How on earth did they fuck this up? Like wow

How on earth did they fuck this up? Like wow..

Decreasing sales. Writers leaving in the middle of storylines. Ultimatum shit up everything.

blond logan looks hot

Loeb took a big smelly dump in the well and no one wanted to drink from it. Both readers who stopped buying and writers who stopped caring (there are exceptions, but they're not significant to save the universe)
This is my perception (correct me if I'm wrong) but the universe was going down the shitter before Loeb (mostly by writers running out of steam of the new universe and becoming forgettable and mediocre rather than outright bad), but Ultimates 3 and Ultimatum were the final nails in the coffin where everything became unsalvageable.

Can someone tell me why the Ultimate Universe so goddamn edgy?

It was going for the "more realistic less idealistic" kind of thing, but since most of it was ran by Mark Millar the result was expected.

But they weren't even remotely the final nails.
Hickman's Ultimates came after and that was better then anything that had come before and the Death of Spider-Man was also awesome.

>Hickman's Ultimates
The exact exception I'm talking about. Yes it's good, but it's an outlier, one run against tons of mediocrity that is post-Ultimatum and shit the bed thanks to dogfucker anyway.
Why was Humphries allowed to write anything?
>Death of Spider-Man was also awesome.
Same as the first point. USM was pretty bad for a very long time after Ultimatum.

The only good thing was USM but other than that it's pretty crap.

>this meme again

They let a grieving father take out his issues on their entire universe. Like a child throwing a tantrum in a sandbox, he just fucked it all up.

Ultimate Reed and Ultimate Fury are the only good things to come out of that universe.

I have to say though that Ultimate Reed was entertaining before the whole Maker business, especially in Ultimate Galactus Trilogy and Ellis's take on him as a whole.

Thor, And Ultimate Tony.

He was okay the first time as Maker, but definitely overstayed his welcome. Now hes been flanderized into being a saturday morning cartoon villain.

None of the original Reed characterization remains, so I consider the Maker to essentially be a different character now. They wasted his character, but the original stories were pretty decent.

To be fair, I always thought the Maker was a weird idea to begin with.
Going by Ultimate Reed's characterization up to then...he would have just left rather than do what he did.

Hickman was able to make it interesting, but it was disassociated from the character from the get-go.

When did Leon S. Kennedy become Wolverine?

Yeah, there should have been more foreshadowing. I doubt it was planned during the run of Ultimate FF, which made the twist come out of nowhere.

I like the idea since 616 Reed has always been pretty utilitarian and comes close to being a villain at several points by trying to do what he thinks is right. The idea of a less mature Reed seeing the mess the Ultimate Universe is in and thinking he could fix everything isn't completely out of character for either Reed. Sort of like an mirror version of Doom.

When they killed Wolverine, people whined and they brought similar guy.

Yeah, in that way it would have been more sensible.

But Ult. Reed was always more of an outcast. The entire reason behind the Dimensional Bridge he created was so that he could leave our world and find somewhere, anywhere, that he belonged.
The only reason he stayed was for the other three and because now he had "friends".
But it was always teetering, and really he would have gone out to some distant dimension after Ultimatum happened.

>Sinister arc was my favourite arc of UXM
>hated the Apocalypse arc
>the moment Sinister appears again and it feels like it might lead to something interesting the comic gets cancelled and the universe dies
UXM was a mistake.

That's what is so disappointing about the character. He had complexity and interesting motivations originally, but then they just turned him into a caricature of his original characterization.

I hear he's going to be the main villain of the new Ultimates book though, so maybe they can redeem him somehow.