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Comics #883
Why don't more people talk about Pete? He can be a pretty effective villain, when Disney wants him to be
Britany is cute
X-Men (mostly) Complete Messiah Epic Storytime, pt.24
Harvard University's Suggested Film Viewing List: Animated Films (2012)
Censoring toons
Why is this allowed?
Is Champions the only truth voice of our generation?
Agents of SHIELD Slingshot
Empire: The Short, Happy Life of Roons Sewell Storytime
ITT: Shows where the Fanon is better than Canon
Hickman Avengers Storytime
Make Spider-Man Amazing Again
Anyone else grow up reading and loving Asterix comics?
Providence #12 has been solicited
Batman vs Mr.Satan at the world marital arts tournament. Who takes the win? Forfeit, ring out...
Ms Marvel is no longer a top 100 book
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
No new star vs for january
Say what you will about these movies...
Why, I do believe it's time for some early Silver Age!
HYDRA War announcement fucking when?
Want to support independent porn comics
ITT: God Tier Villains only
RWBY/RT General #1037: Based Kitty Momma Edition
Professor X is dead after years of defamation
How come when other shows have boys cross dress its considered hot or funny but when Steven Universe does it...
If DC wants to push a Black Hero so bad why don't they push Static Shock instead of that boring shit Cyborg?
More on RL. Stine's Man-Thing
"What the fuck did I just read" moments in comics thread
Why wont they just say what the reason was? Shit is just making me resent them
Is Shanda the Panda worth reading if you're not a furlord?
I am going to rob a bank
Did they ruin Ultimate Peter Parker's death by bringing him back for no reason
Who would win in a fight?
OTP, Couples, Shipping
Marvel NOW Free/Matched Comics Sent To Retailers
Kal-El vs Sun Wukong
Erin Esurance
Hickman Avengers Storytime
Decide to watch SU
Has the DC Rebirth hypetrain slowed down? Cause, from all indications, it doesn't look like it has
Reaction image thread
Puff the magic dragon
Batman & the Joker
So Sup Forums what are some of your family's odd history with Sup Forums material...
Movies really ruined this guy
Who's the most likable commercial mascot?
ComiXology's Best-Selling Comics for the Week Starting December 7, 2016
Batman Moments
Could it be?
Ed, Edd n Eddy
Sexy Mera Thread
Is Steve the best love interest for Wonder Woman?
You'll never grab them and roll them around in your hands for a few hours
Do you ever just feel bad for a character?
So is there any other comic writer who hasn't had a mental breakdown or jumped off the deep end...
Why do so many people here hate him so much?
Magik Thread
Why doesn't she just go on a diet?
I haven't been keeping up, has anything come of this?
Legend of the Seven Swords
Best Disney princess movie in the last decade?
How on earth did they fuck this up? Like wow
What's with modern cartoons and sisters?
Wonder Woman Removed From UN Ambassador Role
ITT: Examples of Bad Forced Diversity
So... its done
Will he ever ditch the poor man's Iron Man armor in favor of a sleek shrinking suit?
I was only 17
It's a women are heartless cunts episode
Pooh Bear, here, any horny girls?
Watching this as an adult
You'll get your rent when you FIX THIS DAMN DOOR
Legend of korra
What does Sup Forums think of Cadillacs and Dinosaurs?
What is his best run?
Poppy O'Possum
Redpill me on art college. Is it really that bad...
Happy Birthday Carol!!!
ITT: Favorite x-men line up
Jack Kirby's Fourth World its a must read?
Batman by Tom King
Is Gravity Falls worth watching?
Hey Sup Forums let's read PUKE FORCE!
I feel like this is wrong, help me out Sup Forums
RWBY/RT General #1036: Sugar Laced Ball of Lightning Edition
Hi Sup Forums! Gimme some sugar!
Questionable Sup Forumsntent General #878
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
Cute Couples
Does this really turn people on?
If you could kiss ONE Sup Forums character, who would it be?
How do you even get started making "serious" animated content in the west?
Is it wierd if im totally fine with Shocker being a black guy and kind of prefer it?
Did you not like the show, or did you not like her, Sup Forums? Or was it both?
