Professor X is dead after years of defamation

>Professor X is dead after years of defamation
>Wolverine dead after splitting the X-Men
>Cyclops MIA, rumored to be dead while being likened to Hitler
>Turns out he died, and nobody was harmed by him or in his name who wasn't on his own team
>Still likened to Hitler
>Beast and Storm are still race betraying Bolt Brains
>The only good X-Men not in limbo are literal supervillains
>Emma's probably gonna die soon
>Half the new X-books are dead on arrival
>Other half have large drawbacks

When does it end, bros?

>rumored to be dead
He's dead as Dazzler's career.
If we only had some overpowered healer who resurrects dead around...

>Where does it end
All mutants dead from M-Pox and the Avengers helping the Inhumans destroy the remaining Terrigen cloud before they're wiped out by secondary Terrigenesis because no hero could stand by while any entire race of people is threatened like that.

Well the cancerverse is in town so Emma could ask it for help.

It ends in death.

No need for anything extreme and silly like that. Just drag Triage and voila, problem solved.
Shit, he can resurrect everyone, no side effects. Brightest Day 24/7.

He can't reverse decay and he'd probably just get M-Pox like Alchemy from the first dead mutant he touched.

X-Men and mutants are dying and popular characters are being killed off, also, you won't believe that water is still wet, all this and more, News at Noon.

Honestly, is this out cry just by a bunch of people who never read X-Men before?

Oh, right. Completely forgot about all decaying thing.
Oh well, that's why we have those fancy hologram thingies.

The piss off isn't that mutants are dying so much as the fact that mutants are dying but nobody fucking cares because muh endangered cloud.