
If Hillary wins, will you defect? The US will die.

I'm choosing between Russia and China.

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And that is why you fail.


Choose Russia m8, at least they are white.

Come to Australia, our government already sucks your dick

Low energy loser, sad!

If Hildebeast wins, you should not defect, you should defend.
as in defend your country from the beast.

Classical butterface.

Texas will just claim its independence.

That's what I've been thinking. Russia has better science too.

Please do.

Asian-Russia is your best bet

>go to china
>choke and smog on die
>go to russia
>be poor


>Choosing between Slavshit and Chinks.
You really know how to reach for the stars.

>willingly going to China

Are you masochistic?

I assume if Hillary wins by some means, there will be a military coup, as they consider her a threat or possible a civil war. Literally no one wants her.

Just come home, white man! Make Europe great again! MEGA

>Choosing between a dead country and an authoritarian hellhole.
There are layers of irony here.

Fuck that. If Soros' voter fraud steals the election for Killary we start shooting.

but Russians are white niggers

Chinks > white niggers

I don't wanna have to fistfight somebody once a week

desu i'll probably put the nine to my mind

i'm not living in the shit hole that hillary wants to form, not even a 'muh civil war' will do anything.

see you space cowboys

Texas won't do shit

Texas is only +5 for Trump because it's full of Hispanics now and because
>muh savior Ted Cruz

Anglos are

One can hope. But I don't see it happening.

We have killed our minds for science.

The only reason to defect would be if the government starts infringing individual rights and overstepping boundaries. If it happens, patriots should stay and fight. Only cowards flee.

Her administration (if you want to call it that yet) is already instigating war with Russia. We should be encouraging healthy relations with Russia, not increasing hostilities. I just don't fucking get it - are globalists just as evil and selfish as everyone says they are?

A true patriot goes down with the ship.

>I'll defect from the US because of Hillary
>but I'll defect to another nuclear-armed power

Literally why? You're not staying out of WW3 that way.

No, secession. Texas already poll at 40% to do so, hillary should be enough to get another 11%.

>Choosing between Russia and China
Staying in niggerville would be better than either of those. At least go to a white country.

Chinks are savage as fuck. They'll watch you get stabbed and just continue walking by as if nothing happened and let you die. Or watch a toddler get run over repeatedly and do nothing about it. I'd rather have a drunk idiot want to fight than be around people that won't even help a dying man.

>thinking that Texas could EVER stand against the federal army for more than a week

Laughing at you

>Defecting to China
Eventually they will probably label you as a foreign western subverter, jail you, then probably harvest your organs.

There is nowhere to run, there is nowhere to hide. You aren't welcome back into the United States of America.

>Thinking the federal army - which consists mostly of southerners - would fire on their kin.

A huge chunk of the "federal army" is Texas, not that I'd expect a leaf to know this.


Yes, I'm sure the top brass of the military hates Hillary, the demoness who will put them to work and give them wars to fight, more than the guy who said they were all garbage, and thinks he's smarter than all of them

Trumplings are THIS delusional

>Trump wins
>America is made great again

>HRC wins
>get free shit
>watch as she destroys country after country for her insatiable bloodlust
>try to develop a gore fetish from all the videos of people being wrekt
>maybe get lucky and get to live in a nuclear wonderland where I get to eat free rats and dead bodies

Jelly? Even if I lose, I still win

Oh yeah, and Russia has already stated they'd back Texas in such an event.

>I want to live in Russia
user... the whole point of Clinton's terror is that she will turn the US into another Russia through pay to play, free speech laws and unprecedented corruption. And your response is moving to your "based" Russia because of Putin memes and subtle RT subversion? My god you people are easy to manipulate, especially for self-proclaimed redpill I'm above propaganda normies are so stupid hahaha kind of people. It's terrifying how even Sup Forums is this susceptible.

If you don't get it yet you never will. They are literally a satan worshipping, child raping, genocidal cult/family/society with a goal of world depopulation and conquest. This is not hyperbole, it is a statement of fact.

I won't leave unless she actually destroys the country. If it comes to that I'll try to move to the UK because they seem pretty based right now. If not, Australia or New Zealand.

> choosing between flu, plague and cholera

Who else read title as Defecation?

