What is the animation industry like in mexico and other shithole countrys?
What is the animation industry like in mexico and other shithole countrys?
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In México we only have El Chavo animado, and El Chapulin Colorado... animado.
I Believe theres only one animation studio in this country, called Anima Studio, and they make a movie or two each year.
Pelicula de Huevos
Leyenda de la Llorona
Among others, but these two have like 3 or 4 sequels each one.
Also theres animated ads for television, the industry here is pretty much death. The monopoly of Televisa controlling all media makes hard for Anima to make an OC cartoon for TV, and are forced to use the charracter from El Chavo.
Correct me if im wrong, but there's no more original mexican comics, we used to have Kaliman, Memin Pingüin...
Now we only have El Libro Vaquero, and thats all.
Whatever happend to the blackface kid comic?
Russian animation can't compete with American animation like it once did. But it's still above South America and possibly Canada. Although recently it's suffering from a plague of CG.
>russian animation
What kind of cartoons did the commies make?
>russian cartoon into the search bar
>scroll pass the recent CG bullshit
>you're there
>only one company provides television to mexico
its actually 2, but they had a duopoly on everything media related, and destroyed whoever tried to compete with a new channel or something. The fall from grace they are having this year was a long time coming.
Mexico used to have a healthy comic industry in the 70s- 80s, they were more into pulp/crime stuff than Superheroes
He looks like a fucking mexican jonathan jostarr
Damn, that guy looks like he'd fit right in with JoJo
José Joestrella
The first Top Cat movie was fun. I heard the sequel is shit.
Look up anything made Soyuzmultfilm.
There are those maximum edge comics called "Relato del Presidio" with stories based on true crimes, full of explicit gore and big titted girls though these are published in the U.S.A. in Spanish not in Mexico.
I've been trying to find pdfs of these but for some reason nobody bothers to scan the content of the magazine and are not sold on any digital stores yet.
This is one of the tamest covers if I post their average covers the mod will probably delete the picture
>This is one of the tamest covers if I post their average covers the mod will probably delete the picture
There you go senpai
This is fucking metal as fuck
Basically is one, TVAzteca doesn't even produce telenovelas anymore, they're just dubbing brazilian novelas, if they dont have money to produce them, obviously they can't produce a cartoon, at least that you count Descontrol, but that was like 10 years ago.
>no capeshit
>tits and gore
Truly, mexico has perfected the art of comics.
i recall Argentina had a comic and animation industry in the 70s and 80s
dunno what happened to that.
Also know from a friend Peru had som comic movement in the 80s and early 90s.
I personally recall some story about some dude making a porno comic over there in the 90s who had to shut down because he couldn't compete with physical piracy copies of his own work
Thats pretty fucking metal. Storytimes? More covers? Translated versions?
Give us more user.
Isnt that Villanous cartoon that got greenlit on cartoon network coming from mexico?
ah, mierda
Don't watch it.
Mean to reply this Also I don't know what happened to Memin, I supose is cheaper reprint and translate american comics, also these ones had tv series, so they sell a lot more.
Should have been Worker & Parasite.
Fund it. Get them mexican weeb pesos.
Mexican comics are shit.
Argentina has some great comics, Chile has some decent stuff but still not that good
The first arc villain practically writes itself.
Can't stand Don Gato's new voice, at least Jorge Arvizu dubs all his characters.
>Thats pretty fucking metal. Storytimes? More covers? Translated versions?
The only thing available online is covers for some reason they are not available for sale digitally, I don't live in the U.S.A. or Mexico so I can't get one to scan it, according to Comic Vine they are still publishing those things , last one was released this month.
Even in the publisher's website (ToukanMango) there is no mention of this magazine though they have no problem selling these porn comics digitally
It's in a weird place.
Since forever, It has had a shitload of cheap mass produced garbage, to such a high ratio that surpasses pretty much any other industry I can think of.
Very very VERY rarely will you get something that's actually good.
But what is good is so fucking good, it blows my mind.
This is still one of my favorite cartoons ever.
i recall somebody subbed "Ico, the brave horse" from the 70s, before ponies were a thing
We even have a cucks...
Im mexican, and always been intersted in these shittier comics, but im afraid of bought them, the people is gonna judge me harder than a weeb.
Wasn't CyberSix done by some argentinian guy?
Two Argentine guys.
