Why does this movie trigger so many Sup Forumstards?

Why does this movie trigger so many Sup Forumstards?

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Race, in and of itself, is very triggering. No matter the message or approach, it's just very agitating to the Sup Forumsvirgin, gets them very excitable.

I'm surprised to hear that. The movie is basically mocking ultra liberal white people.
> I would have voted for Obama a third time if that was even possible.

Also they are literally using the blacks as vessel-slaves behind their false acceptance and "progressiveness".

Pretty telling.

i don't like the degree to which it's being praised


Movies that you forgot existed thread?

>Liberals are the real racists: the Movie

dude lmao blacks lol

this desu
softest snowflakes on the spectrum

You ever go on Sup Forums? They don't dislike this movie because they think it bashes fake liberal "progressives".

get out talks about the "white liberal" like malcolm x talks about the white liberal. which is true, the democrats are the party of slaves. what's triggering to Sup Forums is the idea that someone can get away with publishing that "nation within a nation" narrative, but they can't get away with their own "nation within a nation"

im a poltard. it doesn't. i thought it was a decent first foray for the director. he played it too safe and the ending was horrible though.

Doesn't seem good. I only like horror movies with a supernatural theme and this doesn't appear to follow that.

It's not anti-left, it's anti-white. Open your eyes.

The critics were way too positive for "only" a good movie.
Race bait+white guilt->99% on rotten tomatoes.

Sup Forums doesn't have a reason to hate its message because it is criticizing black-worshiping white liberals. but they do hate that it was a mediocre/shitty movie that got praised and shilled to high hell.

The movie Get Out is a horror/satire of leftist with the same mindset as you and OP.

the hypnotism was pretty supernatural.

t. didn't watch the movie

I can say that it triggered me because it made me realize that I simply won't be able to reconcile myself with the average leftist if they consider this to a poignant movie about race relations. For all the people saying that this is really about satirizing 'liberal racism', only liberals like it. There is literally no one on the left who is triggered by this, they all think it's a biting satire of everyone else but them.

You know that scene where the one black dude approaches the other black dude at the party and makes a comment about how he's glad there's a fellow brotha at the party? In a movie where Peele is peeling back the alleged veneer of liberal racism, that doesn't register at all. You know why? Because a nigger is doing it. There's no reason more, and no reason less. And that's what it boils down to. This shit is really about finding fault in anything whites do, and thus there's no self-awareness.

white woman with a black man

that's all there is. there are many other horror films from this decade, and no other films triggers white boys like this one, because it makes them insecure. It makes them angry
>muh white women how could they did a black man I'm such a nice white boy

It's pathetic. But what can you expect from them? They drool with insecurity.

But it doesn't

>non-retarded white people wanting to be black

I'm sorry but you lost me there.

>not wanting to see the destruction of your race means you're just insecure
>your face when

>I sit on Sup Forums all day waiting to defend this joint

>Jewish intermarriage rate: 50%
>White intermarriage rate (includes Jews): 7%

Which of these two groups claims their race is being destroyed again?

>white people are bad guys
>interracial couple
>movie wants you to cheer for a black dude
>its a "social thriller"
gee, I wonder why Sup Forums hates it. Maybe I should visit there for like 1 or 2 minutes.