Why the FUCK haven't you bought your Baywatch (2017) blu-ray?

why the FUCK haven't you bought your Baywatch (2017) blu-ray?

why the fuck haven't you been the lead in a good movie since the Rundown , jabroni.

>that kid who liked The Rock more than Stone Cold

Because I can masturbate to you with just google images

It wasn't litty enough

Rock feuded with Haitch, not Stone Cold.

>that redneck who still watches Mandrama

will i be spraying my walls with piss from the NEVERENDING LAUGHTER after watching that movie?

im not settling for anything less.

Already bought it sir. Nothing like a litty beach raunch romp to close out another awesome summer on the beach with my bros :)

The show sucked, so chances are the movie sucks worse.