>"Am I evil?"
>"Worse, you're smart."
Are you fucking kidding me?
>"Am I evil?"
>"Worse, you're smart."
Are you fucking kidding me?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Sup Forums is such a brainlet lost cause it can't even understand basic R&M lingo
You populate the world, think about it
Did you type words? Looks like a random string of letters to me, must be because my brain is just too small to comprehend whatever you said.
That and the beta sexist closet racist bit were dumbest lines in the entire series. I had second hand embarrassment.
Wow I didn't think it was possible to make a worse episode than pickle rick but bravo you proved me wrong
I relate to this almost too much.
only big brain nibbas can understand the subtle humor and philosophical discourse that goes in the dialogue.
You really do need to get into the mindset of a Redditor to understand why this show is so popular. These people have never heard of adult animation in their lifes that wasn't stuff like Family Guy, it was completely alien to them. And they can't laugh at these shows because they consider these shows stupid. They want a show that isn't necessarily smart or funny or well-written, but that appears to be to appeal to their surface-level taste. Because these people live for that mindless self-validation. They don't actually understand what makes for good writing or good comedy, nor have they ever picked a book about physics. They want to pretend they do so and circlejerk themselves, that's what matters. Rick and Morty is just perfect for its demographic: these same college-age self-important Bernouts who "fucking love science". The entire foundation of the show is built upon the dichotomy between "silly sci-fi humor and references" and " things are super deep and tragic bro". This pseudo-intellectual "nothing even matters, I'm insecure about existence, we are all going to die" bullshit that R&M shits out in almost every episode is what appeals to it's audience. The show doesn't actually have the tact to even begin to offer an interesting presentation and discussion of any philosophy, so it spouts these edgy teenage catchphrases. Nevermind the bean-headed, noodle-limbed unexpressive character design, or how the story is non-existent and only comes up when the writers beg you to feel something for these characters so devoid of substance, or how the entire show is a trendy forgettable scenario of the week memefest with just enough sci-fi references to trick kids into thinking they are smart for understanding them, or how the characters have somehow been reduced to even more obnoxious caricatures than before, none of these things matter. What matters is that it appeals to the millenial redditor audience, and that's what's selling Rick and Morty.
why did they have to jump the shark like that
t. plebbitor
>Reddit and Morty is anti-intellectual
Who could've guessed?
Did you type that? Well, tough shit, it's pasta now.
t. Squidbillies fan
The fuck does this even mean? Most smart people do more to help society than hurt it.
How is Jerry a closet racist? Dudes parents are legit cucks and he was dating a blue faced alien.
wow another le badass warrior chick episode. can't wait for the alcoholic horse surgeon turns herself into a pickle. great show.
Wow, that's why Rick is SMART, not EVIL, you fucking sub-150 I.Q. ignoramus.
Was Q on Star Trek evil?
It really spoke to me
Israel references and the fucking "The Lost City of Atlantis" chapter
degeneracy, white holocaust, lgbti, minorities rights and invasion :(
> reference from STAND BY ME, take a look to the PIZZA GATE reference!! sec 30 )
Corey Feldman
> final scene on the atlantis chap, NWO by the (((evil morty)))
> another pizza gate reference
>25 (((shMEkels))) for fake boobs
> no thanks :(
You could use the same criticism against Joyce and Pynchon
t. brainlet
Moral relativism only occurs in people that have had the privilege of not immediately being socially indoctrinated into a collectivist, impersonal worldview. People that are either not afraid of spending time alone or had no choice but to, hence producing an individual that understands and has lived the merits of individuality. The philosophy of Rick & Morty advocates that such a free-thinking person is truly intelligent, with Rick being the god-tier mascot of the propaganda. He literally manipulates the fabric of his universe.
I think the only reason Sup Forums doesn’t wholly celebrate this show for it’s philosophy is the minute SJW pandering (if there is any), and the fact that the widespread availability/popularity of the show enables wide margins of people that are statistically guaranteed to be conformists and general fucking idiots to directly falsely identify with said philosophy, and then prance around like fucking idiots flailing their pseudo-pop-culture-declared-intellect around as if they’re one of the world’s privileged, gifted few.
It’s a reasonable perspective, though it fails to invalidate the show’s creative genius. The show gets the philosophical nuances of life in the first world down to a tee. Just gotta forget the fanbase exists.