Frozen: 1.3 billion
No luck on Sup Forums so i will post this here
Supergirl Thread
Bruce? I've been talking with Gordon, we need to have a chat
Empire: Princess... Warrior Storytime
Is Svtfoe the best cartoon on tv right now?
Star vs thread
What exactly separates the old seasons of Spongebob from the new ones? Is it just nostalgia?
What are some good comics/cartoons about a post nuclear world?
What's Sup Forums's opinion on the Weekenders?
Why does Galactus wear a mask?
Okay Sup Forums what the fuck happened between Gwen Poole's and her parents?
What's the appeal to this guy?
Why didn't he walk in, look confused and disgusted, sniff a few times and then ask, " Is ... is that, piss?"
Are there any other good Canadian cartoons besides Ed, Edd n Eddy?
Smallville Season 11 Pt. 9
After 3 seasons of BTAS, he became pettier in TNBA. All he do is avoiding problems instead of trying to fix it...
Is it even worth making cartoons these days?
Would you fuse with your friends if you could?
Generic DnD-tier villain
Has a cartoon show ever died/got fucked over by hiatuses this quickly...
A fucking time bullet
RWBY/RT General #1035: 'Interest' Edition
Major Bummer Storytime Part 1
Was he right?
This board is mine
Give me 1 (one) reason as to why Tambry isn't best girl
Is animation dying?
Star vs. Season 3?
Eventually Disney is going to make a live action Aladdin. And they can't use Robin Williams...
Patrick Wilson to play Orm in Aquaman
Sup Forums thread thread?
How the hell have we gotten this far into season 4 and not had one plot advancing episode
Good Night Sweet Prince
ITT: Clichés you hate
Post the Lisa Simpsons of their respective shows
ITT: "villains" that did nothing wrong
I fucking give up whenever he shows up in a book
Best version of Batgirl. Prove me wrong. It's impossible
What are your favourite Looney Tunes moments Sup Forums?
Uncle Grandpa
Voltron: Legendary Defender
Adventure Time: Islands
X-Men (mostly) Complete Messiah Epic Storytime, pt. 23
What was the worst episode of the Golden Age of The Simpsons?
IDW Hasbro Universe lettered previews
Travelling will never be a problem
Would you read an Archie Mario comic?
Batman TellTale Episode 5
So what the fuck's this about each reality having its own Living Tribunal?
When did you finally "get" Superman?
How would you make a Legend of Zelda comic? Who should write and draw it? Who should publish it?
Which Sup Forums (or even Sup Forums and Sup Forums) swordsmen could defeat him?
Why, I do believe it's time for some early Silver Age!
And people complain when there are too many white princesses
RWBY/RT General #1034: Atlas removal Edition
MCU Spidey
Does anyone else prefer Batman when he's alone instead of having a bat family with people who cling to his ass like a...
MARVEL, DC, IMAGE, and 9 Other FREE COMIC BOOK DAY 2017 Solicitations
ITT: characters who are still in limbo after rebirth
Endtown 12-12-16: Eyes roll out of sockets
Will they ever admit that the story arcs were a mistake?
Does Marceline work better as a character that is straight, gay, or sexually ambiguous?
Does he count as a furry?
He makes a good point, Sup Forums
Anyone picking Ami over Yumi
ITT: Best comics of the decade so far
How do we improve him?
/bcbg/ Bittersweet Candy Bowl General (Best Frenemies Edition)
What is the animation industry like in mexico and other shithole countrys?
Why in the hell was Edd friends with Ed and Eddy? He only gets shit from the other kids by being with them...
Does he have autism?
What was Robin listening to?
All-New Wolverine will be the only surviving X-ongoing from ANAD; also gets new regular artist
Daily reminder that animal cartoon characters are not furries. They are toons
The Mighty Thor #15 preview
Now that Wally West is back in rebirth and has a new costume i need a new name for him any ideas?
Live action Chew
So, Chris-Chan is officially a Sonic character now
November 2016 Comic Book Sales Report - Top 300+'s
New tan thread
I really miss Bearded Guy, leader of the Red Lantern Corps
Where can i pirate this? anyone got PDFs? pls
Sup Forums Christmas Cheer Thread #13
Better Days
What's the worst Sup Forums related review/reviewer you've ever encountered?
