Why is Tim Drake considered the best Robin?

Why is Tim Drake considered the best Robin?

He's not.

Because he's the only one who will never grow past the mantle.

Because the two other Robins are better in their new roles and Damian sucks ass.

There's a vocal minority of comic readers who grew up in the 90s/early 2000s when Tim Drake was Robin and think he's the best simply because he's "their" Robin.

That's literally it. Aside from that, he's as bland as a character can get.

Because he's awesome.

This. Just like people who prefer nu-Venom to Eddie Brock venom

the same can be said for Dick, Jason, and Damian

thats the only reason Barbara is still around as Batgirl even though she was better as Oracle

>the same can be said for Dick, Jason, and Damian

The only one of those three who could be described as bland would be Dick, and at least he gained a personality once he became Nightwing. Tim just took the default template that Dick left and did literally nothing with it.

They did make him a more "thinking" Robin, to the degree than Ra's calls him "Detective", something he normally only calls Bruce.