How will Blunald Dlumpf ever recover?
How will Blunald Dlumpf ever recover?
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By being the President of the Country with no Black wife's son.
Trump satire usually falls flat because he always manages to make a bigger fool of himself irl
t. cuck but is that way
by evolving into Amnesty Don, the man who turned texas blue
>make a bigger fool of himself irl
I wouldn't phrase it like that but half the stuff he says is funnier / dumber than these weak south park attempts
Be honest Sup Forums how angry do you get whenever someone even makes a jibe at Donald Trump? Seems like you just go out of the way to get offended.
He's not supposed to recover or anything. It's just some stupid satire, the same thing they've been doing for well over a decade.
Stop getting triggered over everything, people have always poked fun at the president of the united states no matter who's in office.
>the depth of satire against Trump is literally "lol he has funny hair and funny skin color xDD"
Truly a timeless classic.
I just like pretending so I can make threads like this so people like you give me youvotes
I get annoyed when it gets repetitive. Were in for another 3 years of the same joke.
i'm tired of all the chicken littles and debbie downers who think america isn't doing pretty fuckin' good right now. the dude hasn't really done anything, wall street just chugs right along no matter what the shit the guy says. obamacare is still here. we aren't doing operation enduring waste of time tier military bullshit.
Act like an intelligent person and ignore it
we don't get angry we're just laughing at how pathetic sjws are
buttblasting drumpf supporters is so easily lmao
just shows wheimerikkkan't brains in true form
lol at the conservacucks whining
I'm laughing too.
I thought they said they weren't going to make fun of him anymore.
They've got a president who is currently uninviting athletes from the white house after finding out they were going to decline the invitation to the white house, it's probably pretty hard to resist.
they're usually not funny and i'm frankly tired of them.
at least when they made fun of Bush jr. It is because he made funny exploitable, but harmless, goof. they also spaced it out.
then during obama. not a single fucking joke on the president. We got south park making him Oceans 11, and Key and Peele making doign the bit with teh anger translator.
now it is like there is an 8 year backlog of presidential mocking they need to get out of their system. every single show feels the need to be constantly making jokes on Trump.
>then during obama. not a single fucking joke on the president
what a strange view of reality you have
Alt-righters absolutely fuming! Can they take a joke without crying?
No that user, but Trump got more shit from the media during his presidential campaign than Obama got during his entire presidency.
If you think this season or even the last several seasons of South Park were any good, you should consider killing yourself.
7 years*
Correct, that tends to happen when you're a president who says stuff like "Who could have imagined health care was so complicated". That doesn't mean no one made jokes about Obama, it means Obama didn't give them fodder for it every week.
I liked the tweets, maybe it was because of that newscaster monotone they were read in, but I thought they were pretty funny.
>little tiny rice balls
>oh trump just called kim jong un a fat midget
Even when he gave them fodder they wouldn't make fun of him.
Come on son.
I fr*cken love this timeline.
keep believing that goy
Even Hillary got more shit than Obama ever did. Hillary got blamed for creating a mess in Libya when it was Obama who was the fucking president. He is and always will be "the magical negro come down from heaven to absolve us of our white guilt" to liberals.
>Watching south park in 2017
I don't really give a shit, I don't really even follow the news about what Trump has been up to. Sometimes in these threads I pretend to be an alt right drumpfie, and other times I pretend to be a liberal. I'm just throwing shit at the wall. Like how I both sneed and anti-sneed post. Sometimes in the same thread
>magapedes pretending Trump's tweets aren't stream of consciousness gibberish
are you people for real?
take a fucking joke
I do the same exact thing. I hardly even use Sup Forums anymore because its so shit I just like adding more fuel to the fire and seeing it burn.
Is admitting this reason enough for a ban? I feel like it should be.
Discussing politics outside of Sup Forums REALLY needs to become a 30 day ban.
>undefeated edgelord Steelers refuse to come out for the national anthem
>lose to a team that currently had 0 wins
It's so easy to change an ip. Bans are completely meaningless.
Literally me but I'd never admit it because I'm a pro.
He wouldn't know that, he's from reddit.
For the morons who gets their kicks Drumpfposting or antiSJWposting outside of Sup Forums I guarantee it would cut it down a whole lot
It would be a minor dent at most. Also I don't really like to call people newfags as that some gay Sup Forums tier insult but your newfag is showing. You're saging wrong and nobody on Sup Forums really respects the rules and that includes mods and janis. It's all just shitposting now.
During the elections
After the election
>Deportations are up, healthcare reform is being negotiated, the stock market is doing okay, and we haven't gotten sucked into anymore unwinnable wars. Other than that things are about the same, maybe even slightly improving over time. True, there hasn't been the radical sweeping changes that were promised, but things are going reasonably well
>Alt leftists have to resort to starting riots and protests so they can blame DRUMPH for their riots and protests
>hurrrr nobody really cares about the rules every board is SUPPOSED to be like Sup Forums
If anyone here is a redditor it's you, no wonder the mention of a ban gets you so defensive
You forgot the most important things, putting someone who believes in the bill of rights on the supreme court and getting us out of TPP
So everyone who doesn't find this shit funny is a "magapede"? You have pathological black and white thinking.
