Is Svtfoe the best cartoon on tv right now?
Is Svtfoe the best cartoon on tv right now?
adventure time is still on, but it is the best quirky magical show currently on tv now that SU has kinda lost its way
but ranking them is not really something that's going to make you happy, user. just enjoy them all, and how great it is that there's good cartoons on right now
The Simpsons is better
Why does Sup Forums like this show so much?
Why did the janny deleted the other thread?
They can get off on their fantasies of a pure aryan girl getting BEANED
Yes it indeedly is
No, Gumball is. It's one the best though, beats Tumblr Universe.
1. Star Vs. The Forces of Evil
2. The Amazing World of Gumball
3. Adventure Time (Weird, but better than SU.)
4. Steven Universe (Getting boring.)
5. The Loud House (Very boring to watch.)