New movie idea:

New movie idea:
Two friends growing up together have always been close, until one day, one of the friends began to grow...
The small girl feels left out, and creates a device that can grow her body to any size she wants, but there's a catch.
She can grow, but she can never shrink.
What will happen when this device is used and the secret gets out to all of her friends?

Other urls found in this thread:愛-奉文-x-聖子

Who would you cast in such a film?

butterface, a bit of chub, massive tits. All signs of a slampig ready to rumble. Yiiihaawww

So she'd be a giantess?

Finally I get to use my Breast envy folder.

She can grow anything. Breasts, butt, height...anything that she feels inadequate about. She can just never shrink, and neither can her friends that get ahold of the device

Well you should've been more specific in the OP desu. I like the concept but next time word it better.

this sounds very promising. Can you elaborate a little more?

Anna Kendrick and Haley Atwell starring.

titlets, when will they learn?

You understand it now, so contribute some ideas

Probably never

No excuses for sloppy writing my man. Dude, Where's My Car? kind of already did it.

Two friends growing up together have always been close, until one day, one of the friends begins to drift ...
She has no idea of what is causing her friend to stop hanging out or talking to her.
To find out the cause she looks into her friend's purse, takes out her phone and looks through it

Sloppy, sure. And rushed. But that changes nothing

She see her friend has been calling a phone number 3x a day for a month. She cycles through her photos and see selfies of her like this


Wouldn't she look through texts first?

As she gets toward the end of her photo collection, she suddenly sees this photo and she has finally figured out why her friend has been so distant


why is it so fucking hot to see a chestlet staring at someone's big tits?

Envy is a powerful force

Second from the left is most qt though.

She looks at this photo, sees the date the photo was taken and remembers that time she asked her friend to go on a shopping trip and she said "NO'. Now she knows why she refused the invitation ...

That's not a selfie.

Possibly true. But I know who I'd go after

>asian bf
not this shit again

After seeing photo after photo of her friend with her Asian boyfriend, she suddenly feels jealousy as she sees how happy her friend is. The single thought that races through her mind was at that moment was :


Ahhh these beautifle girls are going to have me CUM. Post more Sup Forums please

Way to go, but we can move past this now...tits and giants, bitches

Ain't that just Manyuu Hikenchou?

wow that was a m knight shyamalan twist that I didnt see happening



They're about equally attractive. She's a textbook generic pretty blonde girl.

Is that Emily Kinney?

All praise the HypnoBoobs

Only post skinny girls with big tits pls. Fatties don't count.

A blend of vintage memes; expertly crafted.

Slampigs have their own role in life and society

This sounds like the kind of thing that will lead to envious little bouts of growth...a bit here, a bit there...things are going to get out of hand quickly

Booblander: There Can be Only Two

Women fight to the death and the winner absorbs the losers boobs.

That's why I like having a bro that's a tit cow man while I like mine perky and shapely. We should wingman up sometime.

stealth /r/asian masculinity thread, nothing to see here

Christina Hendricks deserves to be in this film. Maybe as an interested neighbor, or maybe an aunt?

why do you have these pictures of sarah

where the fuck did you find them

I went to hs with her, she didn't know me but I found her hot so I knew her?

did she only hang out with the popular kids in school? and did you have a crush on her?

She can flashback to when she was young, before she grew

Yeah. Maybe she also hung out with less cool kids, but I didn't know her like that.

Just know her name and image, nothing more. But when you spend two years looking at a girl at school and talking with your boys about fucking them you remember their name and image.

Might be her sister hannah though, I remember they looked similar and I don't exactly remember what they looked like.

Also no I didn't have a crush on her, she was just a person who existed.

Man this is an old image.

she goes to school in California / USC

Oh so you go to school with her now? Small world.

Me and Emma Watson. One part of my body GROWS. My cock. And the only way to make it normal again lies on the back of her throat and her anus. Hijinxs ensue.

Big tits are a sign that a girl is either currently or will become fat. Small tits are preferable to me for that reason

>first time she uses her powers

Time to make new friends!

A girl grows up with an older girl with bigger tits. Unable to compete, she is gifted with by a deus ex machina with a breast expanding machina. Never minding the strange runes, she immediately uses it, and is overjoyed to find out that she has beach balls for tits.
But, the next day, when she want to show off to the girl, she only looks at her with a perplexed expression. After some investigation, she finds out that the her tits are even smaller. In fact, they doesn’t exist in this universe at all. She is the boobs alternate universe counterpart, who is blissfully unaware of her big boobs but suffer backpains and want it reduced surgically.
Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to give each other their boobs, in order to equip the other with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves. While the two chase their respective plastic surgeons, DRAMA ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE OF BOOBS.

best of both worlds in that pic to be fair bro

it's 1>3>2=4

hey while i respect your opinion its fucking wrong, 1=2>4>3

who is the blonde qt?

emily kinney


>he's a titlet guy
I feel bad for footlets and pitlets though.

>he's a face guy
Enjoy getting cucked when she ages.

This is pretty generic fetish stuff, why would people be interested in watching an actual movie about this?

get out of here pynchon

Just because you imagine something doesn't mean it's true.

I would honesly still go for girl on right in OP's pic.

>tfw I married an a cup

wtf was I thinking bros? Are breast implants acceptable?

It's ok as long as she ain't a naggy selfish bitch. Tits eventually get wrinkly and saggy. Personality stays there forever and affects every part of your relationship, not just sex.

A boy falls in love with a girl.

Unable to confess, he is gifted by a deus ex machina with the girl's phone number. Never minding the strange area code, he immediately calls her, and is overjoyed to find out that she has a crush on him as well.

But, the next day, when he recounts the previous day's confessions to the girl, she only looks at him with a perplexed expression. After some investigation, he finds out that the girl he called is not the same girl he fell in love with. In fact, she doesn't exist in this universe at all. She is the girl's alternate universe counterpart, who has fallen in love with the MC's own AU self, who too is blissfully unaware of her crush.

Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private secrets in order to equip the other with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves. While the two chase their respective loved ones, DRAMA ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of LOVE.

Already a thing.愛-奉文-x-聖子

I used to love small tits cause they were cute and perky. Then I dated a titcow and she ruined me forever.

She's probably in her mid 30s by now.

Keira Knightly, 1995 Anna Nicole Smith

Who knows? She may have had a few kids and plumped those puppies up a few sizes by now

Keira wishes her tits were as big as the small girl.