>The show gets the philosophical nuances of life in the first world down to a tee. Just gotta forget the fanbase exists.
It's a good thing I read your last paragraph first, in which I could find out you actually liked this show and disregard your post entirely.
>tfw you read this post before the other user's post and know not to read it now
I do what I can ;)
That’s a libtard’s argument. Afraid of discourse like a bunch of fucking pussies, why even make a thread?
Sorry, you have a weird writing style that makes your posts really annoying to read.
>being this scared by original ideas
I guess I am evil
What, you mean paragraphs? Fuck off back to /reddit/ you illiterate cuck.
Because I don't like the show and I don't expect to change your opinion, or for you to change mine. I will allow that that's a libtard's argument, but at least I'm self-ware of it and not sanctimonious about it. I will allow that the fanbase, (and creators, for that matter), make the show more hated here than what is possibly deserves, but the show, (at least in the first season, which I actually liked), had too many obnoxious elements to ignore. I stopped watching the show after watching a few episodes of the second season after I thought there was a considerable decline in the quality of the episodes, and stopped watching.
I also dislike the approach of liking shows because they agree with some person's conception on an abstract issue like ethics.
I know this is bait but:
>anything written in
DO IT then and rake in the (you)s over at /lit/
You should learn to write more concisely.
holy shit, the amount of butthurt that drove someone to make that image is hilarious.
dumb frogposter
>I stopped watching the show after watching a few episodes of the second season
Oh my god, the irony of you posting in this thread
So you’re here to participate in this echochamber of hatred despite having given up on the show ages ago, and the reason for that is because you don’t like being ideologically challenged by the shows that you watch. Fuck being an individual, right?
Lurk more man
I know right, but the funniest thing is that no one can disprove it and that's what actually hilarious
tfw to smart to be evil
Why did they turn the entire family into fucking sociopaths?
Before it was only Rick with slight hints that Morty was getting to him but now each and every one of them are fucking insane murderers (with Jerry being unsuccesful at murder).
Even if some people are statistically guaranteed to be conformists, I think series like R&M just make everything worse.
Talking about nihilism without proper context is never a good idea.
You mean mindless groupthink and cuckolded adherence to Sup Forums’s anti-reddit meme culture
We should stop acting like just browsing here makes us better than the reddit hivemind. This place is a fucking hivemind too with just as many scared idiots
Literally me
what do you call that feel when you want to laugh but also cringe hard at the same time
I'm not sure anyone has actually read that or gave it a second thought, just its existence is very amusing.
Ideological pressure from proximity to the black hole of relentless existentialism that is Rick
So you want to censor this show because you’re scared of the ideas? Socialism doesn’t work
>because you don’t like being ideologically challenged by the shows that you watch.
See, this is where you fucked up. I never said anything of the sort at any point. I just said I thought the qualify of the episodes declined, which is why I stopped watching.
>and the reason for that is because you don’t like being ideologically challenged by the shows that you watch.
I discuss things I don't actually watch all the time. I do it more often for games actually because playing them is a lot more time consuming than watching movies or shows. If this is some character flaw or defect, it's probably problem that I have than inappropriately dismissing your original post.
I have read it. I agree with it. Now suck my dick, bitch
Strictly speaking, it's not an argument, but I take issue with the implication that what you said was actually original.
Sup Forums has been calling Rick and Morty reddit since it first aired but i still maintain that season 1 was pretty decent
>season 1 was pretty decent
edginess appeals to the teenagers who like this crap
probably a bigger problem*
>holy shit
who the fuck speaks like that? how old are you?
>Am I evil?
>Worse, you're a woman
Also, considering how bland the family was before, it's easy to make them "deeper" and more interesting by having them do crazy shit.
If Dan Harmon knows how to sweettalk women this easily, how come his wife left him?
>"Am I evil?"
Yes, I am.
Fuck. Beat me to the punch.
>see, this is where you fucked up.
Lmfao oh boy d-don’t hurt me senpai
Get over yourself
You didn’t just say you stopped watching because the quality declined, how about you scroll up and stop moving goalposts. You said
>I also dislike the approach of liking shows because they agree with some person's conception on an abstract issue like ethics.
You spelled out your love for your echochamber right there.
