So I just started getting into comic books and I came across Moon Knight. I got the trade Lunatic. By god he's so rad, does anyone have any recommendations similar to Moon Knight and good story Arcs involving him?
So I just started getting into comic books and I came across Moon Knight. I got the trade Lunatic. By god he's so rad...
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Shit, I'm in the same place as you, OP. I've heard there was this run where moon knight's outfit is just negative space but they didn't say which. Does anybody know?
Like most things Bendis gets his hands on, he tends to disregard things that came before him. Just a warning if you're going to read by release date.
That's just amazing. I was drawn by the gritty dark tone.
Get the trade "From the Dead," it's absolutely fantastic. If you want some classic Moon Knight, go with the Moench run which I think was collected in a number of Epic Collections.
MK is fun as hell. I'd recommend starting at classic. Stained Glass Scarlett best tragic villain.
Bendis' run was shit though.
Read the Houston and Finch arcs then read Warren Ellis'
What are is she in?
Epic Collection Moon Knight 1-2 are your best bet, along with the current series.
If you have the cash, you might also want to get the OOP Essential Moon Knight V2 and V3. V2 has about six more issues than Epic Moon Knight V2 and V3 collects the rest of V1 and V2, several guest spots in Marvel Fanfare, and the first two issues of V3 (Marc Spectre Moon Knight) and West Coast Avengers omnibus 2
Retard, Lunatic is the first volume of Lemire's run. Keep pretending to read comics though.
Is there a way to check when the new trade for the current arc comes out?
Except the image is of the first issue of Bendis's run.
Why didn't OP use Lemire's covers?
>does anyone have any recommendations similar to Moon Knight
Ever heard of this obscure character called Batman?
Because I'm new to Comics I'm general and I thought it looked cool. I didn't know I committed a sin.
Warren Ellis' Moon Knight run, it's only 6 issues but it's great.
Stop being a filthy casual and start from the beginning.
I swear this board gets more casual everyday.
This so fucking hard
Issue 14 of the original Moench run
I ended up ordering the epic collections
You did.
It's ok though.
Cool MK layout thread?
Cool MK layout thread.
Is there any other deadily sims I should be aware of
Generally avoid Chris Sims and any The Sims past 2.
>MK spends 20 years in the background as Marvel's Batman
>Rides the predictable contrarian wave for a couple more decades
And for sins?
The "MK is a Batman rip" meme must die for everyone's sake: it only hurts readers who go there with doomed to fail expectations.
It's so untrue it's not even fun.
Isn't he closer to a Punisher or a Daredevil anyway?
Steering clear of Bendis' work in general will probably get you pretty far on this board.
Also generally don't read big event comics. Especially current ones. There are several exceptions, but most of them are just complete crap.
MK has oddly luck as fas as creative teams go: even the weakest runs had some cool pages.
I know I'm new and all but I don't really see it either
I think it's because of the cape and that he throws things sometimes.
Don't listen to theses dicks, OP
Just read more comics
>don't listen to these dicks
>they're giving him suggestions on what to read
It's that old meme of "just read whatever and you'll turn into a comics expert".
So assholes like this guy just wants people to go read Ultimatum so they can waste their time figuring out that what they just read was complete fucking crap and they just wasted their time.
user... I like you.
What about John Simm?
The Punisher... I can see it. DD, not much.
I also got my hands on a few Punishers. I really like that too, I guess my scales tip to more of the edgier and darker comics
But they might like Ultimatum. People like shit things sometimes mate. You also form your own taste this way rather than being moulded by someone else.
I'm not anti rec, I'm just saying if the guy knows he likes Moonknight can't he use google to find more Moon Knight comics?
You should read crossed
>be Moon Knight and Midnighter fan
>have to constantly hear retarded "exactly like Batman lmao just read the real thing" memes
At this point I'm convinced anyone who parrots this shit never ever read anything with those characters. The similarities are extremely surface level for both of them.
Did Bendis start the whole Marc is crazy thing? If so, I could see why people would be upset that he changed the character so radically but fuck me, if I don't love that angle. Every book that focuses on Marc's sanity has been great.
I do sympathize with fans of the previous characterization though, because that sucks to essentially lose a character like that.
Ellis' Moon Knight was too short but pretty sweet. Nice homage to The Raid in that one issue as well. It's the only Moon Knight I've read so I can't recommend anything else.
It started with the Houston/Benson run. Which was fresh and intresting. But now it's kinda getting worn out.
It's the cape.
Moon Knight has always been crazy, which is one of the reasons no one believes him when he talks about his god and stuff.. Bendis just fucked it up by instead of having MK be crazy with different unique personalities he was just crazy dressing up as Avengers.
Current arc might be dropping the crazy.
>Current arc might be dropping the crazy.
So it seems.
But I'm more than prepared to be let down.
I'm disappointed with the angle they're going with Khonshu right now. Hopefully it's a little more interesting than ALIENS.
Given it's a shared universe, it's possible he has a really good story in a book that isnt called Moon Knight, you know?