>thinking the government wouldn't use northerners to crush your """"""secession"""""

KEK. What'll they do, supply you with a handful of guns? Putin is a few missteps away from having his country reduced to rubble - by arms or by sanctions. He literally wouldn't last a month against NATO

> Ben Carson wakes up and finds himself in gay soviet russia

This. I've let my US passport expire. I'm staying and will stand and fight as needed. Best to you all.


butthurt belt never fails to deliver

if hillary wins america is kill forever... hillary will make the 30 mio mexishits legal and they will be the final point and our last chance ever that would get a rep pres elected. i say you 2020 you're not even 50% white anymore

>Military polls overwhelmingly support Trump
>Generals endorse trump
>Somehow military is pro-Hillary


>Thinking anything but a negligible minority of northerners join the military
user, don't you know that the military is for racist hicks?

>leafs are this stupid.

Having actually lived in China. I will say it is a good place to live and make money, so good luck. Don't believe the Sup Forums memes on China. They always over blow things.

I'm actually a US citizen myself, having left the US in 2013 after nigger Obama got his second term. I chose Germany. First two years were great....until the "migrant" crisis. There's literally no reason other than Trump to come back home. If Clinton wins, I will also move to China. Xi'an specifically.

>supply you with a handful of guns?

Eh, Texas is in possession of a huge arsenal, is a huge weapons and munitions producer, including nukes. Russia has the Russian military force, that's what they bring to the table.


If you only knew leaf, if you only knew.

>Nato has a huge issue with ransomware. They are literally retarded when it comes to IT most of the time.

We've lost a generation to sjw and Jesus freaks. Our science is 50years behind where it should be.

Maybe the average joe in the army supports Trump, but the top brass is firmly behind Hillary. Especially after Trump continues to mock them

>the military is for racist hicks?

Literally doesn't matter. Secession is illegal, and any attempt to do so by a lone state will be crushed. You have to be seriously retarded to believe otherwise

thats where I will move if hillary wins

>top brass is firmly behind Hillary

Both China and Russia will conquer space and inherent civilization, either one is preferable to a Hillary US..

Where do you live? I moved to Freiburg a couple of months ago and I've barely seen any of these migrants

Nah, if a few states join in, the US Federal Gov't would miss an interest payment. Say goodnight when that happens.

Lucky bastard. I'm in Munich. It used to be a wonderful place. Then I actually witnessed people cheering migrants as they left the train. It was unreal.

>Russia has the Russian military force, that's what they bring to the table.


>implying the Russian army could EVER get to Texas before the revolt was squashed
>implying NATO high command isn't just waiting for any reason at all to squash Russia like an insect

A Russian-Chinese military alliance would be the only thing capable of challenging NATO hegemony, and even then it's tight. Russia alone would collapse in a few months.

I audibly keked user

have a (you) on the house

>will you defect?
Anyone that would abandon ship because their candidate lost was never serious about changing the world anyway.

Key word, retired

They don't have any political power

Yeah i was in Munich a few weeks ago and it was definitely noticeable there. In Freiburg they just seem to stick to their shipping container camps

>Russia alone would collapse in a few months.

So would USA once Millenials can no longer get their iphones and ipads

>revolt was squashed

Selective reading, yo has it. Texas is a large military power in of itself. Your notion that it'd be civilians with hand guns and rifles against the us military is sorely mistaken.

>Saying "Russia" like it was a coherent ethnic block.
It has Germans, Slavs, Muslims, Mongols and what not, depending on where you are.

Not everyone is a coward who abandons their country like you. You millennial piece of fucking shit.

It would have to be like California, Texas, and New York. The red states that are predisposed to secession are a drain on the federal government, and would not survive without the gibs.

Pretty dope

Again I wouldn't expect you to understand sinc you're a leaf that active military aren't allowed to voice such backing, hence retired, which is an apple not far from the tree situation.

If Hillary wins, I'm moving to Spain.

Portugal is craving people with 10s of thousands of available residences.

At least I don't have both wildlife and shitskins trying to kill me in my country.

Besides, this is case in point. Whether you like it or not you are quoting canned material prepared by propaganda experts like Yuri Bezmenov's colleagues who didn't defect. "Butthurt belt" appeals to the same part of the brain as "cis white male tears" and "Donald Trump is a racist" and you just use it without thinking - exactly like the other groups mentioned. I bet you're going to hit me with the Russian horde building Estonia's superior infrastructure or some shit on par with we wuz kings.

Visit the butthurt belt, visit Ukraine, see first hand the hungry babooshkas selling apples while her husband shoots up krokodil and tell me where do you see this based empire?