Live Action Sup Forums appreciation & hope thread!
Newfag here getting into DC comics. What's worth reading from DC Rebirth?
Movie just came out weeks ago
DC/Hanna-Barbera Crossover Annuals for March 2017 Announced
Let's start a thread
Too bad we didn't see Joker in Nolan movies, and Anarky was shit
Is moon knight kino?
Gypsy Coming To THE FLASH
Why do people hate John Stewart?
Green Lantern Geoff Johns Storytime Part 8
Define "CalArts style"
These are the top two comic book films ever made that have yet to be topped
What is the appeal of animated movie characters singing Real World POPular songs?!?
Ultimate Spider-Man
CN had their own potential Spongebob on their hands
Superbuddies Storytime Part 2: I Can't Believe It's Not The Justice League
Job is to protect Riley
Gunnerkrigg Court - Chapter 60: Page 13
ITT: Perfect Ships
Show me what you got
Which team wins?
RWBY/RT General #1033: Happy Holidays edition
Can we get a Claremont X-men thread going? I'm on issue 200 and loving it so far...
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
Moon Knight
Baby groot wasn't meant to sell toys
If Rachel Wilson was real do you think I'd have a chance with her? I know this is weird...
ITT: Characters who have canonically taken it in the ass
Star vs. the Forces of Evil
How would you have resolved this subplot?
A billionaire genius really couldn't think of a better way to fight crime than punching individual criminals in the...
/doag/ - Dumbing of Age Grumpfest
Previous thread:
Say something true about a character that's so contrived, absurd...
Shelf Thread
Where's Flash?
Lisa is for _______
Okay so, is this just bad character design?
Say hello to the most deadly piece of cancer to ever come out of Disney...Gurgi
Why are normies loosing their shit over the new Spider-Man film so much?
Rocket Power is not really a 90s show, it's an 00s show. It had most of its run (1999-2004) in the 00s. For instance...
This whole series was nothing but a uncle tom brutally attacking and jailing his own people. NO TRIAL, NO JURY...
How does she get money for food with no job or source of income?
Why was she in the game again?
Liam is now into comics
Why is this show so popular?
Let's read some X-Men comics about the best bad guy, Emma Frost!
Sup Forums OC thread
India has superheroes now?
RWBY/RT General #1032: Spirit Animal Edition
MCU Main Villains
Thoughts on this movie? It's airing right now on Discovery Family and this movie is weird
Previous Thread
Luke Cage: we should start a petition to bring back Cottonmouth, continued:
Kaecilius is for _________________________
Bleeding Cool Bestseller List – 11th December 2016
So I guess we can all agree that these guys are the only truly competent animation studio today right?
How can they reinstate her secret identity after Oliver blew it for no reason?
Is Medusa the hottest Marvel girl?
Kisscartoon is dead
Continuing to drink and storytime...
Oh look, Huntress Wizard is in DotA 2 now
Okay Sup Forums, let's pretend that real life superheroes could be actually successful in stopping crime...
Obscure characters that you're a fan of
Mysterio Thread
Ned Leeds
Genius hack or overrated manlet?
CAGE! by Gendy Tartakovsky
The Lego Batman Movie
When everyone talks about this show they always say how they had a crush on Jenny when they were younger...
Smallville Season 11 Pt. 8
Badass fight scenes
Why can't minority heros hang in the top 100?
Name a more relatable character. Protip: You can't
Meme Gems Edition
Men In Black Storytime
What episode did Peggy Hill go too far?
Dog Shit
Who will win the MarcoBowl?
The "Man in the Shadows" featured on the post-credits scene for THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN was originally Electro...
Batman should have a super-power. A hidden super-power And also be half-demon
Could your waifu become a smoker?
Post any and all upcoming animated films and series
Fucking dropped
Will Disney ever have the guts to have a Disney Princess get drunk?
X-Men (mostly) Complete Messiah Epic Storytime, pt. 22
What was her name again?
