A fucking time bullet

A fucking time bullet.....

Yeah...it was a pretty fucking stupid retcon...which doesn't even make sense

Wouldn't it have been easier to say the serum put his body into death like stasis to heal and the Red Skull was trying to erase his mind to steal his body when it revived?

Remember how his fucking ghost even showed up even though he wasn't dead?


Yes. There were things I liked about this but the whole time bullet was... a bit much.

Makes you wonder why they even shot him at all.

Remember that DC was doing the exact same thing at the time with Batman under Morrison.

It wasn't a retcon. A retcon is a retroactive continuity change but Doom being involved was a thing before Cap was shot as was him providing Red Skull with some technology so the time bullet was a reveal.

Wow. Is there a no-prize for this one?

Except it was established in the same event in which Batman died that he wasn't really dead. DC and Morrison didn't try to convince people that "he's totally le dead guise, honest."

Can't wait to see what shit they pull out their ass when they revive Wolverine


Same reason Carol's going to "inadvertently" murder Tony come the end of the year

And it was infinitely better.

Guess that's why they're the Distinguished Competition.

It wasn't a retcon but it was massively out of sync with the rest of Brubaker's pulpy-spy run up to that point in time, no joke intended.

Not the user you're responding to btw.

I felt the army of MODOK's the mostly-powerless-or-not-significantly-powerful New Avengers managed to defeat was the most over the top thing about the series.
Actually, Batman's time bullet reveal (or at least the full of it) came after Reborn.

pfft, way to not read the Civil War tie-ins

Not a ghost, just an apparition a piece of his self displaced from time

I can only assume this is genuine congratulations because everything related to Civil War was terrible.

The Captain America issues of Civil War were actually pretty good, they were mostly just regular issues of Cap's series that happened-to-take-place-during Civil War as opposed to direct tie-ins.

What said.

Aslo, the Winter Soldier Winter Kills Tie-in was pretty comfy.

It had Namor being based