Give me all your Marvel SJW trash

Give me all your Marvel SJW trash


That would require posting the entirety of Marvel

Obvious crossboarder is obvious.


I'm telling janny!

Oops, not Marvel

That's not Marvel. It's also the only DC example anyone can post, and it's from a literal webcomic.

here's one more bub:

starting with my unsorted folder





How did anyone think this is good story telling!?

what a fucking half-assed job.

I read 'SJW fetish' at first and now I'm disappointed.


Oh god no. When did comics get this bad?


>singular they already is informally accepted
>tumblr snowflakes want their own individual pronouns, not a general use one that doesn't let them be special and unique

Who actually reads this shit? The women i know that read comics wouldn't touch this trash, they all want strong female roles and comic book stories

It's the Marvel way.

I'm always looking for more shitty panels for my collection, so post em if you've got em

>tfw my folder for these is literally called "troll pics"

>"Men are the worst"
>Says a man

How about hanging yourself and contributing to the cause pal?

mine is "cuckoldry" in my Marvel folder


did you just assume they're gender???? you oppressive shitlord

According to sales, not a whole lot seems to read them.
And I'm willing to bet that Whor, Squirrel Girl and the other better selling comic are due because there is something else than SJWism that people likes in them. Can't figure why tough since they're also shit.

Is it... is it an actual comic???
Like, an actual printed comic published by Marvel???

Wtf??? Even in 2006, a webcomic with art like that would've got laughed off the internet! It reminds me of that one Sonic OC webcomic some autistic guy drew


I'm a big bad evil white male and I'll assume your gender, make racist stereotypes and opress minorities and tell women to make me a sandwich becaus that's my fetish.

Not the original page but I think it points out its bullshit

If you have to ask if Marvel is that bad, the answer is always "yes"

Well, this one gets a pass because it's from a webcomic


>my boyfriend bought me tickets for a play
>we're not gonna go see it, so i want to sell them

I dont really care for any marvel outside xmen and spider-man but i have one friend who is into marvel and has been since ive met her and whenever we all get together sooner or later she will go off on marvel about how bad its fucked and that it all went to shit after secret wars. I have no idea who these books are actually for.

Its funny that certain people still think the word feminist means anything today


This boils my blood. Proof the average MCU fan is just in it for the status. It's so fucking strange



mmm kinky~

I feel like these cheekbones will stab my eyes if I'm not careful


It seemed implied she bought them as she was talking about how expensive they were, there's a lot of shit to hate about that page, don't bring in extraneous shit.

What's SJW about writing fanfiction? It's certainly a cringey "hip with the teens" reference but for all we know it might be self-insert rape fantasy fanfiction where she gets gang-banged by the Avengers.


I still refuse to believe this isn't an edit

this shit is going down in comic history

>If I point out how stupid it is, it means we can get away with it.
Why do writers think this still justifies dumb decisions like calling Jane Thor?

Why do Americans even care about Israel so much?

It's just another parasitic Middle-Eastern country.

I don't know what makes me more sad, the state of Marvel right now or the fact that there are losers dedicated to reading this shit just to post it on a weeaboo imageboard for furries.

Why stuff like this has to have such shit art, like, if you didn't tell me it was marvel i would've thought it was just a swj webcomic

Oy vey, that's no way to talk about your greatest ally.


That wasn't the point of that book. The point was that the villain said all the stuff the critics of the book were saying so that the character could punch them. It's the same as making Red Skull say Trump-related things before he gets punched by the heroes.

haha, okay my mouse eared friend. Are you implying that I pay money for this shit?

Yes, but infamously so. In the future, nobody will see this as a great step in the right direction.


Man ive never met an actual SJW before, i dont go on social media so that could be why but im not overly pc when out around and meeting new people and no ones complained and they all usually joke along or at least laugh at he crassness. Do SJW actually exist offline?

Sweden has really bad relations with Israel.


I'm implying that you have devoted your life to shitposting.

It's fucking sad.

We used to have storytimes here (THANKS HIROYUKI), now we're flooded with idiots like you.

I still get angry at that last panel.

If it was a post on Sup Forums, I'd call the poster an obvious falseflagging Sup Forumsack. Poe's law, I guess...

shut up tumblr

wtf is "mansplaining?"

Bullying can be a positive thing. Honestly, I don't know where I would be if I hadn't been bullied.

But Absorbing Man had a valid fucking point and its only through mental gymnastics that makes Jane look good here. And dont even try to defend that dialogue with his wife

>Men are the worst
>A man
Why do NU males exist/

When a dude corrects or explains something to a women. Seems some people feel they cant even be talked to or explained to without it being a personal attack

who cares, they're just making up words

Yes, and they're all 20 something fat girls who work crappy jobs and have dyed hair. The same types of girls who talk about how much they love reading all the time, even though they only read YA fiction. It's just a status thing for them- it's a way to feel better than other people.

In other countries SJWs kill people and built dictatorships.

But in America SJWs complain about sexism in pop culture.

Why is that?

>still in denial that there was a black female Captain Marvel who led the Avengers in the 80s

>muh [current year] narrative

>But Absorbing Man had a valid fucking point

But he's a villain and that means he's wrong, and if you agree with him then you're wrong. Checkmate atheists.

Yeah if i wasnt bullied i wouldnt of learned to stand up for myself and gain confidence on my own and actually become a functional "normie" male so i can make professional connections in my career and not come off as a massive dweeb or pussy

Op, if you want a Squirrel Girl storytime you just have to ask, you don't need to pretend that you aren't the mark sjws are looking for.

they shouldn't have been womanunderstanding

do you have the page before that where Whor punches him for "saying feminist like a curse word!"

this folder is titled "memes"

Spidey just doesn't want to deal with this chicks bullshit


Not saying Mo'lady

Outside my normie life the only "quirky" place that i go is the comic book store each week and even then i never meet these kinds of people, for they most part they are all ok aside from the random autistic basket-cases who come
In screaming and talking about MLP


>Oh my god, men are the worst
>Ssh, they are, they're so bad
Wait, is "men are the only gender who do stupid impulsive things when arguing with their SO" the narrative now? Weird.
Can we just accept that both genders can be dicks and idiots and overemotional drama queens, and move on without creating stupid gender stereotypes?

Wait, what? So like, if you argue with her based not on her gender but on logic and reasoning that can still be dismissed as simple "mainsplaining?" How is that any different from trying to shut a woman down for, I dunno, just "being a nag" or something?

"Shitty Art"

>In other countries SJWs kill people and built dictatorships
No they didn't. SJWs would have to have spines, an appetite for fighting and not break down in tears over a twitter post to do that.

Don't confuse SJWs with actual revolutionaries. SJWs don't really care about the rest of society, just their own personal feelings and first-world problems. You never see them "literally shaking" about child poverty or unemployment, just that a female character had too well defined an ass in a comic book or video game. They are some of the most self-absorbed people in existence.

Using facts and logic.

arguing with your girlfriend is abusive to her, shitlord

t. Marvel

They should of followed the hermaphroditicinstructions

>It's your language that lacks a universally-accepted gender-neutral third person singular pronoun
As a native speaker of a language that has such a pronoun, I agree with Galactus here.
Why are SJWs always so fucking Americacentric?


to think people complain about Cave Carson's art

no because honey #masculinitysofragile #maletears #imwithher

because you should #listenandbelieve

No idea man, i dont come up with this horseshit, im just relaying the meaning

I mean, I know tracing is common practice these days, but this is ridiculous.

cave carson is awsome and anybody who thinks it isn't is a cuck and a faggot

>Spider-Man and his Problematic Friends