Ben 10 Omniverse Mid-Transformation Abominations
Animation Domination General #1: Ho Ho Ho-rrible Shows Edition
RWBY/RT General #1031: God is dead Edition
The histories of man shall be naught save dreams
Think of a Sup Forums character. Any'll do
Ms Marvel is no longer a top 100 book
ITT: Cat people
So I just started getting into comic books and I came across Moon Knight. I got the trade Lunatic. By god he's so rad...
Babs and Dick: Rebirth
Superman Thread
As a black person, thanks marvel
What is this show supposed to be about?
Honestly this movie is a good comics adaptation
Are there no more heroes?
New Latchkey Kingdom Pages
Are there any other literal, canon Sup Forums bastards
X-Men (mostly) Complete Messiah Epic Storytime, pt. 21
Tynion Promises Changes To the Team, and More Tin Drake
Spider-Man: The Lost Years Storytime
Niggas, what's gonna happen with the show? Will this be as good as Stakes?
You guys laughed at Heroman when it came out, but it was awesome and foreshadowed the Marvel boom
Actual Mega Man X comic never ever?
Is he right?
These threads all suck. Too much live action discussion
Dub's decides what I do with this what this
Pick a team, any team
Question: why isn't there more pirate/sailor/mermaid Sup Forums related things? It seams highly unexplored
It's been a while since I've seen the show. What are people's thoughts on Princess Bubblegum?
No seriously, what did she see in this deadbeat slob? The show certainly provides no answers, so maybe you guys can
How important is inking?
What part of conservation of momentum is so hard for her to understand?
Who's the best side character?
Post Grade A cringe
Just bought the movie on PS4 for 5 bucks, I wanted to hear what is Sup Forums's view on "All Dogs go to Heaven"?
Am I the only one who doesn't really like The Loud House?
Empire: Betrayal Storytime
Best one shot Simpsons character?
Post shitty characters that get added to the main cast in later seasons
Do superheroes use condoms? And villains?
This is the best costume in a comic book adaptation
I finally got around to watching season 19, and so far I've agreed with almost every single thing PC principal says...
So do you guys read proper comics from artists like Carl Barks and Don Rosa or do you only read superhero crap?
Vampirella 2017 reboot & redesign
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Dumping some stuff
Spider-Gwen and Gwenpool are no longer in the top 100
Give me all your Marvel SJW trash
Post a better fight scene than this:
'Powerless' Synopsis Reveals Change From Insurance Company To Wayne Enterprises
Superbuddies Storytime Part 1: Formerly Known as the Justice League
Remember when Orel fucked every single woman in town? Good episode
Creates a character that is so powerful that the only way to beat him is to stop his birth
RWBY/RT General #1030: Transcending Dimensions to Smack a Ho Edition
I wonder what Vulture's wearing under that comstume
Doesn't rely on slow "intellectual" humor like Regular Show, Adventure Time, Steven Universe
Does anyone remember the show kissyfur? there was this one time character donna, she was a real bitch but she was hot...
What do you think of Mary "Iron Spider" Jane?
How do we fix Falcon?
A show for toddlers had a more memorable villain song than the latest disney movie
Why cant he just kill the Joker?
Villains who became heroes
Mutant Survivability
I can't be the only person who thinks this dude is a bad writer even in Dark Knight Returns and Year One?
And that's how the entire village got herpes
ITT: Artists with a inflated ego
What does Sup Forums think about Pig Goat Banana Cricket?
Post a better Sup Forums related game
I hope this shit will ruin her career
Did you Buy this stupid game Just for Finn & Jake?
So, I just saw this and I have a few questions
November 2016 Comic Book Sales Report - Top 100's
/CTG/ Channel-tans General
Sup Forums Christmas Cheer Thread #12
Powers not used to full potential
Hey Senpai, who is the greatest skeleton character in comics and/or cartoons?
LOL Riley has no friends
Name a more iconic voice actor. I dare you
Superhero catchphrases or sayings thread?
Toonami General #7
Official LEWDS
Was this show good?
Steven universe is likely getting cancelled in the near future
/sug/ Steven Universe General
Star Vs
Toonami General #6
Will it be a cashgrab?
Sonic Boom S2 Ep 5
Does Sup Forums like Fantastic Planet?
