Make Spider-Man Amazing Again


Since Conway's Spider-Man Marriage book is selling more so than Dan Sloth's Clone Saga 2.0, does this mean we can kick Slott off and bring back the Real Spider-Man his marriage?

I mean, sales show readers prefer a mature married Peter Parker over a dumb single manchild that loves killing kids.

Just pull a Superman Rebirth , kill the fake Child-Killer Peter and Fake Bitch MJ, and bring the Real Peter and MJ back. It's so easy.

I mean come on. They can fix Venom but they can't fix Spider-Man and his marriage?

While I loved RYV it's a bit too early to tell if the momentum keeps up because in general a comic will lose at least half its readership on #2.

>A white family

It's like people learned nothing from Champions #1 and #2.

I hope so, OP. I hope so.

>They can fix Venom
[citation needed]

What kids did Peter kill?

I mean besides his own.

It's like you know nothing about Schoolastic.

Just his second child.

So you say that Marlel played completely straight and didn't force retailers to order fuckload of issues because muh incentive covers?