How can they reinstate her secret identity after Oliver blew it for no reason?

How can they reinstate her secret identity after Oliver blew it for no reason?

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This is the same city that's apparently too stupid to realize that the Hood, the Arrow, and the Green Arrow are all the same person. Just slap on a fake mustache or something, give her a fake name, and no one will suspect a thing.

Actually, now that I say that thing about the mustache, they can just call up Star Labs and ask H.R. for his hologram face thing. Bam, problem solved.

Or just say Flashpoint changed it so that they didn't reveal it.

The statue dedication with Laurel's name happened this season, after Flashpoint occurred. Oliver outing her as the Black Canary is still canon.

Well it is only a problem if she goes back into public life, which would be hard to explain in it's own right. If Laurel remains dead publicly she could be Black Canary and people will just assume it's a new person taking the mantle.

Personally I hope she makes a new identity as Dinah Drake or something.

What if she wore thick glasses?

>diggle is a man on the run but he has flashlights in his helmet

me and my friends were dying when he stood in front of the president and all the military people last episode


And decided to go by the name Dinah Lance instead of Laurel. Nobody would be the wiser.
Well, maybe some Legends shit changed it.

Or they could just say that she was never really Black Canary in the first place and was in witness protection or something since nobody saw her unmasked. And Oliver was pegged for the Arrow like ten times and even after Roy took the fall, nobody suspected a thing.

Her name IS Dinah Lance. Laurel is her middle name.

Yeah. But nobody knew her that way.


Does anybody even know she's back besides Ollie? Why would they need to reinstate her secret identity; she's just Black Canary now.

She needs to move to the Supergirl universe.

That would really suck to have no ordinary life though.

How can they reinstate his secret identity after Snyder blew it for no reason?

Will her being alive cause Sara to drop out of the Legends? Will Oliver even contact the Legends? It'll be kinda silly seeing Sara going all GOTTA AVENGE MUH SISTER'S DEATH all season while she's alive and kicking in Arrow.

Why would it? She was alive for most of season 1 of Legends.

>thinking she's actually alive
That would be perhaps the stupidest thing Arrow can do right now. And this season has been dumb, but not outright retarded like last season.

Superman tells somebody there's somebody under some rubble, but he's gotta go take care of this one thing, faster than the eye can see he gets under the rubble, changes to his Clark Kent look and pretends to have been trapped under there the entire time.

I don't know man, her dying breath being her shipping Oliver and Felicity was pretty bad. I might be able to overlook it.

For 2+ years?

>Implying it isn't her Earth 2 doppelganger.

>I might be able to overlook it.
Fuck, that's true. Just negating that would almost be worth this fucking embarrassment.

By not even trying to have a secret identity. She's dead with multiple witnesses including a few doctors and an incredibly public funeral. She can't even get her social security number or legal license back without causing massive problems. Her civilian identity is gone and average people aren't going to think the 4th person to call themselves the Canary is going to be a dead person.

literally who cares

Shut up.

>How can they reinstate her secret identity
Legends timeline fucking shit.
Guggie's superior writing.

I don't really care. I just hope it's really Laurel, not some evil meta E-2 bullshit.

>Laurel on Arrow
>Captain Cold on Legends
so which dead person is about to show up on the Flash?

Eddie as Savitar.

Isn't Savatar supposed to be Indian?

I really hope Prometheus is Tommy, Walter, or somebody we know and not the son of some random guy Ollie killed in season 1.

Who cares about Laurel? I want them to bring back Wellsobard already.

Why didn't I see it before!? He was like a father to them and they treated him like shit.

>I know where is heart but bullet may ricochet from rib cage


I want to suck a fart out her ass.

Was it him and they bailed?

I had this weird idea that Savitar is some form of future Wally.

they keep repeating that Barry is just a man, not a god

they also keep insisting that Wally is faster than Barry at the same point of experience

Maybe that "fate worse than death" - everyone thinks that Wally gets lost in the Speedforce.

But what if all that time in the Speedforce makes him a god, and he becomes Savitar, then travels back in time?

It would also add a second level of meaning to the scene where Savitar supposedly stabs fture Iris.

That's just dumb.

Did you watch the show? It was Hunter/Fake Jay.

Jesus, does it fucking matter? They're halfway through their final season. Who gives a shit?

It could simply be Black Siren who escaped from Barry's illegal prison after not being mentioned for months.

>thanks to flashpoint Black Siren wasn't captured like she was originally and instead went into hiding after Zoom's plot was foiled.

>She decided to do some research into who her E-1 counterpart was and found out everything about Laurel.

>She stalked the Green Arrow until she found the base and snuk inside, remember they changed the passwords after Artemis' betrayal became known so how did she get in? Laurel never knew how to pick locks or hack keypads. Black Siren with her more criminal tendencies however might be a pro at BnE.