>I discuss things I don’t actually watch all of the time
Yeah I was just calling you out for the fact that you literally came to this thread to reaffirm your half-baked convictions of hatred for this show in solidarity with the rest of the village idiots that are literally only posting copypasta
Being your own person is fun too is all i’m saying
>that scene where Rick pulls out Beth's old toys
Wow, so this is that famous female sense of humor
>This place is a fucking hivemind too with just as many scared idiots
Maybe, but the system makes hivemind less likely, and you're much more likely to get differing opinions on issues. If that's surprising, that's how much of an echo chamber reddit is, or more accurately, individual sub-reddits. Also, if I thing redditors are plebs, and Sup Forums is less so, even if they are equally hiveminds, I'm going to prefer the latter, if only because it matches my taste more
>was expecting some fag to post the metallica version and act like they wrote the song
>So you want to censor this show because you’re scared of the ideas? Socialism doesn’t work
I didn´t say I want to censor it.
But yes, the ideas scare me, because I used to be nihilistic myself and know what that can do to someone.
I just thinks there needs to be some educational counter-effort, that tells people how to deal with ideas that are thrown around in shows like this.
Well all he said was true.
The question is why did they put it in there.
Does that invalidate the point, especially given the fact that it is not immediately recognizable copypasta; also given the fact that it is the only line of discourse in this echochamber of a thread that doesn’t mindlessly abide by the board’s most popular line of dissent? And even if it isn’t “original”, I’m anonymous, and very well could be the first person ever to have made that argument, ever.
So once again, I say
Oo fuck I misread what I fucking quoted, my bad user.
>I dislike LIKING shows just because they agree
I’m typing to too many people fuck
is that really the best you got
>Lmfao oh boy d-don’t hurt me senpai
>You spelled out your love for your echochamber right there.
You can consider this splitting hairs if you want, but saying I disliked your approach is not the same as saying why I stopped watching the show. It's not totally bizarre to respond to that by saying that I "love my echochamber," but I personally don't like this sort of analysis, which is why I dismissed your post, among other reasons.
>to reaffirm your half-baked convictions of hatred for this show in solidarity with the rest of the village idiots that are literally only posting copypasta
Maybe. I don't like the show for certain aspects and when I see the show is actually getting worse in this regard, I think my choice is justified and I feel solidarity with people that agree with me.
>Being your own person is fun too is all i’m saying
So, if you actually entered a thread with people who liked the show, and for the same exact reasons you did, you would be guilty of the same fault, or is there something special about the fact that I no longer watch the show?
>making sense in a Macedonian blown glass mailing list
Hm I respect that fear. I say rip the band-aid off though. For a lot of kids, Rick and Morty is a brutish yet easily digestible crash course into a lot of existentialism, philosophy and contemporary culture. I think the few that’ll learn to approach it skeptically without mindless adherence are worth the many that will run around acting as if the whole show is working to validate everybody
>I say rip the band-aid off
Hi Dan
>Does that invalidate the point
>that doesn’t mindlessly abide by the board’s most popular line of dissent?
What do you want? That line is embarrassing, and even people who like the show aren't going to defend it, and the thread is about that line. You can talk about how the show is nihilistic, or philosophical, or whatever the fuck is your pretentious reason for liking it, but that's not really about the OP's post.
>very well could be the first person ever to have made that argument, ever.
I'm going to say that that's extremely unlikely, and if it were, it still wouldn't be original. By that logic, maybe all the people who are posting those dreaded copypastas that seems to haunt you actually authored them, so they're "original" as well.
So once again, I say
I misread what you typed so my bad on the >muh echochamber argument there, if you didn’t like it you didn’t like it. I’m not some fanboy trying to advocate for the greatness of this show; I was just hoping for rational discourse (which i’ve now coaxed from you)
>your hypothetical
There’s nothing wrong with entering the thread. There’s something wrong with not adding any value to it, not adding any value to any of the discourse around it
What does this thread accomplish? What do these celebrations of hatred do? What value is there in obstinate hatred and its simultaneous denial of any and all discourse with an alternative line of thinking? I criticize the mindless enjoyment and groupthink because it murders board culture. These threads are literally made multiple times a day, with mirror posts
That actually made me cringe. I really don't know why they put that in there.
>I misread what you typed so my bad on the muh echochamber argument there
It's okay. I've been on the end of responding to numerous people against a "hivemind," basically trying to type as fast as possible while not really closing reading what I was responding to, so I can sympathize.