>José Stand is Frijolero
>Abdol is an argentinian
fund it, now
>intro is as long as an anime opening
nice, you don't see that anymore
fuck, heard one of em died, but have no source right now
Shitty, thanks to Anima Studio. At least they are upgrading their shit recently but they need people that really likes animation. There are mo diversity in webanimation
A shame editorial vid went bankrupt thanks to the spoiled child of the founder
Thast Memin Pinguin
I would actually like to read these. Especially the El Pantera one.
I used to buy these when I was 14 back in the mid 00s
This is probably my favorite neo-noir comic ever. It's from Spain and it was going to have an animated series. Such a shame that it only got released one episode.
>Shit hole country
That one even get a live action series, the first season wasn't that bad.
Stop being white trash.
sounds bout right
>millions of Spaniards left the country to find a better life abroad
Spain is the Mexico of Europe, muchachote.
In south america and mexico it's apparently growing, just like the video game industry. In asia it's already strong but you'll probably never see them since only japans things have dedicated translators. Can't say the same for the middle east but I know they are making cartoons like burka avenger.Don't bother with Africa unless you are focusing on south africa.
>Abdul is Argentinian
The original Kick-Ass
Since you're all fairly acquainted with the Nutshack, I'll talk about some of the other animations made in the Philippines. It's pretty horrible aside from some feature films they made. Most cartoons made for TV look like this: youtube.com
And the few that manage to look remotely decent are RPG Metanoia (as seen here: youtube.com
Even then, that's not really saying much since the latter looks like a Disney rip-off and Metanoia has weird lipsync problems. Philippine animation is in a sorry state.
Huevo cartoon was the Lonestar runner of Mexico, now they do movies but they no longer have the adult jokes they use to.
>those gay-ass eyebrows
Didn't know JuanGa was a Jojo
I hate to break it to you but the animator of that show was Spanish.
Don´t google "La familia telerín" that song is going to get stuck in your head until the worms devour your rotten brain.
The are ok today with tourism and all but not long ago it was a shithole.
Does anybody know where I can find all the animated intros from Chespirito?
The link is the only one in good quality I could find and some are missing,
There is at least another one for Chompiras and Dr Chapatin.
>The triple curse of Amenhotep
>The curse of the black swastika
I need more.
dem lips
animation costs money mang. money most countries don't have.
Mexico did have a very prominent pulp comic scene during the 70s and 80s. Their main body of work was porn, loads and loads of it, followed by really down to earth genres
o n e o f u s
what's this from?
kek he's like a patrick nagel painting
This aired on Cartoon Network years ago
That reminds me there was supposed to be some big animated movie about the crusades or something
Does Sup Forums really believe that Spain is just as "poor" or a "shithole" (no ofense) as anothers countries? I mean, i know that the crisis affected quite a lot the society but i before that, it got some wealth during some time. I'm just curious.
We need more "El Pantera" commisions on drawthreads
there was some ad of some partially slightly tangentially decent looking weeb styled animation, looked kinda sci-fy, around 2013/2014
i forgot the name, of if it was even completed
what did they do with all of that gold from the aztecs?
In Paraguay, starting in the 60s, there was Farolito Magazine, which was a kid's publication with some comics in it. The most popular one was "Ivo el Piloto Audaz" (Ivo, the Bold Pilot), which was about a plane pilot who fought smugglers in the Chaco region of Northern Paraguay.
In the 70s, there was "Jejegrap", a humour fanzine where most of the local artists and writers began. I haven't seen a single issue of this one in my life. Very rare.
Not sure if it was still the 70s, but definetly quite popular in the 80s, the next magazine to be released was called "El Raudal" (The Urban Flooding, not as funny in english, I guess). This was the most successful comics magazine in the country, spanning various decades. It had all sorts of comics: humour, heavy metal-esque Sci-Fi, some slice of life, some surrealism and even parodies of popular comics like Conan, etc. Most of the artists and writers used it as a tool to criticize Alfredo Stroessner's dictatorship. Some issues got banned because of that.
Some others came after, like Quimera and Bunker, which were made by some of the old guard and newcomers as well. Themes remained similar to El Raudal. The difference was the person in charge in each publication.
That spanned up to the 90s. After that there was some sort of cultural drought in Paraguay (still can't put my finger on the reason), but comics came back in the 2000s and are quite healthy at the moment (at least compared to what was previously done).