That works surprisingly well. Presuming Oliver isn't just tripping balls. That's the rout I hope they go.

That works surprisingly well. Presuming Oliver isn't just tripping balls. That's the rout I hope they go.

Though it makes Barry look like an idiot, and also criminally negligent that he hasn't noticed she's gone post Flashpoint.

there were like dozens of masked villians, vigilantes and arrow impostors or just guys with a bow and arrows, the public can't never really know.

Its no problem bringing back the Canary as a "legacy" character, Laurel Lance is death forever like Sara.

Convergence/Crisis when? So all your favorite characters are alive and Superman and Supergirl don't need to jump dimensions to help Barry.

Do they still keep the metas in the fucking particle accelerator tube cages? That shit is worse than Gitmo idk wtf team Flash is thinking?

>wtf team Flash is thinking?
Filthy metas! Kill, Barry, kill.

Iron heights has a meta wing now, so the pipe line only has a few... Political prisoners who could out the Flash's identity.


So what is the plan, do they keep them in little cages (with no freaking toilet), basically solitary isolation, FOREVER?
I didn't know this show had a supervillain outfit as protagonists.

>So what is the plan, do they keep them in little cages
Who knows Barry probably hopes they try and escape, so he can hunt them down and fix the problem without feeling guilty for executing prisoners..

I do like the fact that if you stop and think about it Flash the Arrowverse Superman, is more morally ambiguous than their version of Batman though.

Who cares?

I'm just happy my OTP is back.

Yes, he's eaten rats to survive.

As he's Clark Kent, he fashioned himself a razor and shears to keep his modest appearance so as not to shock anyone when he comes out.

"My life under a rock" becomes a Pulitzer prize winning book

Olicity is endgame. #olicity #ota

The stupidest thing Arrow ever did was having Laurel's final words being that it was okay for Oliver to fuck Felicity.

>with no freaking toilet
note how its also very tiny room. would be better if he froze them in carbonite , its not like they are getting therapy or being otherwise rehabilitated

will lois be pissed about how he got the pulitzer for nothing?

But they already know he can move faster than the eye can see.

So real talk.

Would you like Laurel back? Do you at all care about Ollies romantic endgame?

They had an open casket funeral for Clark

lmfao wait actually what

Just do it like that one Green Arrow run, everyone knows, but no ones really gives a shit.
Then for the season finale just have cop walk up to Laurel's door and ask "Where is Green Arrow? We need his help".

Yeah, and he's asking if it was originally going to be Prison!Dad and then they changed their minds on the twist.

Which I think they may have.

Isn't Prometheus actually Quentin Lance?

So that's what that line meant.

Nah, they already had the whole "Quentin is Prometeus" shit. Besides, when the fuck did he go train in Russia?

Did TVTropes lie to me about Prometheus being a member of the SCPD?

All we know is that Prometheus either
>Had access to SCPD evidence to know what Ollie's arrows used to look like when he was the Hood
>Acquired one such arrow by another mean or saw Oliver use them back in his Hood days (I mean, he did leave those things everywhere and in everyone)
Because Prometheus uses the exact same kind of arrows.

Implying she isn't too tired from being banged like a nail with a jackhammer in the bathtub

Couldn't it just also be he bribed a cop to get them.

SCPD isn't exactly incorruptible. Especially at the beginning of the show

So I just caught up with this series after who knows how long since I watched season 1 of the Flash. And I just have to ask, does anyone else feel like Iris is just not that great of a character in this show?

Like I'm not quite sure why, but something about her just made me not really like her. Especially once they really started pushing her romance with Barry in season 3. Like I know that it is comic canon and all, but considering all the other divergences this show does, I feel like it is a bit hamfisted in how they are handling it.

I mean not as bad as the wreck Arrow became when Oliver/Felicity became a thing. But still felt like she was shoved down my throat pretty hard.

I don't want to turn this into a shipping thread or anything, but I kind of agree.

It's not that she's particularly annoying to me, just really dull. Not to mention all her interactions with Barry were pretty awkward. Especially in the newest season, since they are pushing the dating plotline, while constantly reminded us that they were raised almost like siblings. Which is kind of weird.

I actually kind of prefer him with Caitlin, seems a lot more naturally in my opinion. Though I find it odd that if you mention you like that ship, you'll get some cries of racism from certain crowds for reasons I don't quite understand.

That would be because Iris really only exists to be Barry's love interest in the show. Oh sure they occasionally give here a plot such as being a reporter or dealing with family, but she doesn't have much else. Problem is that they really can't do much with her. She isn't a scientist, doesn't have superpowers, and the only fighting skill she has is some really basic self defense stuff her dad probably taught her. They could try to use her job as a reporter to get her to do something, but that would require them to not use all of the exposition computers and plot detectors Cisco made.

red herring

I remember when everyone hated her in the first two seasons and wanted her off the show. And they also loved Felicity and wanted her to date Oliver.

