What should we expect?
JJ and Spielberg teaming up again
Other urls found in this thread:
Spielberg looks like future JJ
latkas and pastrami
What would happen if Spielberg and Abrams did a Dragon Ball Z style fusion
My own clone
>female Syrian refugee drama
What, they're supposed to bring the men over not the women
Jewish propaganda.
This is something I could probably see Spielberg doing but not JJ. All he cares about is the cash, I see him as cold-blooded. He's obviously doing it just to leech off of Spielberg, who he knows is still profitable.
Little boys with sore anus'
>chick drama
not interested. relentlessly.
Villeneuve already did a same kinde of story without any bragging about it
Hmm... I wonder why they're focusing on females when most of the refugees are 20-30 year old males?
I wonder why Israel wouldn't have her?
Is Syria actually not in a brutal civil war? Where the fuck are the women and kids?
if it was a real doucu, that would be the drama, the whole movie would be still in syria, where the woman was left behind
That guy was most likely a Zionist sleeper agent. If so, he was doing that unironically because the Zionist state is a Nazi state.
More propaganda telling us how horrible us goyim are and how we need to open our gates for even more refugees.
They look like father and son there.
The fact that {[{Sup Forums}]} makes out """Jews""" to be left wing while completely disregarding the ages old stereotype of greedy Jewish capitalists who only care about money must really be pure coincidence.
Dead or in slaves camps.
I do not get it, what black people mean? Why half of russia black but another half white?
I agree fellow non-JIDF poster. Jews are not left wing whatsoever!
Take a guess (((who))) made it for propaganda purposes.
Oy vey, goy you gotta go kill those sandniggers and save the one holy true amazing super state of Israel, goy! Please go do that now! Look, our, heh, I mean YOUR race is in danger! Look at these (((statistics))) goy, you MUST KILL THOSE FUCKING SANDNIGGERS GOYYYYYYYYY MAGA MAGA
Not a bit!
I'm not seeing anything even remotely related to social economics here.
eastern europe is filled with slavs and mongs
not white
>not white
Said spic most likely.
Why is it always jews?
JIDF, be more subtle. You already exposed yourself by pretending jews aren't the leftist leftists that ever lefted.
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:
Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:
The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:
Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
The Jewish role in the porn industry:
Here you go.
This is probably the worst pasta ever and what's worse is that it's the most frequently posted one.
You reddit Zionist fucks know literally nothing about economics and you can only think in 1 dimension, sometimes in no dimension.
Pure coincidence, goyim. They dindunuffin.
This is fucking stupid. Ashkenazim are white. You're buying into their lies if not purposefully feeding them by saying otherwise.
>Jews control everything
>somehow not the master race
Also that still has nothing to do with economics as a system. It was clearly race bait. It's always about race with you fucks as if that means anything. Purposefully diverting from the REAL issues that you (((want to keep buried))).
In reality Israelis have small noses because they're not really Semitic. Arabs have big noses.
>Dead or in slaves camps.
Oy vey, anotha shoah! We must do away with nations and borders ASAP!
Just look at these poor disheveled souls!
>*this message was paid for by George Soros NGO
>Jews are GREEDY! Sup Forums BTFO
Yeah man you sure showed them
>Ashkenazim are white
Christ, it's like the Goths all over again
>Ashkenazim are white
Ma nishma?
>trusting The Times of Israel
How many females or children can you find?
30 seconds, GO!
Holy shit! There's female Syrian refugees? You learn something new every day.
uhm obviously they keep the children and females on a separate barge to avoid rape situations
Ukraine is also involved in a civil war, not as great as Syria, but it has produced a couple million Ukrainian refugees. Never hear a word about that, I wonder why.
>what should we suspect
After the White Helmets fiasco, mass suicide of anyone who looked into Syrian conflict for at least two minutes and who isn't a dumb Americunt.
>hurr durr america is bullying us! please feel sorry for us :(
seriously though, middle east deserve the suffering they got.
it's only matter of time before internal conflict in government erupts in qatar and saudi. which cause fragmentation of power.
Moral posturing and lens flares. Also a main actor to be a literal nobody who met them at bar mitzvah (looking at you Han Solo movie)
Someone should tell the 16+ I counted, JIDF.
Some boring ass lifeless sci fi flick that ends in families loving one another
Someone should tell the 16+ I counted, JIDF.