It's like saying you want to read Doctor Strange because you liked the movie, and didn't think to look up Defenders.
>bullet still in cartridge
A small blip in an otherwise great scene/story, and one that everyone always points out.
I'm half expecting a Morpheus reveal at this point And yeah Khonshu could probably be handled a bit better.
I feel like two or three people just refuse to stop talking about it.
>finish Ellis' run of Moon Knight
>mfw continuing to the next issue and seeing the art and layout
Bendis' is pretty fun, if you've read Ellis' first. Sweet art, cool villain, novel approach etc..
It gets better later, but yeah that initial change is real bad.
I don't get it. I may be remembering wrong, but didn't they have nice art in that volume until like issue 14 or so? Almost the end of the run, and even so, it wasn't bad at all.
And then Lemire's run also has had great art too most of the time.
Oh, nevermind. I guess I mixed when the art changed.
Any examples of pre-v3 crazy MK?
I liked all 3 arcs/writers. Was considering buying all 3 TPBs for a while.
Pity the last guy didn't get one more issue tho. Especially considering that his last issue is a bit of a cliffhanger.
I wonder if the story that Lemire has been building comes from that last story from the former run.
Well, it doesn't help that the superficial Bat-influences are totally blatant. Especially for Marc with all of his themed equipment.
But yeah. Moon Knight doesn't really stand up to the Batman comparison very well. I mean, people think he does, but that's really just because both Moon Knight and Batman owe pretty much everything they are to the Shadow. Especially, Moon Knight. He's so pulp that the only things that keep him on even shakey footing as a superhero are the Batman-like elements.
All the next artist does is grids. It's just fucking grids and empty space and he can't do a damn layout to save his life.
Ellis' work felt fluid and life-like and now I think I've seen the same layout at least once in an issue because they can't think of anything original.
Moench/Sienkiewicz run is the best, especially the later issues. Ellis run is second best.
Now that you mention it, he really gives that pulp vibe. Maybe I got hooked with him because of that.
Besides, Marvel's real Batman rides a skateboard.
>you will never be scared by MK for shits and giggles
High value gun. You get 30% more bullet for same price. Is good.
The middle one was kinda weak but I liked the book end arcs.
That looks rad as hell, how long was this a thing?
Night Thrasher has been thrashing the night since December '89.
He's like Casey Jones, except not a sell out.
Night Thrasher had some great moments in Contest of Champions.
Serious question why isn't Night Thrasher on USAvengers?? Does Bobby just not know him
I'll be honest, I've been a New Warriors fan since I was a kid, but I didn't like Night Thrasher until Contest of Champions. He just Nineties'd his way through everything.
who's this bullseye / elektra chick?
contest of champions was different earth's versions of heroes, one was Elektra as Bullseye
Elektra from an alternate universe where she killed Stick and became Bullseye.
Well, Grandmaster's team at least. Collector used all 616 characters.
>Does Bobby just not know him
Highly likely. I can't think of any New Warriors/New Mutants crossovers. Night Thrasher's story in one of the CWII anthology books ended with the implication that he was moving to Baltimore to become their resident superhero, which seemed like set-up for a book that never happened. Same with Black Goliath Jr.'s story.
Although I could see both of them joining Hawkeye's Hard-Traveling Avengers.
Ellis's run was by far my favorite. 2nd being the series being published right now where you really get to see how insane he is.
Bendis is my 3rd (I believe he did the story arc where Marc thought he had all of the Avengers powers or actually thought he was them). That was great!
>vol 1 (moench with a new-on-job Sienkiewicz)
Great run. Stained Glass Scarlet is essential.
>vol 2 (dixon)
>Marc Spector: Moon Knight
First half is ok, but then "Scarlet Redemption" arc happens. One of the Best stories of Moonie. Read it. After that it's one of the worst things they have done to the character. The 90's in its full glory.
>Resurrection Wars and High Strangers
Good read.
>vol 3
Err, it's ok, i guess.
I didn't read everything after that. Ellis is good.
Warren Ellis' run, as said by a bunch of anons, is pretty great. But you'll want to read Ellis' Secret Avengers run because it's pretty much the precursor to his MK run.
I feel as though whoever wrote this felt like Night Thrasher got the short end of the stick when he was killed off in Civil War.
Well, he did. Hell, all the New Warriors got fucked by Civil War.
Did you not read the volume that happened during Civil War, or did you dislike it for some reason?
Would anyone happen to have a list or be able to help compile a list of everything moon knights been in ? I've only ever read The main moony book and not other stuff he's in.
>But you'll want to read Ellis' Secret Avengers
Underposted rate.
Actually gimme a few minutes and I'll storytime it.
Sound good?
I'm just saying, you'd think that rich skateboard batman would have had a plan for stopping nitro. And wouldn't be involved in a TV series.
Not that user but Ellis' SA is great, so I'm sure people here will enjoy it. Even though MK is only in about 50% of the issues.
Funny thing is that the TV series nonsense was dead and buried before Civil War even happened.