Who do you prefer?
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Swords are cooler than guns so Yojimbo.
The non-weeb version
>Swords are cooler than guns
That's where you're wrong kiddo
Clint, because I'm not a weeb. Also, Kurosawa has never made anything on the same level of Once Upon A Time In America, so Leone is better.
>Kurosawa has never made anything on the same level of Once Upon A Time In America
He's done at least 10 movies better than anything Leone ever did
Are you retarded? Why would a weab ever watch a film unless it's an anime adaptation that he wants to shit on?
this is factually incorrect
the original, not the rip-off
Dollars trilogy is basically the best thing of all time, but the conflict in A Fistful of Dollars about pistols vs rifles is pretty lame. It's much better in Yojimbo when it's swords vs guns.
1952 Ikiru (To Live) 生きる Ikiru
1954 Seven Samurai 七人の侍 Shichinin no samurai
1957 Throne of Blood (Spider Web Castle) 蜘蛛巣城
1958 The Hidden Fortress 隠し砦の三悪人 Kakushi toride no san akunin
1960 The Bad Sleep Well 悪い奴ほどよく眠る Warui yatsu hodo yoku nemuru
1961 Yojimbo (The Bodyguard) 用心棒 Yōjinbō
1963 High and Low (Heaven and Hell) 天国と地獄 Tengoku to jigoku
1965 Red Beard 赤ひげ Akahige
1975 Dersu Uzala デルス・ウザーラ Derusu Uzāra
1985 Ran 乱 Ran
There you go. All better than anything Leone ever did.
Yojimbo was a little more coherent than fistful of dollars. I saw it first and it really hurt Fistful's enjoyability. That said, I'm more likely to marathon Leone than Kurosawa on a day off.
t. someone who's only ever watched the Dollars Trilogy
nah, I've watched the once upon a time movies and they're 8/10 at best
>leaving out Kagemusha and Rashomon
damn, my bad, I though rashomon was in, I switch it for the hidden fortress
Yojimbo is clearly superior and has aged like fine wine.
>admitting to being a pleb
Good going, lad. Now you only have to realize you're wrong, and should not discuss film until you understand it.
>Once Upon A Time In America
such a terrible shitty boring movie
I think he meant Once Upon a Time in the West?
A swordsman dueling a guy with a gun is theb est of both world
OUATIW is great OUATIA is just terrible
America isn't even as good as West, and Ikiru is 100x better than either.
Hmmm ... i am gonna assume this is a set up for a punch line ... i would choose ... clint, WAIT A SECOND
i get it, you son of a bitch
This is all part of your plan...
If i pick yojimbo, you will consider me a weeb and i would have a ghost fedora in my head but if i choose clint, i will have a real fedora in my head... DAMN IT
Theres no winning scenario here, though i must choose one of them, there has to be a good argument hidden in between the lines there can only be one genius level argument that can save me from being a fedora, this is quite the pickle
i cannot believe it, its a third layer ?!?if i get stuck into choosing i become a pickle, THIS IS MULTILAYERED MEMEING whoever made this thread is the god of memes, i am in deep trouble, this is too overwhelming, i don't think i can save myself anymore, the whole cosmos was reduced into 2 images where not choosing one makes me a pickle...
Ok op, before i go mad i will place myself unto your meme boots and work within the choices you gave me, so i pick SNEED
Are you drunk?
Wow, super convincing arguments my lad
holy hell
I'm sorry, that was really rude of me. Please don't take me seriously, I'm not trying to offend anybody here.
I've never seen any classic westerns and the only Kurosawa I've seen is Ikiru.
Every time I tried to watch one of those old Jap movies Ive fallen asleep
nvm it was Rashomon
What the fuck, mate?
You can both offend and have convincing arguments or even something remotely interesting to say, which you clearly don't
Clint is cooler than any asians though
all worse than Once Upon a Time in the West
I know... :'(
Mifune is cooler tha any western actor except Jean Gabin, John Wayne and maybe Henry Fonda
you've cracked the code. good job
was Leone your uncle or something?
Kurosawa was one of the greatest names of cinema
Leone was second-tier, a mere entertainer
Red Beard
West was pretty boring until the climax when you realize what everything has been building up towards. Then it becomes instant, dare i say, kino
Wouldn't go that far. TGTBTU is a legitimate masterpiece and a great artistic achievement.
Mifune over Eastwood by a hair, but I prefer The Leone Trilogy over Yojimbo and Sanjuro. Kurosawa was a far superior director overall though.
What about Last Man Standing with Bruce WIllis and Inferno with Van Damme?
This guy.
fucking japs
a-bomb them all
So...the final fight of Yojimbo then?
