This show supports

This show supports
>faggotry and gay sex
>interracial sex and coal burning
>hatred against Christians and religion

you sound triggered

As far as I remember the fag was a psycho who raped his friend

Is this /ourshow/ ?

Well, it is a Netflix show. What did you expect?

It just didn't ever need to be a show

Did you even watch the whole thing, dummy?

Hard to say since no one watches it.

Well it is a Stephen King story what did you expect?

is the tranny cute?

This. I imagine Shooter to be the same.

>literally says spike on the bottom right corner

>>hatred against Christians and religion
I bet they said some vaguely Atheist thing and that triggered your sensitive ass.

Actually I'm a muslim.

>interacial sex
lol its funny because that thing isn't like the others and its racist top lol xd xd

Most people seem to be too triggered to watch it to the end and half of the shit in OP's post is made up.
Although it's not saying much, this was as good as most of the other King adaptations.
the heathens die in the end

OP here, everything I've stated in the original post is true. I've watched every single episode and the ending was crap and all the important characters survived, even the faggot.

>zero trannies
>faggot suffers consequences
>not in the meme sense
>black dude wasn't a nigger
>balanced in the end
It was standard Stephen King fare. You seem to have missed all the subtexts but you're entitled to your opinion.

what part of "george soros owns netflix" don't you guys understand?

Just dont watch the shit.

wait Soros owns Netflix?

He has a chip implanted in every homosexual and Hillary voter, it's not exactly a great leap of imagination is it?

no, he just owns a lot of shares

It's also just really bad.


I enjoyed it, I wish they had cast more attractive actresses though.

t. triggered christcuck

I watched a few episodes. It was alright. I don't know how you can complain about those things on while being on a malaysian cartoon site that is constantly flooded by those things.

*tips fedora*

Yeah, she seems a bit too wimpy and it makes it really hard to root for her.

Keep watching the faggot is the bad gu, it's a show that makes everyone mad.

I thought her town whore mother was hot, but she's basically the only one.

>faggot emoboy is actually the villain, kills father, implied to have abused his mother, rapes girl, lies and manipulates half the main cast
>chad thundercock is actually a swell guy and gets shit thrown at him through most of the series despite the fact he was blameless
What did they mean by this? It's 2017, guys

I'm on episode 7 at the moment, does this thing have an actual ending or will there be a Season 2?
Does it eventually explain how the Mist chooses its victims? That part in which the priest gets killed by the 4 horsemen seemed kinda shit, I don't think he did anything to deserve it

Good thing I didnĀ“t watch it in that case

Except the tranny faggot was the bad guy rapist all along and chad did nothing wrong.

>hatred against Christians and religion

So basically it's just like Lucifer, Family Guy, Cosmos, The Simpsons, American Dad, and the vast majority of American TV shows

hatred against christians is rational and good, actually

The mothers face was a tad bit masculine and she towered over the guys, not cool.

>faggotry and gay sex
why? I saw the movie and it didn't had any of those

I hated her in Vikings and she wasn't any better in this desu

There are no trannies
There is a faggot but he's show to be the villain as opposed to the chad who is the hero
Also, the faggot kid gets beaten by the """"""straight""""" bully before having sex with him, and later is abandoned by him

>tranny is evil
>the gay kid gets heartbroken
>chad is actually a hero nice guy who sacrifices himself for his sister
>religion is the source of 1000% or the worlds wars, dont get me worked up on this
>nothing wrong with fxking qt hispanic girls

>black dude wasn't a nigger

fucking sort yourself out christ you're embarrassing

>religion is the source of 1000% or the worlds wars

I loved the movie, how's this show compared to it?

Its a shame because lovecraft himself was very redpilled

I got meme'd into watching this shit by people saying "it gets better near the end" No it fucking doesn't.
The only good thing about this show is the absolutely brutal come backs and insults the characters use.

It's unbearably bad. The acting, writing, directing is fucking awful. I had to fast forward through one episode because it was becoming literally unwatchable. Not a single redeeming thing about it, maybe the daughter's ass.

isn't the point of the mist that monsters are the real monsters?

This "mist" is some sort of artificial military experiment that kills you with your own past. Absolutely nothing to do with the King story or movie