>it's a women are heartless cunts episode
Did they stop doing those after 2000?
>it's a women are heartless cunts episode
Did they stop doing those after 2000?
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WoY kind of did that near the end.
grrrr they make me so mad they make me want to give them their just desserts youtube.com
That would require it stop being true
another day, another fetish that i'm forced to discover the existence of
how so?
More like, it's a slutty 13 year old jailbait episode.
Teen Titans Go does it all the time
It's also the worst cartoon currently airing. Coincidence?
Can cartoons get away slutty 13 year olds like Chloe these days? Chloe is the girl in the OP image.
>wanting women to be shrill, heartless harpies in cartoons
I watch cartoons to escape reality.