As a black person, thanks marvel

As a black person, thanks marvel.

Bendis needs to keep writing

As a black person I can say the objectification of the black male as a sex object in media needs to stop. We are people not dildos.


Yeah go fuck yourself. More women for me, you pansy fruit faggot

>Wanting your race to be fetishized
You do know Black "love" interests are the closest thing to bestiality right? Why do you think they call Blacks bulls? They don't see you as human; just an animal.

Enjoy white girls using you for sex til your mid 20s then they move on and marry a white dude. They are effectively conditioning women to not see us as people but objects to be used for sex and that is it.

Time to call the police.

Yeah, wrong again. I've had my fair share of every type of girls. I've been with my white girlfriend for almost 4 and a half years now.

Your mental enslavement sees interracial coupling as a crime.

Enjoy not having a variety of different flavors of women.

A bait thread a day keeps the mods away. You guys need to go back to /gif/ and Sup Forums and keep roleplaying as blacks over there.


Nice edge. I've dated more white girls than you'll ever get.

Assuming any of them like you. You're just a pathetic beta chick. Sad!