Erin Esurance

the world wasn't ready for her yet

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It's more like she came too late.
If she showed up in the late 90s when Tomb Raider and Buffy were big no one would have cared and she wouldn't have been a victim of soccer moms.

Soccer moms wasn't the problem.

The problem was that lewds of her were so common that it was actually impacting google searches for the company. They didn't want to be associated with that, so they discontinued the character.

Wasn't that a myth, though? Flo from Progressive has gotten way more porn.

The late 90s would have solved that problem too. It was a more innocent time with less lewds.

She was boring, but I'll take her over Jim from the Office. The lines they have him read sound so condescending.

She had some pretty cute "costumes" too

The real problem with Erin was no one gave a shit about her.

It was a different time.

I only recognize Clippy and Erin from that list so she must have been doing something right.

For anyone who cares, the studio behind her commercials made a music video that's pretty catchy.

>Gorton Fisherman
>1% sexy
I guess someone wants to THRUST the Gorton's Fisherman.

Jim Halpert is a better spokesperson, anyways.


Her smile is precious and adorable

poor girl

What happens to waifus when they die?

their threads cap out at 20 posts

Come on guys don't let her die

My penis was ready for her.

Flo has also gotten that treatment with Erin too
>the forbidden ship

I'm glad nobody finds the pep boys sexy. But I'm disappointment that the Gortons Fisherman only has a 1% sexy rating.

I always thought she looked like clipart.

didn't Zone do a thing for her


Someone please post the link to this if its actually a thing.

he did
google it lazy faggot


That's not nice

>She had some pretty cute "costumes" too

Post more, please? Google isn't doing shit for me.

I don't believe you

>Gorton only has 1% sexy
but he's total daddy material

I'll see if I can help you out, but I had go find old commercials on YouTube for these. Wish they were in higher quality then 360p though.

>first appearance

>business casual?

Indeed, not bad at all

At one point I had all the commercials downloaded from the esurance site.
They weren't high res, but they looked clean. Most stuff on youtube has been encoded five times over.
Unfortunately that hard drive is dead and gone

Indeed, user, indeed.

Unfortunate. I remember some of her outfits being pretty fap worthy. I just never made it/her a thing for me because back then it was hard to fap to commercials.

>pic related

Huh, never heard of this guy


>mascot with her own official fanservice

another one

Also, while through all these photos, her bust in initial appearance is very slightly larger than consequent ones. Just pointing that out in case anyone finds that info helpful.

He's the rugged handsome you don't see too much of these days. The world needs more people like Iain Glen.

>At least 150 people voted Gorton sexy

Can you blame them? Just look at the guy:

Why is every single statistic on the Gorton Fisherman so fucking funny to me?

This was 5 years after she was introduced. Most ad characters die off like that (think the old spice guy)

Sincere and believable make sense. He looks like a rugged fisherman.

>Gorton Fisherman topping the charts

Good, I always liked him.

>tfw in the 1%

Look at his smug face. You can just tell that mechanic is getting laid tonight


The surfing outfit is honestly the hsardest one to find good quality for, next to the reporters outfit. They do not come up well on 360p quality.

High liner guy is hotter.

Gorton Fisherman and Erin Esurance crossover picture. What happens in it?

Erin discovers that she is, in fact, an Oji-con

what's Gorton Fisherman?

I think you should calculate that again, user

>This guy is supposed to be an ugly hairy motherfucker in the books

>In the show he's the most handsome rugged fella
