You know the drill: Argue about something until somebody ponies up five bucks per month for the new one. Maybe Willis will grace us with a meaningless change of scene out of nowhere.
Also, I like how Ethan is talking about the Transformers thread as if it's happening in real-time, unlike most discussion forums. It's almost as if he's browsing /toy/.
>I've been following this comic for almost a year because of Sup Forums
Nathaniel Jenkins
Also, I just noticed. Panel Three. "No Where" should be one word. "Nowhere", not "no where".
Also, Panel Five. Mike's doing the stupid out-of-frame lean-in thing that Willis seems to do a lot. It's especially stupid since we see that Ethan is literally the only person in this hall. You'd think there would be at least a few shapeless blobs in the background at least.
We all float down here.
Thomas Young
Humor referencing internet tropes is only really funny to people who know anything about internet tropes, to which jokes hinging on internet tropes having become so cliche and common that it ceases to be funny.
Jordan Wright
>some autist writes 16 paragraphs with footnotes >conceding the argument instead of calling him a faggot
Jackson Smith
Patreanon really is dead...
Camden Scott
>Loudly narrating the course of your internet arguments to yourself
Eli Lewis
Patreanons never die
Hudson Scott
>Narrating all of your actions, even in time-sensitive situations Welcome to comics