Why can't DC make her work in the comics?

Why can't DC make her work in the comics?

They just don't understand her "voice"
Like, her mental processes. The way she is.
They kind of get close at times, but they always miss the mark.
It certainly doesn't help that they keep doing the Trigon storyline over and over and over and over and over. Newsflash DC: there are other demons in Hell that can antagonize Raven.

somebody needs to bet Morrison he can't write Raven without making it revolve around Trigon.

>Why can't DC make her work in the comics?
Tell me what you think made her work in the cartoon.

Because they won't just hand her over to Mike Mignola and let him do his thing.
Also comic Raven is less fuckable.


Because nobody understood her except Marv Wolfman.
It's the X-Men problem; nobody could write them as well as their real creator and they've been struggling with it ever since and usually just poorly copy what the creator did.

>Why can't DC make her work in the comics

Why is nothing in DC comics as good as its animated counterparts? Seems to me like they have their flagship products completely backwards.

The animated characters are so good because they get to be picky-choosey with what parts of the characters they use. Cherry pick the greatest hits, and distill it into something without the baggage of 50 years of inconsistent writers.

Wolfman Raven sucks, though.
Claremont X-Men is only good with nostalgia, he revamped the characters, but his style is still awful. Better than the predecessors, but still awful.