I don't get it... What was the deal with the unicorn? Was it meant to imply Deckard has implanted dreams that mustache dude knew about? If he was meant to be a replicant, why is Deckard still alive in the sequel?
Was roy battys motivation that he didn't want his experiences to be lost to the wind?
Why did the romance feel so rapey, and then suddenly they say they love eachother?
Overall though it was interesting albeit weird, the atmosphere and music was fantastic
Bentley Foster
>You JUST don't get it.
That's ok. Its super refreshing to see someone admit that rather than come in and start autisming out and claiming "worst movie ever, stupid, kill yourself if you disagree". Its nice that there are still people with enough self awareness to know when they didn't get it and the problem is them self.
The status of Deckard's is meant to be speculative in the film. The unicorn is subjective. He is still alive, what that means is yet to be seen. Roy wasn't as much about purely saving his experiences (though that is one of the main complaints he has on reflection of his impending mortality) he is more on a mission to reconcile his existence to his "God" and make it known his displeasure with his creator. The romance feels rapey because you don't understand male/female romance dynamics of society before the rise of the beta male and the omega/autism male. Men used to push women past thier comfort zones and they sort of liked it and accepted it. A male like Deckard is a alpha Chad and its unlikely you can understand his behavior, but audiences of the time and all cinema time before would understand it well enough.
Samuel Myers
Ridlet Scott liked the idea that Deckard was a replicant oo so he added stuff to his film to suggest it. However it mostly ended up on the cutting floor because the concept would have never got past Philip K. Dick, who had a deeper meanign in mind when he wrote the book the film is based on.
Charles Reyes
>watching the director's cut-ck literally the special edition
Owen Walker
Why was Doug Benson in Blade Runner?
Mason King
what version of this fucking film do i watch Sup Forums
Jaxon Gomez
Final Cut
Michael Morales
>If he was meant to be a replicant, why is Deckard still alive in the sequel? To be fair, sequel Deckard can be a new replicant. If they can implant memories in one replicant they can probably extract them and have a line of Deckard replicants that just thinks he's getting older despite having several distinct 'bodies'.
Luke Kelly
Final Cut, all other versions are completely redundant, no point in watching them ever.
Landon Martinez
There was a less of a dick way to say all of that not op
Luis Martinez
[Spoiler]thanks mate
Isaiah Nelson
Are you saying that those who believe the unicorn is not just subjective JUST don't get it?
William Evans
>Was it meant to imply Deckard has implanted dreams that mustache dude knew about? >If he was meant to be a replicant, why is Deckard still alive in the sequel?
Yes, it does imply that. The sequel is because Hollywood.
>Was roy battys motivation that he didn't want his experiences to be lost to the wind?
One day you will be dead user and nobody will remember you at all. If there was an out, would you chase it? Ask any religious person.
>Why did the romance feel so rapey, and then suddenly they say they love eachother?
How would you interact with a doll? And if it turned out to be really sentient? The girl just doesn't know better.
Andrew Lopez
This. OR...
He was a nexus 7, or 6+, remember the line about how they designed them with a 4 yr life span... Deckard could have been simply designed without it.
Jackson Evans
>How would you interact with a doll? And if it turned out to be really sentient? The girl just doesn't know better. He knew she was sentient. He was told as . such by her creator, had many conversations with her, and took an abnormally long time to decifer that she was a replicant
Jaxson Murphy
I just like it for the art design and Roy Batty. Priss is okay, too.
I genuinely hate Harrison Ford and Sean Young's performances, also. I legitimately think had the movie been cast with like Bruce Willis and Michelle Pfeiffer or something in those roles it would be universally hailed as a masterpiece and there would've been 50 rip-offs in the ensuing years.
Caleb Howard
Deckard has to be a replicant, otherwise him leaving away and fucking a robot is too awkward
Caleb Miller
Bruce Willis woulda been amazing for the role, but I don't think he was prominent at the time
Lucas Wood
Even better. Because then you wouldn't have Han Solo being the blandest man in the world.
Chase Thomas
Bruce Willis was like C-tier at that time but he's always got to have some input to his character's shit. Maybe that would be an improvement but Harrison Ford is basically a blank slate for whichever director is puppeteering him at the time. If Ford did anything it was at the behest of his director.
Jayden Long
>If Ford did anything it was at the behest of his director. Actually, Ford disagreed with Ridley Scott constantly (like any sane man) and thus turned in the worst performance of his career until the 2000s when he stopped trying.
Bruce Willis' first major film role was fucking John McClane. If Deckard had even a shadow of charisma (instead of nothing), it would've improved the movie significantly.
Bruce Willis was just an example, though. Given some more though, I could come up with ten more guys who'd probably have given a better performance.
Then remove the cancerous harpy that is Sean Young from the production, that makes everyone happier, and replace her with some other pretty face that doesn't really need to act but isn't exuding an air of horrible cuntishness the whole time.
Austin Sanchez
i know ford disagreed after the fact but he was working on scott's notes to him.
Ryder Richardson
The unicorn was added in a later cut and yes it means he's a replicant, originally it was supposed to be more ambiguous