Is The Road Warrior a truly flawless film?
Mad Max thread
No, it has flaws.
Be still my dog of war i understand your pain we've both lost the ones we've loved
Name some.
No more games! No more games!
not sure what to think of the judas priest cop chief mate
the dog dies
Objective rankings:
The Road Warrior
Mad Max
Fury Road
Beyond Thunderdome
The feral kid
Mad Max was better
Patrician: Mad Max
Normie: Road Warrior
Contrarian: Beyond Thunderdome
Pleb: Fury Road
I cordially invite you to BE my FRIEND
troll, literally no one thinks that. Mad Max 2 will forever be the greatest movie ever just based on the fact that they risked 80% of the films budget on one scene they had one chance at and it was all filmed in one take, the chase at the end.
this is the only correct opinion
His wife was still alive at the end and he just left her in the hospital
2>4>1st half of 3>1>2nd half of 3.
Swap 4 and 1 and you're me.
The feral kid is Tom Hardy's Max
Holy shit, I like that.
no she wasnt. The doctors said she wasnt going to make it.
Doesn't road warrior change that anyway? I thought his kid survived and was a boy in mad max but is a girl that dies in road warrior
The Road Warrior is the actual story.
Fury Road is an embellished retelling of the story told by a future civilization.
>Somehow has the exact same leg brace
the bit where Max carries the empty containers as if they were full of gasoline is silly
Good job, OP, it is a flawless film. You win Sup Forums for today. All thirteen year old boys should be made to watch it sitting in the front row of the theater for maximum absorption (like I did).
What bit? The only false gasoline cans were at the end. The ones that Max carried over his shoulders were full.
when the pilot throws 'em to the ground you can even hear they are empty
MAD MAX is like Star Wars. It's a great fucking film.
THE ROAD WARRIOR is TESB. It took the setting of the first film and made an even better sequel.
BEYOND THUNDERDOME is like ROTJ in that for some there is one whole act devoted to establishing shit for kids.
FURY ROAD is like the prequel movies. Way too much CGI and sort of missed the point of the originals.
But Fury Road is entertaining.
The PT is entertaining too. Entertaining =/= good.
no, but the 1995 PC game was
The Road Warrior = Fury Road > Mad Max > Beyond Thunderdome
what leg brace?
Actual rankings:
The Road Warrior (Because of Nostalgia)
Fury Road
First twenty minutes of Beyond Thunderdome
Mad Max
The rest of Beyond Thunderdome
>road warrior = fury road
try again
Mad Max - Son killed
RW + TD - No mention
The game - Had daughter, tries to save girl but fails
FR - has flashbacks to girl in the game or comic (two different stories both have a girl named Glory)
The leg brace he got when he was shot in the knee in the first movie
Mad Max was terrible
Fury Road is top tier kino.
these tbqhwufam
shut the FUCK up
ok. Sorry.
I actually think that, you chode. The Road Warrior was just for the general audience and has the typical Hollywood trappings, but if you're an Aussie the original is far better. More of thriller atmosphere, the amateur stunts were sick, seems like it's more imminent and captures the culture decaying.
I like to think that he idolized and fanboyed so hard over Max that he replicated everything about him.