Currently there's a yearly manga tankobon with 6-7 stories called "Mugen". Very japanese in theme and style. Some great artists in there. There's also "Epopeya", yearly as well, and it covers past wars such as the Chaco War and the Triple Alliance War. Very respected as a "cultural thing" since most people see educational value on it. I personally think that's a stupid way of judging things, but third world countries gotta be third world countries.
Basically if you're not the US, and maybe England, Japan, or Canada, we all just assume you're fucking savages banging on drums made of human skin with animal bones.
Here's an example of my favorite Paraguayan comic artist: Juan Moreno.
Pretty much the only one who's both a writer and an artist. I really enjoy the Moebius-esque stlye in tandem with the very authentic dialogue. He writes just as Paraguayans speak (most people here like to write in "neutral spanish").
Nice summary friendo. There's no way in hell I can get hold of Paraguayan comics online, I assume.
>That spanned up to the 90s. After that there was some sort of cultural drought in Paraguay (still can't put my finger on the reason)
That's exactly the same thing that happened in Argentine too. Comics just dried up and stopped being a thing. in the early 2000s they practically disappeared, to return circa 2007 with the really symbolic vol. 2 of FIERRO magazine.
The Marvel/DC movies were practically godsends regarding that. They are solely responsible for reigniting interest in the medium here.
what's the comic?
>Comics just dried up and stopped being a thing on the 90s in several southamerican countries...
do i smell a ..............CONSPIRACY?
The Spanish, French and British conquered and robbed america of its resources for 300 years before the independence so the answer to your question is Europe.
If SA countries are culturally cousins, Paraguay, Uruguay and Argentina are more or less brothers. It's logical to assume we fall in the same trends.
crash the economy
with no survivors
This is the best I could find
Piece of shit Televisa doesn't let anything new get produced, most cartoons are just riding on the success of old shows like El Chavo and Top Hat.
So according to the Chespiritopedia many studios including Disney produced a series of pilots trying to get the right to make el Chavo cartoon. I only found a link to the pilot that Animex produced so either the other where never relased or where never animated.
Paraguayfriend here. There aren't any scans at the moment, but I might work on that soon-ish. I have plenty collected. I just need to figure out a way of not getting caught (most of the authors are friends of mine, but I think it's stupid for these stories to remain hidden). The drawing I posted is from a Sketchbook Juan Moreno and Kike Olmedo released last year, titled "2x1". It's just that panel.
Also, gotta love Fierro! Sasturain always did a killer editorial job there.
Assuming you're from Argentina, there has been a weird story surrounding Robin Wood recently in Asunción. Apparently he's sick and can't write anymore. A real shame, considering he's the most prolific and successful paraguayan writer, even though getting your hands on an issue of Nippur de Lagash or Dago is quite hard around these parts. He also writes funny books and not real literature, so he's not important enough to most authorities here.
Marvel and DC also sparked major interest in comics around here. There used to be just one comic store in Asunción, but quite a few book stores have added comics to their shelves, and one or two comic-exclusive stores have opened in the last year.
I found the stopmotion intro from El Chapulin colorado.
I actually found some scans online:
>Revista Farolito #16
>Article about paraguayan comics
Roque Cazaplagas is a favorite of mine. He's just a total badass.
wasn't Brasil making some cartoons recently?
Jorel Brother
Scary Stories for naughty children
and one about a some living doll in a farm with 2 kids, that supposedly based on an old BR live action show
Also found this pdf. A book on paraguayan comics:
the last one is Sítio do Picapau Amarelo, it was also a series of children books
Has anyone hear read this comic. I want to read it for captain galaxia.
that cover actually doesn´t look as bad as the usual garbage that adaliza zarate and gaby maya draw
>even disney produced one
>they still went with shitty anima studios
probably because of the production prices, bunch of cheap fucks
So what are the powers of 「THE WALL」?
so finally unjewing uh!
It reverses probability.
When something looks like its really not going your way, you can turn that on your opponent.
Does someone knows why anime in LatinoAmerica no longer getting official dubs?
Which is greater when you realize the stand itself is a thing of improbable nature.
I think there is still some anime getting dubbed, at least we got Resurrection of F dubbed.
I'm still waiting for a Gurren Lagann dub
or a Kill la Kill dub
or a Digimon Tri dub
or a Jojo dub
the list goes on and on