You forgot to mention the part where he let factories dump more garbage in rivers, eliminated regulatory jobs, reduced the prestige of his position to the point he was laughed at to his face while making a speech at the UN, called Nazis "fine people", drained the funds of the secret service to fill his own pockets to the point they had to petition congress for more money, and displayed so much disregard for the fact that Russia meddled in the election that a majority Republican congress ensured that he could not overturn sanctions they placed on Russia as a result while also deliberately obfuscating the distinction between "Russia meddled in the election" and "Trump willfully colluded with Russia to meddle in the election".
kek, you ok there user? it's ok though you can call me a redditor I don't mind. This is the kind of shitposting I like.
Didn't they say they would stop?
desu itslike the same shit hesaid irl
No but people who care enough to defend god emperor from such tame jokes pretty much always are.
>Leftist lie, embellish, falsify, exaggerate, and generally do anything short of physical attacks (although they did try that on a few select occasions) to discredit him, causing faith in media to plummet to an all time low
>Why don't people believe me?!?!
If you had articulated your arguments in a reasonable, coherent fashion backed up by hard evidence, I might have a small modicum of respect for your argument. Since so many sources of information have proven to be so biased, I am unwilling to believe anything you say.
I ignore crying babies.
>I wouldn't phrase it like that but
We are talking about the same guys nicknames a person "rocket man" like a fucking children
>trying to parody something that is already fucking hilarious (Trump tweets)
>south park in the current year of our lord
what the fuck are they even doing anymore. They need to stop this saga shit and just go back to one off episodes, seriously, they can't pull it off.
This entire thread is pretty much complaining about how unfunny South Park has become. Last year it bashed on safe spaces and everyone here still thought it was shit.
The guy was a walking punchline without his teleprompter to guide him
If you don't want to see political jokes don't watch south park
If you don't want to see trump jokes dont watch colbert
If you don't want to see articles calling trump hitler dont read buzzfeed
Not to mention the fact that I'm pretty sure South Park is making fun of the fact CNN has resorted to talking about tweets for 6 hours to pad out the news day
>Russia meddled in the election
>literally only evidence is a few thousand dollars put into facebook shitposting with no actual effect on the election results
Can't wait for this shit to backfire on the left already
I thought they said they were going to dial back the Trumpiness this season, and get back to making random one off AWESOME-O type episodes. That's when they're at their best anyway. The topical episodes age like milk.
This makes sense because Borat is from a former Soviet Socialist Republic and Drumfold Towump is a damn dirty Zionist kike lover.
Brmls GRMFP is not my president desu
>>Alt leftists have to resort to starting riots and protests so they can blame DRUMPH for their riots and protests
Its everyone fault but dady drumpf abloo
The entire last year was about the presidential race of America and it was the lamest shit.
>Tip over a cop car
>Blame someone over a thousand miles away
>it's Trump's fault your side can't stop burning down its own neighborhoods
>If you don't want to see political jokes don't watch south park
Well I wouldn't mind if they were fresh and funny and not rehashed shit from the last 12 months that every other unfunny "comedian" has already beat to death.
Oh holy shit. The last two seasons just sorta blurred together for me. Where has the time gone
sounds pretty based desu, BTFOing nature, BTFOing the UN, BTFOing commies, BTFOing the secret reddit, BTFOing people who hate russia.
>tfw season 14 still feels new to me and that came out 7 years ago
I think that Thor episode was the last one I paid attention to, are the Stick of Truth episodes any good?
I liked em.
Strange, I don't see you asking for sources from the guy who wants to pretend Trump has at worst not done enough good things. Here you go though:
>Since so many sources of information have proven to be so biased, I am unwilling to believe anything you say.
oops I wasted my time, oh well
Except that's not what the episode was about. It was about him tweeting instead of running the country.
Somebody edit the baby to black
Should have tried maintaining some semblance of credibility and self-respect during the election instead of screeching and flipping cars for the last few years. Maybe then people would respect anything you had to say.
I know it's hard to tell on account of his usual twitter output but the primary joke in that was that the leader of the largest military in the world is using twitter to talk tough to a guy who is one of approximately 5 people in his country who can access the internet.
He can do both. Mainstream puppets just don't like that Trump can communicate directly to the public without their filter
Can alt-left handle an election without crying?
I neither screeched nor flipped cars nor lit effigies of him on fire (that was an Obama thing if you don't see what I'm getting at here)
It's interesting that Matt and Trey think Trump being president and the outrage around lgbtq acceptance is so controversial as to be more important to lampoon it's opposition than it's acceptance. They changed the polarization of their politics.
do you think Matt & Trey are trying to make it the publicly agreed discourse, so that the resistance grows even stronger?
Are they trying to fight a civil war?
why does Sup Forums look so happy being Kekked?
r8 me teevee
Anyone that browses reddit needs to be permabanned
I think they satirize people on the extremes and Trump has made his side the biggest target at the moment.
She's pretty cute
what is even the point of this shit of a thread on Sup Forums?
you "won" remember? why are you still desperately shilling. move on already
How many times a day do you post this?
>He can do both.
But chooses to do only one.
I'd be fine with that, that would get rid of most of Sup Forums.
because a satire of trump would be a competent trump
but no one knows what satire actually is
They just enjoy getting them shekels. They're becoming middle aged and they just want to live comfortably. So the path of least resistance it is,