What part of conservation of momentum is so hard for her to understand?

what part of conservation of momentum is so hard for her to understand?


How bad has marvel gotten?

"Conservation" is too similar to "conservative".

If writers want to write about feminism and female heroes can't they do it better? All these comics are so blunt with the message. There has to be a better way.

The conservation of momentum is biased towards white cis male privilege.

I mean it has conservative right there in the name.

It was much better when women knew their place

No, it has conservation. Like saving the whales and shit. People love that.

More like conservation of the patriarchy and their choking grip over society.

Question: Why mockingbird turns to shit in issue #3?

honestly, 1 and 2 were good, and then... this shit.

>we won the war ladies

Was there some in universe conspiracy to keep female superheroes out or is the writer trying to be meta?

She got a host of new powers right after this and arguably became the most powerful member of all. Stan and Jack valued women in their traditional roles, but were willing to change with the times as well.

>Hurr I can bitchslap the hulk!
Power level shit is the worst

> sue's great guys, remember the time she turned invisible and tripped a guy

As a feminist myself even I think this is forced and cringeworthy.

Honestly if you can't write a competent superhero with the power of invisibility you are a pretty shitty writer.

I mean shit, at the very most basic all you need to do is make them carry a weapon or be a kungfu badass and have them sneak attack people, and even then thats only for the writers who thinks direct combat is the only thing that matters for a hero.

>Saving the day is more than just combat

It's a good message

Is this suppose to be serious? It feels like a parody of feminism.

Has the new powerpuff girls brought her back? All I know about it is they hate Ms Bellum and think its cool to show little girls twerking

>only these two extremes can exist

That's why Sue would work great in a spy book. But alas, she had to be constantly relegated to either team mom or dumb bruiser, and is now shelved for better times

You didn't post the best page

This is... pretty fucked up against people who have actually suffered from radiation exposure?

Also doesn't a little metahuman girl end up killing a bunch of people in this comic but its completely glossed over since she's really the victim due to "people not talking enough about tampons"?

She goes through all that montage style development and her end science is still a shitty microscope

>2 eye holes

No one cares because all the people she killed were men

What part of learning something new is hard is hard for you to understand?

What part of repeating what the teacher said in form of a question as a way to show you understand it is hard for you to understand?

>gender wage gap meme

It's trash.

White men, too

>This is... pretty fucked up against people who have actually suffered from radiation exposure?
Yeah and people becomes heroes because their parents died when they where kids is fucked up against people who lost their parents when they where kids.


No, he's right and you're wrong. The comic depicts her as somehow amazed at learning about conservation of momentum, which is retarded since it's one of the least counter-intuitive findings you could come up with. The writer was trying to make her look smart and obsessed with science but since the writer herself doesn't know any science her attempt at writing failed.

A kid endlessly exposing themself to X-rays and having it played for a joke? That's actually kind of messed up.

>The comic depicts her as somehow amazed at learning about conservation of momentum
By learning high school (or whatever it is you Americans has before high school) physics?

>Comedy is built Schadenfreude

No seriously what's messed up about it? You don't find it believable that in the world of Marvel some stupid kids will expose themselves to all kind of shit to get powers?

Wait, you bein serious or making a joke

Completely serious. A young girl who just discovers her power kills like four dudes and no one in the comic seems to care.

It's like you don't even appreciate how important using the word tampon is.

Was the Mockingbird comic written by some sort of sociopath?

It was written by a feminist, so yes.

I think it's more that female writers don't have the imagination to think of fictional characters as though they were real characters, so she has them randomly murdered without any consequences because they only exist as plot devices in her mind.

The last issue implied that Mockingbird and Phantom Rider's relationship was consensual, so now instead of being brainwashed into being Phantom Rider's girlfriend, Mockingbird cheated on her husband, killed the man she had the affair with, and lied about being drugged and raped.

This is supposedly empowering, and somehow better than the rape and revenge plot.

They were also portrayed as caricatures. Literally, they spouted strawman-ish slogans you'd expect to see in political caricatures moments before getting killed by the "poor victim girl".

