to Europe right?
Do you even know where the Caucasus are?
Is Cyprus really supposed to be blue?
This is laughably ignorant. Babylonia dwarfed greece throughout most of history.
Never said they were Arabs. I said they were closest to Bedouins, Jordanians, Palestinans. Proof
In America, Caucasian is sometimes defined as "white European". It's dumb, yeah.
Babylon was the greatest city the Macedonians had seen
what about byzantine, any flicks on that?
Griffith's intolerance.
Great thread you fucking retards.
How can Greek and Egyptian movies even compete?
I still wanna know why the fuck Cyprus is blue. Who made this?
>tfw no adaptation of ted chiang's tower of babylon story
"Bedouins" are a result of actual nomadic Arabs and the people that mixed with Levantines and Mesopotamians, Egyptians, etc as they invaded the region.
Brainwashing. Masons faked the ruins from the 1700's onwards. It's their blueprint for the future. They never existed. We live on the stage. They game and exploit us from the occult backstage. Fake ruins. Fake artifacts. Fake history. Fake philosophical tracts. It's all phony!
>satanic gods
at least they were more based than yahweh
I will say timbuktu was a world power center