
Post your favorite Simpsons scenes






This is both incredibly dumb and yet endearingly faithful.

If dogs watched the Simpsons, this would be their fanart.

what the hell?


op sure spent a lot of time on this
a lot of dumb, dumb time

oh well, it beats una vela i guess

Memekino, simply memekino.

I love it.

Did you make these OP?


Some of these are surprisingly... good.

This thread is glorious and I demand more

This is a... A Black day for shooting Mr. Burns.

I understand what is going on here. I just don't understand why.

>This entire thread

This is art.


I think this weeks episode is up there with the lady gaga episode for worst episode ever,I could only get halfway through it
Bad jokes, really forced writing
This makes 2 episodes i could never finish

I never saw the gaga one.

I kind of want to see if it lives up to its reputation at this point. People always point to it as the worst.

krusty looks so homer-ish there

the gaga one wasn't that bad, same plot as a dozen other episodes, gaga's backup dancers were cringish.


it was actually really sharp

there were some shitty jokes in the first half tho

>it was actually really sharp

Best scene ever

they are from tumblr

Top shelf

Can I borrow a vegetable?