Most of them did nothing wrong in-universe, yet their deaths were still treated as if they deserved it. Probably because they were caricatures of political opinions the author disagrees with.

>yet their deaths were still treated as if they deserved it
No they weren't

>Mockingbird cheated on her husband, killed the man she had the affair with, and lied about being drugged and raped.
Not just that. She lied about being raped to hide her cheating. And not just that. She supposedly killed the guy because he raped her... but if he didn't actually rape her, that means she killed him without any reason... probably to hide the truth?

Mockingbird's inner monologue offers no compassion for the men's innocent deaths. She either ignores them completely, or indirectly blames them for the girl's situation.

I still can't fathom how she "forgot" about the existence of at least Wasp, Invisible Girl and Jean Grey.

Post the pages and let the truth be shown to all

Being a teenage girl is really hard you guys. I mean it's probably harder when your dad gets murdered by a rampaging mutant, but still, tampons.

I thought this comic was pretty good until I realized she wasn't supposed to be a fucking idiot and all of this was played straight.


by being the dumb kid who nobody likes because they ask the stupidest shit every class, but then also trying to use that to prove she's smart and likes science
This is like someone loudly remarking how amazing it is that two plus two is four

oh god forbid you dont have something to wear.

High School is just the last 4 years of the K-12 experience in the US. You learn about this shit in "Middle school" which is like 6-8. At least when I was a kid. It might be earlier now.

Remember when Mockingbird was a kick ass spy?

>Spider-Man lunch box
>As old or even older than Peter
This sliding timeline is garbage. Also how the hell does she know Spider-Man got his powers from a spider bite? Only people in the metahuman community he's told would know.

It's so weird how Peter used to be the younger of the the most prominent superheroes, but now that he's an adult Marvel just lumps him in with everyone else as though they're all supposed to be around the same age.

Super Zero did this much better, especially since the protagonist is viewed as a lunatic.

> tfw every 90s kid who has fallen of a skateboard understands the basic principles of physics but this bitch somehow is having a hard time understanding momentum



>Only people in the metahuman community he's told would know.

A lot of modern writers are incapable of setting their minds to write only with in universe knowledge, and love meta jokes about radioactive X bites or glasses as a disguise or that kind of thing.

>You don't need a Y Chromosome
>You just need balls

so what she's saying is... you need a Y chromosome

To be honest, I'd be okay with meta jokes

If only those weren't the oldest crustiest dad jokes in comic fandom. Seriously, can we pass a new Comics Code that specifically outlaws "jokes" about
>bitten by a radioactive X
>my parents are dead
>glasses as a disguise
>aquaman is lame lol

Thankfully, at least "changing outfits in the telephone booth" and "underoos on tights" are finally dead, due to Nu52

Only if we also outlaw
>X-man, X-man, does whatever a X can
Seriously, the show is fucking 50 years old, the joke was already old when fucking Simpsons did it

Don't forget "Welcome to the X-Men, Hope you survive the experience" which was fucking narration.

and "with great power comes great X" which was parodied to death during the 90s

You know asking a question as to how you assume the universe is a closed system, especially with interdimensional beings and things like Galactus would make you question how true those scientific theories are or if they're actually explaining anything at all.

Ir they cared about women's rights they'd support the majority of women who just wanted to marry and have kids.

post moar

i fucking love biclops!!

That's for making me cry!

It's not serious. It's part of a long form story about her losing her mind that never got finished. Sup Forums just loves to point at it like it's the worst.

If she's supposed to be an unreliable narrator, then it should be consistent. Instead, we get a narrative that can't decide whether it's a complete lie and fabrication, or totally serious u guize. If the point is that the character constantly switches from being serious and honest to being a delusional liar, then we as the reader should be able to tell which is which. Right now, it's just a mess and shoddy writing.

It's not serious but it is. But it's not. But it is. But it's totally not serious. But it's actually a serious discussion of real problems in our society. But it's all in her mind and she's crazy bonkers. But it really happened and is canon. But it's just a prank bro

are you talking about the panel where she's still a kid in school? do you know how school works?