That's China you economically illiterate muslim

No, Texas does have a well-trained national army. Doesn't change the fact that the federal government would have air superiority, naval superiority, and numerical advantage. There is literally no scenario where Texas escapes a US Navy blockade. Federal government wouldn't necessarily even have to fight - just surround the state and wait till the fat Texans start starving

does it seem logical to you that the top brass would support a random outsider who says how much smarter he is than them, over someone they've known and worked with, and who they know will give them the war they've been chomping at the bit to fight?

Colorado would shut off the water to Cali, game over. Repeat situation for other states as well. All states are dependant upon each other.

The night clubs used to be able to turn away the niggers and sand niggers, but "muh racism" politicans made them stop doing that. Now their are sexual assaults and fights every night weekend. Not even worth going now.

Freiburg sounds nice, is it a university town? How did escape this madness?

>Aldi's now have security guards....

While that might be true, I'm familiar with Spanish, I'm dating a Spanish girl, and know some people in Spain.
Besides, Spanish culture, history, landscape and architecture has always been superior in my opinion to the Portuguese.

You said the same thing about Obama yet none of that happened.

Trump wins = nothing changes
Clinton wins = nothing changes

First thing Trump will do if he wins: approve a 10 billion $ loan to Mexico so they can pay for the wall.

>tfw white
>tfw born in the us

wat do. On one hand, maybe she'll let me and my senpai in. On the other, I'm a fucking white male

>Doesn't matter
Texans alone make up 15% of all armed forces. Other southern states clam another 45%. You are delusional here leaf. Especially when you realize almost all munitions and assets are stored in Texas.

>Secession is illegal, and any attempt to do so by a lone state will be crushed.
Who will crush them, the remaining 30% of faggy nu-males from the north? lol

>You have to be seriously retarded to believe otherwise
You have to be seriously retarded to believe that the Feds would Shock and Awe Texans into submission. It would at the very least be a years long civil war that results balkanization of the US at best.

>top brass is firmly behind Hillary
This is a lie

>Doesn't change the fact that the federal government would have air superiority, naval superiority, and numerical advantage
No they wouldn't, for reasons pointed out above

>just surround the state and wait till the fat Texans start starving
Bro, Texas is a net exporter of agriculture, has its own power grid, a massive aquifer and would be in the top 10 global economies if it were its own country. A siege/blockade would not do a damn thing.

HRC wil genocide whites as well. Just like her husband.

>Colorado would shut off the water to Cali, game over. Repeat situation for other states as well. All states are dependant upon each other.

That's implying that every state wants to leave the union. Do you think Colorado, an overwhelmingly democrat state, would want to leave if their democrat candidate defeated the individual who they think is akin to the antichrist?

shit word filter lol

Going to Russia or Korea.

Actually, I planned on doing that when i got the money anyways.

cherry picked

China every time. Hong Kong or Taiwan if you can.

It's not just that, Texas is the base for much of the "US" military. Texas secedes a large chunk won't be US anymore.

>Texans start starving
Top kek, Texas is a huge food producer of everything, beyond self sustaining. A blockade would hurt exports but never would be when Texas would starve.

>a random outsider who says how much smarter he is than them


>Even if I lose, I still win
Just like Trudeau intended.

>First thing Trump will do if he wins: approve a 10 billion $ loan to Mexico so they can pay for the wall.

Not even close.

>an overwhelmingly democrat state

u wut m8? 200,000 people in the past two presidental elections doesn't make overwhelming amount faggot leaf. Maybe it does in your no population country though.

>implying Russian millenials aren't a bunch of drunk weebs who just play pokemon go

You wouldnt last a day in either country, not to mention why the fuck would either accept you?

>Im moving to a different country when my anti-immigration politician loses

Are you retarded?

Why are conservashits so deluded?

>EU country

>immigrant vs expat

Expats bring knowledge, immigrants are welfare sucks.

Anyone could last in China. Literally everyone on this board could easily be an English teacher making 10,000 RMB a month there. Which is far and wide enough to live.

>Expats bring knowledge, immigrants are welfare sucks.

Are you seriously implying that since hes American, China and Russia will accept him with open arms?

Do you people not know how immigration laws work?

>t. not an argument

>You said the same thing about Obama yet none of that happened.

Nopers. Obummer campaigned on stopping Murika's wars etc., HRC is campaigning on starting war with Russia over her emails and blaming everything on Russia.