I like both versions, but the original is, you know, the original.* And regardless of the production quality it has a better sound. I have to admit I prefer the Metallica guitar solo though. That and I miss the "Yes, I fucking am" line when listening to the original. It punctuates things nicely.
*Though I've never been able to get used to the singing in the Borrowed Time version. It's too meandering or something, and just close enough to the original that it's disconcerting, like some uncanny valley shit.
Lightning to the Nations version: youtube.com
Metallica version: youtube.com
Borrowed Time version: youtube.com
But anyway, back to your originally scheduled program.
>being this incompetent at reading comprehension/argument construction
You can fluff up all of your posts with as many bullshit words and greentexts as you want, but it doesn’t change the fact that you’re a fucking idiot that’s hiding his inability to confront any of my lines of logic directly with well-reasoned posts behind a retarded “your ideas aren’t origjnal though!!!!!!” argument. You’re a waste of my time, fuck off
Because she's not evil. She's just smart.
>There’s something wrong with not adding any value to it, not adding any value to any of the discourse around it
Maybe. If I wanted to add value to the world, I wouldn't be here at all. I like having my opinion reinforced on this show, I like the humor here, and like the parts that would really trigger me being identified by other people and attacked and memed at so I don't have to watch the show itself to find what parts I wouldn't like so my dislike of the show can be affirmed.
>These threads are literally made multiple times a day, with mirror posts
Autism and people coming to the board at later times in the day. That explains it.
>but it doesn’t change the fact that you’re a fucking idiot that’s hiding his inability to confront any of my lines of logic directly with well-reasoned posts behind a retarded “your ideas aren’t origjnal though!!!!!!” argument. You’re a waste of my time, fuck off
Wow, I hope I never give the impression that I'm this mad. The, "confront any of my lines of logic directly with well-reasoned posts," almost sounds like it's from a b8/satire post mocking the pretentiousness of Rick and Morty fans, but I think you're being serious, surprise, surprise.
I didn't want to engage in an argument with your original post. I did, however, want to take a cheap shot and green text to attack your implication that what you said was original. You can speculate whatever reason you want as to why I'm making this choice
Are we clear?
>I think the few that’ll learn to approach it skeptically without mindless adherence are worth the many that will run around acting as if the whole show is working to validate everybody
If there are any kids that will learn to approach this show skeptically, it´s probably not because of the show itself.
All the show ever does, in my opinion, is convey that part of the reason that Rick is such a godlike genius, is because of his negative attitude towards life.
But in the real world, it´s not the cynical people that are successful, but the people who actually believe in and work towards something positive.
That´s why Rick and Morty is of such little value as a show, it doesn´t actually have any useful messages.
How’s trying so hard to get the last word in working for you?
That really wasn't my intention, but assuming you're the same user and you're just going to resort to asking questions like that, you can have it if you want.
I like it cause it reminded me of back to the Future. I thought it would be a wacky back to the Future with doc brown making cooler shit.
Now all I get is divorce shut kill the series
Rick isn’t that linear of a character. That argument is really common around here, and it’s used to make the show seem as if the represented existential dread is the central theme and drive. Rick’s existential dread is debased by the literal first episode, and is thrown into flux as a plot device regularly. This video describes it better than I can:
But essentially, his presence in the show actively works as a counter to that dread. His love for his family is his drive to live at the very most, and at the very least, his (theoretical) awareness that he’s in a television show meant to entertain his “gods” goads him on towards excellence/entertainment. Regardless of how you feel about that, this show isn’t as one-dimensional as you’re claiming. Anyone that’s genuinely paying attention should clearly understand that even Rick doesn’t abide by nihilism, he blatantly loves and is driven by his family.
For fucks sake, that’s what tonight’s episode was all about.
You can hate this show all you want, all i ask is that you’re original/cohesive about that hatred.
I said dread here a lot when I meant to say nihilism. His nihilism is thrown into flux, etc
If Rick and Morty was centered around nihilism though it’d be a show with no narrative structure and character development. It’d be lul-random every time, but there’s clear progression.
Hey Jarrod, big fan.
lol is that wisecrack
>intelligent people don't tend to be nihilists
Why did this line trigger you guys so badly? Is it just the Christfags making these posts? There is nothing wrong with that line, it's completely in character coming from an egomaniacal mad scientist.
It's self-masturbatory and blatantly false.
>Am I a good person?
>Even better, you're dumb.