Kill Six Billion Demons
Toonami General #5
You will literally not argue this
Let's check the tape
We have not made a Gorillaz thread for a while
Toonami General #4
Why did King of the Hill make Canadians look like huge passive aggressive assholes?
/doag/ - Dumbing of Age, Goddammit
Toonami General #2
Spider-man Homecoming
Sup Forumsnstructive criticism
Here Come the Scalies
Harvey Beaks
So Trad and Felipe pretty much revealed they have a fetish for Instagram Fit Grills and made the new Ghost Rider...
Toonami General #1
If you were either a superhero/supervillain with your ideal skill set and powers, what would be your name?
RWBY/RT General #1029: Atlesian Trophy Wives edition
Storytime: Strange Tales with Doctor Strange
How's Your Webcomic? #332
Kisscartoon is gone forever?
Sup Sup Forums. After several years of putting it off, I finally watched all of Avatar the last airbender...
Is she the best Disney princess?
I'm surprised I've never seen this comic brought up on Sup Forums before. I just got the chance to read it and loved it...
Spider-Man 2099 Storytime Part 3
Justice league action
Why can't DC make her work in the comics?
Dormammu, I've come to bargain
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
No X-men? No thanks man
Storytimes don't survive one night
Captain Atom Storytime Part 2
The new Cyborg is a lady
Who was running the kingdom after their parents died?
What do you guys think of Rankin Bass?
Who is considered his equal
ITT: Times Sup Forums makes you seethe
Smallville Season 11 Pt. 7
RWBY/RT General #1028: two seats Edition
Is this show considered good? Is it worth watching?
Toonami General #1
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Teacher/Faculty thread
Sup Forums Admiral Drawthread
What's the general consensus on rick and morty?
Spider-man(1967) Sands of Crime
Captain Atom Storytime Part 1
New Scarlet Spider series
Age of X: Aftermath
Hi Zack, you really shouldn't be on Sup Forums...
Ruin this kid's day
In an alternate universe where Steven Spielberg got his way and Harry Potter was animated
MEGA/Download Cartoon Thread #3
Is it bad that i am enjoying this games story so far?
Did he really destroy the Simpsons or is it just memes?
51 counts of aggravated assault
ITT: Your First Childhood Crush
What is the general consensus on how Mario ended up going from being raised by Italian Americans in New York to...
The Force Unleashed Storytime
Age of X
Über (Uber) Volume 1 Storytime
So I'm guessing it will be Zootopia, Kubo, Moana, Finding Dory, and Your Name
So what do you all hope Ana-Clause brings for you on christmas?
In which point of DBZ would its villains be too much for Superman to handle?
Post your favorite -tan pics, doesn't matter if it's a board-tan or website-tan
I'm kinda glad they decided to not make him just the mascot of the team, and that everyone treats him with some respect...
RWBY/RT General #1027: Best Girl Forever Edition
There are people browsing this board RIGHT NOW who preferred Numbah 3 to Numbah 5
Sum up a character with a word or sentence
Vigilante Storytime Part 7 Final Part
Alan Moore or Frank Miller?
Why did Andy have a Bo Peep doll?
Homework episode
Sup ForumsCo/'s Bizarre Adventure: Nobody re-made the thread again Edition
While rewatching Dragon Ball Z Abridged...
Hickman Avengers Storytime
Oh, Marceline
SPIDER-MAN: HOMECOMING Sequel Slated For 2019
Miraculous Ladybug: Pire Noel
Anyone else hoping this turns out alright? I cant remember the last time we got a good Spider Man game...
MvC:I Story Prologue
Watch Daria for the first time
Usagi Yojimbo Storytime
What feeling is this look portraying?
Where am I?
Gumball Marathon
Why can't we get one accurate Spider-Man movie? Based off the trailer and Civil War...
ITT: Stupid Ideas
Graphic novel recommendations
RWBY/RT General #1026: SPINZAKU Edition
I ship it. Thanks bendis
So are the rumours that Peter Parker has a black love interest now because he's going to to be Miles Morales's father...
Jonathan Hickman's LOSH rumor
How do you like your harley Sup Forums?
What the actual fuck is this shit? 10 minute episodes? Are you fucking serious...
