why the FUCK haven't you bought your Baywatch (2017) blu-ray?
Why the FUCK haven't you bought your Baywatch (2017) blu-ray?
why the fuck haven't you been the lead in a good movie since the Rundown , jabroni.
>that kid who liked The Rock more than Stone Cold
Because I can masturbate to you with just google images
It wasn't litty enough
Rock feuded with Haitch, not Stone Cold.
>that redneck who still watches Mandrama
will i be spraying my walls with piss from the NEVERENDING LAUGHTER after watching that movie?
im not settling for anything less.
Already bought it sir. Nothing like a litty beach raunch romp to close out another awesome summer on the beach with my bros :)
The show sucked, so chances are the movie sucks worse.
that movie deserves a sequel, so does Battleship.
too raunchy
Why if I actually did though
downloaded a web-rip
Has there ever been another case of an actor becoming massively popular without starring in a single good movie?
fuck you lmao
Because it's the Internet Age and we can see jiggling tits for hours on end, uncensored.
As I understand it, none of these bitches even get topless.
Name one
I'm not even going to argue with that. Most of Hanks' flicks are safe normie trash.
Denzel Washington is the black Tom Hanks. The only good movie he made was Training Day.
Will Smith
Burt Reynolds was huge in the 70s despite making only one good movie (Deliverance).
This comment really sums it all up.
There's about 7% of people that know Baywatch for the characters, plots, memorable moments, etc.
93% know it as that boob program from like around when Jaws came out.
They just failed to market to the biggest demographic, because they're old and they think people give a shit about a show from their youth.
The Rocks been in a few good movies though
No, no he hasn't.
I'm black tho?
I dunno,how much of littiness should I expect?
Needs to go back to making movies like The Rundown. All of his best work was at the beginning of his career.
The Rundown
Pain and Gain
I didn't know it came out. Grabbing my jacket and keys right now. #lilrratedbeachraunchromp
Pretty sad when the only "good" movie people come up with in relation to Dwayne is something as forgettable as The Rundown.
Ricochet was good. The Equalizer was ok, but it was kinda stupid so idk. Magnificent Seven was pretty fun. I can't remember Deja Vu and Man on Fire, but I don't think I liked them.
It brings back memories of when my parents were getting divorced and I watched this with my dad in his new house on a big ass tv. I also think about that one Missy Elliott song in the movie lol
Has The Rock ever been in a good movie?
At this point I use him to know what I should avoid.
>original movies
This. He's never attempted to make anything good because he keeps racking in cash making absolute shit.