Why do so many people here hate him so much?
Why do so many people here hate him so much?
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It's pretty simple, Bendis became the top in his field. That level of success inevitably invites that sort of reaction.
Is that Bendis? If it is, it's because he's got a finger in every pie and he can't leave well enough alone:
>shits on established cannon
>makes stupid decisions to vindicate himself
>self inserts
>mary sues the fuck out of his favorite characters
>tries to appropriate other heroes for minorites who don't give a shit
>likes to piss off fans
>will take good things writers esablish and ruin it to suit his own needs
The list goes on, really he's only as powerful as he is now because he stayed in the sinking ship that was Marvel fully intending to either save it or go down with it, most likely the former because he's an arrogant prick. Then Disney saved the company, and because of his devotion he was rewarded with too much power.
Because he looks like a thumb with a face.
Or a scrotum with only one testicle.
Or an elbow with a really bad infection.
Or a fat kid with progeria.
Or a man wearing a cheap rubber Bendis mask.
He thinks hes black and wants to make marvel into south africa
They let Bendis go on a talk show? I'm imagining the entire interview in Bendis speak.
What's wrong with him? He has some kind of disease, right? Is he the one with cancer?
I don't hate him, but the reason I dislike him is due to him taking an established character, and doing whatever the hell he feels like with them, mostly ruining them for everyone else. He also completely disregards continuity because it he feels like disregarding it if it means he gets to tell a better story.... but that only happens once every few years.
Seth Meyers is constantly desperate for guests
>good morning