Movie about The Bible
Zip a dee doo dah zip a dee ay
Why is DC better at handling black characters?
Vigilante Storytime Part 6
She has to be
That's a cute outfit
Any conservative Sup Forums media?
Could the real Superman defeat the Marvel Zombies?
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
Don't act like you know SHIT about DC if you can't name all the characters on the right
That sure is a nice characterization you've got there...
ITT: Q T Mu Ts with Gru V Boo Ts
It's a tournament arc episode
Weekend Sup Forums creation thread
November comic book sales
Star vs the forces of evil
Don't mind me, just the most adorable and best kid in Pixar with a surprising amount of character development
Is Superman the superhero with the richest mythology?
Ok, Sup Forums
Kisscartoon is down again
Have you come to terms with the fact that this was just a shitty Heath Ledger impression yet?
Why aren't you pursuing a glamorous and rewarding career as an animator Sup Forums?
Does Spiderman have the best rogue gallery?
Green Lantern Storytime Part 8
What would you have done to fix it?
It's a Satan episode
Independant & Creator Owned General - /ico/
Waifu Showdown of the century
/CTG/ Channel-tans General
Sonic Boom Thread
What's the best Sup Forums version of santa?
Star Vs
I can sort of understand giving the engines sentience, but why give the trucks and carriages sentience?
Find me a comic that nobody will seriously defend
Character Design Cliche
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Why aren't we talking about this?
RWBY/RT General #1025: Captain Psycho McStabs Edition
Daffy vs. Donald
Why is she such a horrible person?
Left or right?
So... Did he die or did he turn into a puddle of sentient water and simply cant reform himself? Do you think...
Who is the most senile animator or comic book artist in the West? Pic not related
Why was the ring around the planet red in the show, but yellow in the movies?
So...anyone wanna explain this?
Will Monica Rambeau be in the Captain Marvel movie? Maybe was Carol black friend like Rhodes for Tony and Sam for Steve
Kill Six Billion Demons
Who's the villian?
Why aren't you watching the best anime of the season Sup Forums?
Has a monopoly on a majority of the world's wealth
Why is Tim Drake considered the best Robin?
Sonic Comics
Christmas waifu thread
Who is the real personality? Bruce Wayne or Batman?
What's the western equivalent of BERSERK?
Why skunks always French?
"Hulk's" over reacting body languange when they're caught
What are some other comics where the villain wins?
Late Night Spider-Man Storytime
Are those who liked Danny generally straight women, or faggots?
Are you ready for the first true Spider Man film?
Remember when Spider-Man films didn't look like low budget Youtube level fan films?
It's a superhero who can't keep his/her secret identity a secret
Any good Sup Forums things regarding human-robot relationships?
Sup Forums Christmas Cheer Thread #11
Is this the single greatest sprite animation series of all time?
I don't have cable. Did anyone see this? Is there a MEGA?
Shitposting and jerking off all day every day
Who would you put in the center to complete the trinity?
When's the shitty sequel
Filename thread
What singles do you guys buy?
Was it rape?
Poppy Opossum Update
Make someone want to read a comic based solely on the art
Post aesthetic poses
Hickman Avengers Storytime
Meanwhile, at the Legion of Doom
I just got back from seeing this
DC Rebirth Holiday Special preview
What was his fucking problem?
/sug/ Steven Universe General
Things you'd like to see in the Marvel Cinematic Universe or DC Extended Universe
Anyone else happy that Cartman recovered his dignity but is still dating Heidi...
Smallville Season 11 Pt. 6
Who does fight scenes better, Western animation or Japan?
Why do movie costumes have to look so armored? something like this is a lot more accurate to how the comics look
Sup Forumssplay?
And why is it iris?
RWBY/RT General #1024: Lonely on a big board
Storytime of Pain: Moon Nazis
Watch Batman TAS
War of Kings Saga, pt.6
ITT: Abusive families
What's your pitch?
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
The music for this show is hugely underwhelming. They should have something suitably cosmic...
How come not a lot of people liked King Of The Hill as it was airing?
This movie will suck
Now look at this net
Vigilante Storytime Part 5
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...