This was fucking garbage. Do people seriously enjoy this for anything else aside from the visuals?

This was fucking garbage. Do people seriously enjoy this for anything else aside from the visuals?


>Do people seriously enjoy this for anything else aside from the visuals?
Not really. It's a piss-poor adaptation of the manga, it's only a third of the story with the ending of the last book shoe-horned in. It's just visual spectacle.

We're not going to (pay to) watch your remake, jew.

The soundtrack too.

But it's like said, this film is nothing more than animation.

I appreciate the animation but other than that it fucking sucked

>do people like a visual medium for it's visuals
why is this a bad thing? you're not reading a book. there's this meme floating around about "kinos" and moving pictures having to touch on some deep psychological topics. it's bullshit. yes, half the reason to appreciate a film or show is for it's visuals. moreso with animation.

It also has a great atmosphere for the most part, an amazing soundtrack and more complex themes if you're Japanese or just try to explore them more.

I do agree that its a style over substance film though, but I still love it.

this. there's nothing wrong with enjoying a book purely for its prose.

It's not just boring, its also fucking terrible

>implying adult audience wants to see some over-detailed over-serious plot for animated film

Nah man, Akira is truly the best anime because of the fabulous and uber expensive 80's animation. They really burnt some money to put all that beautiful cyberpunk imagery to screen

It’s really boring also what the fuck happened to Japanese youth?
>street gangs, tough guys, etc etc
>00s-present day
>social retarded otakus jerking off to little girls alone in their rooms

The music and visuals were good. It had some sweet aesthetic. But the story? Horseshit, very few deny that. Movies are more than just a story. It's a spectacle.

I watch it once a year and I'm kind of afraid of reading the manga in fear of it ruining the movie for me

thats what happens when one joint lands you up in prison for ten years. Youth doesn't get to be wild so they just pussy themselves up in some video game arcade.

Yeah.. because the manga with endless chases is better

>not living allegally

I disagree. Definitely one of my favorite films.

No, Japan is a first world country now. It's a comfortable place to live. You don't join street gangs and other criminal activities if you can live comfortably.

If you look at Akira for example, it's clearly influence by Japans past history, and specifically the atomic bombing of Hiro/Naka. That generation affected by the WW2 history in japan is kinda gone now, and the newer generation just know the comfort of living in a peaceful, first world japan.

This thread has been up an hour and still nobody has articulated why this movie was garbage.

Seems like people dislike the story.

It still has the best hand-drawn animation of all time. Soundtrack is great too. The story hardly matters.

WOW how contrarian I’m really impressed you don’t like a thing OP.

This is the best film poster of all time. Does anybody have a high quality scan of this version? I can only find the American version in high quality.

I use to think this was the most amazing anime film ever.
After reading the manga, I realize that it's mediocre.
Visually it's a amazing and important but the story is so condensed of what it should be and it lacks what the manga did perfectly.