The Kill Bill of the 60es
Leone was literally a Tarantino
Except Leone actually came up with his visuals and scenes instead of directly copying them off of older movies
>Kurosawa has never made anything on the same level of Once Upon A Time In America
Ikiru, High and Low, Dreams and Ran are all better
Is that Orwell?
Yojimbo's opening theme is fucking 10/10.
>forgetting Throne of Blood
Plebs: Leone and Kurosawa
Patricians: Corbucci and Kitano
Corbucci wasn't able to combine image and music with the same dramatic intensity as Leone. He was never able to create anything without the gravity or excitement of a Leone or Kurosawa showdown.
Complete Schlock
*with the gravity or excitement
You think Eastwood could look this cool while carrying a handbag?
Mifune was probably the sexiest Japanese man to ever grace the screen
No homo
looks kind of weird tbqhwyfam
also he btfo his zapata westerns with duck you sucker (they're still pretty entertaining)
That's not fair, he doesn't have a cigarette. That would unironically make him look cooler
You're trying too hard to like less popular directors. They're objectively inferior to Kurosawa and Leone.
I agree.
>70´s grandma pants
>kid's sportsbag
>no cig
Weak, Clint!
Duck you sucker is so underrated. Fun as fuck.
BEST: Once Upon a Time in America
WORST: The Colossus of Rhodes
FAVORITE: Once Upon a Time in the West
OVERRATED: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly
UNDERRATED: Duck, You Sucker
>Mifune was probably the sexiest Japanese man to ever grace the screen
i'd say Mishima was up there too but he wasn't very good afaik
leone westerns are far more entertaing. the only that japan ever made that can compete with the minute-to-active-audience engagement of leone is maybe the lone wolf series and Mute Samurai show. You can watch all of leones movies and be completely absorbed by the comedic dialogue, action set pieces or character drama that encompasses the full run-time of all of leones work. all of which i find he represents is a more intriguing way visually than kurosawa. japanese kino is great but all of their directors seem to have a hardon for locked-down cameras and static shots. ye your vistas are really cool but i dont need 2 hours and 59 minutes of them. I just find the "down-times" in kurosawa films can be displayed in a visual manner that is more engaging. kids like the artsy static one-angle film school shot. whatever guess im a pleb
Kurosawa has a more geometric style than leone, and much more dialogue-heavy
Aside from Yojimbo-Dollars I wouldn't really compare the two
>UNDERRATED: Duck, You Sucker
so damn true. you think its gonna be a little comedic movie about a grubby bandito, but then the stakes and scale of the film get so much bigger. and even if the music is a little unorthodox, its memorable and really good and used perfectly. like in the scene where the camera pans over the dead rebels. This movie was a really good surprise.
You forgot Alain Delon
Clit Eastwood
Oh, and both suck balls by the way.
Tbe one i've watched.
You meant to say Kobayshi, right user?
>i've seen a kurosawa flick so i totally understand film guise!!!!
nice work outing your inferior genes, retard
No he meant Mizoguchi
Yojimbo honestly just because it was first, they're both enjoyable
I'd put Mifune and Eastwood on the same level as well but if I had to save one from a burning building I'd go for Eastwood
Nigger, what the fuck are you doing?
>70´s grandma pants
That decade was trash when it comes to fashion, he's looking decent there.
>I've seen Seven Samurai, Kurosawa is like, totally my favorite director!!
What if he isn't but I can acknowledge he was a fucking good and influential director with some great movies
>i loveee Japanese cinema so much my faves? seven samurais, yojimbo, kagemusha, the list goes on!!
So he has more than 15 mediocre or unremarkable films? Though lets be honest, you probably haven't even seen those either, yet you still pretend you're his biggest fan.
Classic Kurosawa fanboy.
I see illiteracy is your main feature
Sword Of Doom is my favorite samurai flick.
What does that say about me?
>influential director
name 3 (three) ways in which Kurosawa influenced film that Griffith didn't already accomplish 100 times over
Firstly, it's not a good movie.
Secondly, it's totally unrelated to the discussion.
Fuck off and get out.
You like unfinished stories that ramp up in eeriness and intensity with no real resolution
There is nothing wrong with that you pleb.
Griffith got killed the production studio cabal of Hollywood. Kurosawa looked back at Ford and was inspired by him, Ford was his hero. No doubt Ford learned some from Griffith. By now no modern director will point to Griffith and be like "He's my aspiration, he's who I draw my influence from." They'll point to 70s and 80s directors. Influence and effect is constantly moving forward, it's not something that just emanates from one point in history. But one should have an appreciation of the history of any art medium they invest time and effort into. So Griffith is important. But by now he's not "influential" anymore.
He lost because he's using a scimitar and not a katana.
>griffithfag is back
please kys