>qatar and saudi
>richest countries in the world per capita
Hmm, wonder why they aren't taking in their muslim brethren? Really makes me think.
Every movie Jewberg has made since Saving Private Ryan has been bland shite.
Back at home. Most of the migrants are not from Syria.
What hapened with them is that there is currently over 600 000 of runaways stuck in Poland, and Germany told 98% of them to fuck off.
Munich is pure kino
>Germany told 98% of them to fuck off
>that pic
Think of the children!
Hypocrisy and more Jewish tricks.
Their arguments for refusal make my brain hiccup. Ukrainians had wrong skin-color so they can suck dick. Germans told them all to fuck off, i guess hugely illiterate people even in their own language are prefferable to Ukrainians.
And as for the movie, given the general knowledge of any liberal elites about Syria conflict, it will be a shitshow of outright lies and obfuscations.
they figured out capitalism, holy shit
Are you telling me my small Canadian town is not being invaded by dozens of "refugees", or is this just some strange advertising campaign?
Do you think they will mention israeli involvement in Syria civil war? Like how they're treating ISIS fighter in their hospitals? The israeli have been at war with Syria for decades, ISIS is doing what they always dreamed of. Don't expect these zionist scum to talk about it. Spielberg said it, he'll do anything for Israel. As for his retarded son, it's even more obvious.
As if SPR wasn't one of them. It was disgusting military propaganda for the Pentagon, he promotes shooting war prisoners in his movie. Jewberg is like goyim are good when they save jews. Then he will piss all over you
No. There is literally no way in this conflict how to not paint Americans or Israelis like a bunch of assholes if they touch any finer point at all.
So they would have to completely sidestep any political view of the shitshow and focus on poor female refugee running away from russian bombs, finding safety in a camp in Greece, using her iPhone 6 to contact the rest of her family via free wifi graciously provided by Google inc. with transmitter relays build for that specific reason.
Don't forget McDonalds and KFC providing free meals to migrants, and Uber giving free rides...
Stuck in refugee camps in Lebanon, Turkey and jordan. Able bodied males who can travel to Germany where they can get free dental and iphone 8™
Whinging on Sup Forums.
Ukrainians went to Kiev, Russians went to Russia, I had a friend in Oryol who said there was lots there. Very few exploited it to move into the EU
God damn, jews are fucking ugly creatures.
miss him yet?
Dear me, it's almost as if cinema is trying to push an agenda that suits some small part of Western society while damaging the rest.
Oh well, I must be one of those tin-foil hat people that the media tells me about.
>Very few exploited it to move into the EU
Ukrainians speak russians and have a border with that country. It's a country that is stable and underpopulated, why go to Europe??
Syrians are in a different situation they went into the neighbour countries Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan. These countries are ovverpopulated and already saturated, there's no opportunities for syrians, that's why those who can go to Europe. Syrian never emigrated their country when there was peace. But the zionists decided there was too much peace in that region.
Good, let he hate breed
Half Life movie
this is one of the reasons why I can't stand leftsist. One of the MAIN reasons why women in Saudi Arabia still cannot drive is because of powerful lobby by the Uber corporation, because no one profits more than then on the women driving ban than them.
And when i then see some progressive cause shilling and Uber is signed under it and western liberals swallow it whole, it makes my teeth crack.
Where is an a10 when you need one
Is JJ trying to make an oscarbait?
Or is it simply the usual anti-european subversion?
Am I supposed to see an evil looking face in that smoke?
>female Syrian refugee drama
Weren't the Syrian refugees from the latest large wave like 99,9% male?
Afaik being gay hasn't been a crime in Syria since long before the "civil war"
it's fiction
A Syrian,female, lesbian is raped by white nationalist nazis and has to travel to the west to get an abortion. But white nazis block her progress at every turn. Only her brave and powerful will to kill her unborn child lets her prevail in the end.
John Williams will win and Oscar for the score. His soaring arrangement during the scene where the fetus is being torn limb from limb from her womb and thrown into a garbage can will bring tears to the eyes of the entire academy.
>Jews turbo shilling for Mudslimes
Does this mean we'll get a based sympathetic Hitler biopic soon?
>Older men are preying on young single girls
The place is a fountain of untapped PTP
Finally germany will perish
white people eternally btfo by this png
how will they ever recover
>Natalie Portman
>not superior Fran Drescher
.jpg with artefacts
Wew, jews win again
>fran fucking drescher
are you serious?