Do you know how reading comprehension works? The panel is meant to show how precocious and interested in science she is but it fails because it shows her amazed by a piece of trivia that isn't at all special or noteworthy.

Sue is generally regarded as the strongest in terms of inherent powers but everyone knows that Reed is the most valuable member due to his brain.

Except that rule is retarded and doesn't apply to a vast number of words.


Sue is the strongest because when they rushed to give her a power upgrade no one bothered to define a limit on her powers. Mostly because back then she still played second fiddle to other characters, and no one was really arsed.

That ultimately results in her possessing possibly almost unlimited power at her fingertips, that she never ever uses to its potential.

Doesn't that owe more to the comic book fanbase that will illogically stretch even the most shitty ability to encompass reality warping so they can prop up their personal favorite d-lister in their mind?

But Sue is smarter then him too.

Are you saying you liked muh tampons and GURL power?

Nope, she has been known to both move great masses, stop tremendous forces, as well as make needle-shaped fields that pierce through matter and even create tiny force fields inside someone's body to mess it up inside.

It's hard to say due to how lax and incomplete canon is, but she seems pretty close to Green Lantern with Superman-ish tendencies. Which, for Marvel, is a lot.


No, that's bullshit. She has more common sense and isn't autistic, but that's it. She does have some scientific knowledge though.

An important thing to grasp about the mindset of women, and thus feminism by extension, is it's not about competition with men. It's about being in competition with, and tearing down, other women. Even this very page illustrates the concept.

There are many female super heroes, making the idea she somehow had no female role models confusing. Instead, think about it from the standpoint of erasing the meaning of other women so the individual woman in question becomes first by default. If other women 'don't count', you'd set yourself up to be the 'first/best woman _____."

Men getting shit on is just incidental in the war women wage on each other constantly.

there are two main reasons for this:

first, the rule is actually "I before E except after C, or when sounding like A as in 'neighbor' or "weigh"

secondly, the English language has borrowed a huge number of words from other languages and, wouldn't you just know it, those languages have their own rules of spelling.

so kindly fuck off and maybe take the initiative to learn about these things instead of limiting yourself to the dumb shit you assume to be true.

The problem is, even this interpretation falls short because the writing is so bad and inconsistent.

At times she's a "wacky" character saying crazy shit, at times she's the author's mouthpiece voicing her opinions in a serious tone. Is she serious, and thus the world around her is badly written? Is she a crazy liar, and thus a parody on feminism? Is she sometimes this and sometimes that, and thus is badly written herself, lacking a clear distinction between these two modes? We may never know.

Tell me something. Is the writer male or female?

congrats, you now have 3 different kinds of cancer. sorry, mom!

They never should have given Samus a comic run

Well the thing is user a bunch of marvel superheroes were radiation based back in the day

Spider-man was radioactive spider
Hulk was gamma radiation
Daredevil was radioactive waste

Honestly I do not know why you have your knickers in a knot over this. There is plenty of actual terrible shit in Mockingbird to point out without whining about a callback

It's written by a person who has never actually read comics, but wanted to make a satire of how she (and modern culture) tend to assume comics are.

That is, she's assumed cape comics are just entirely white male power fantasy.

It's not particularly great writing but it seems even worse because we've all gone through the diversity pushes and stuff so it really seems off.

>"I before E except after C, or when sounding like A as in 'neighbor' or "weigh"
huh. that's weird.

Is that still going on? I honestly don't know.

The most ironic part is, we've been going through diversity pushes since the 90s, which is older than most of Mockingbird's readership. Yet they vehemently refuse to acknowledge that elephant in the room.

>That is, she's assumed cape comics are just entirely white male power fantasy.
I've always said that the funniest shit happens when compulsive bullshitters start believing their own bullshit.

You guys are aware that she make force fields so small that they can fit inside blood vessels and kill people with out leaving any evidence behind.

Why is there no villain like that?
That would be fucking terrifying if such a power was given to a complete sociopath with colorful imagination.