Kinda funny how that went.

I swear to god Katie Cassidy looks different every time I see her
Compare her time on Supernatual, on that other CW show, and now on Arrow, it's like three different women.

I gotta say, this might be one of the few cases where I'm actually fine with the show diverging from the comics. Frankly they've made Caitlin/Killer Frost a lot more interesting of a character, and one that actually has legit chemistry with Barry in the context of the show. In comparison to Iris who is really just kind of there, and whose interactions with him are really odd in my opinion.

I know people are really wary of that sort of thing since the pandering of Oliver and Felicity really messed up Arrow. But I think the Flash show would be better off if they dumped Iris. I mean nothing much of value would be lost frankly.

Hindsight is a real bitch, what's hilarious though is how delusional the diehard shippers of that pairing are these days. They really can't see how much the writing in general has gone down the drain because their ship is being acknowledged so much.

To be fair, she was a real fucking bitch in season 1-2 and Felicity wasn't as over-exposed as she became. Everything's good in moderation. That and her forehead always freaked me out with how fake it looked.

>In comparison to Iris who is really just kind of there, and whose interactions with him are really odd in my opinion.

The main thing Iris brought to the show, in the first season, was that she was Barry's link to normality. She didn't know he was the Flash, so he could just feel like regular Barry Allen around her. When she found out his secret, that was lost.

Now she just feels redundant, except as a possible love interest. I know a lot of people were impatient to have her find out Barry's secret, but in retrospect that might have been a bad thing for her character.

It was never Henry.

Yeah I think they kind of rushed it. Normally someone like Joe would be in that position, having the incognito hero who is chased by the cop who is unaware his friend/son is the man he is chasing.

But they already tossed that out by having Joe see him in the first episode. So they briefly use Eddie to fill in that gap, which didn't last long obviously.

I know people are sometimes tired of the "secret identity from loved ones!" plot, but that is usually a key source for more interesting plotlines. Which don't occur with Iris, so now she is just the boring love interest. With nothing much to do, but encourage Barry whenever he is down (which every other character can do anyways).

At least with Caitlin Snow, you have the Killer Frost thing to deal with. Plus how Barry is the source (or at least highly involved with) of all her problems. Which creates an interesting dynamic since the two clearly care for one another.

Problem with her not knowing and being a journalist investigating is that it sets her in a adversarial position to Barry, and her bumbling attempts at trying to find out about him were honestly worse than her pep talks.
Plus Barry tells someone new who he is every week can you imagine if Julian "I hate that guy" Albert knew who he was and Iris didn't?

Maybe they should have just let Barry do a better job of keeping his identity secret. Lois Lane didn't know Clark Kent was Superman for a long time remember.

>better job of keeping his identity secret
Probably. Though that would be a completely different show, and if he isn't going to tell Iris Joe shouldn't know either, as it leads to dumb family tension.

>I gotta say, this might be one of the few cases where I'm actually fine with the show diverging from the comics. Frankly they've made Caitlin/Killer Frost a lot more interesting of a character, and one that actually has legit chemistry with Barry in the context of the show.
I've been rooting for Cait as endgame for Barry ever since the very beginning, they fit really good with each other.

Remember what happened last time such words were uttered.

It's alright. Looks like she ends up dating Julian in 3.2 who will inevitably be killed off, or turn evil again by the seasons end. Maintaining Caitlin's good luck with boyfriends.

on stuff like cisco's tumblr they explain that the tiny rooms we see are basically rotating airlocks that lead to the actual prison rooms that the show has no budget for, but which have television, videogames, toilets, etc.

Yeah, I'm worried about that too. However I'd say at least the Flash writers haven't completely jumped the shark yet. And the relationship between Barry and Caitlin is a lot less heavy handed than the Felicity shit the Arrow people shoved in. Like Caitlin actually has real issues, and real reasons to blame Barry for her problems; yet she still doesn't become a complete bitch over them.

I also like how the show gives some pretty subtle reasons to like them together. While there were some pretty blatant episodes that makes people want to ship them (I think it was episode 12 in season 1 where she is drunk and shit?), there are a lot of small details that I really like.

Like they occasionally just end up doing the same gestures, or moving their bodies in the exact same way during certain scenes. I don't know if that's a direction thing, or just a thing their actors do for fun, but it is still pretty cute all the same.

I really wish they made her Iris. WOuld have made so much more sense.

I'm fine with it, I actually feel like she would have been wasted if she was cast as Iris. Her subplots are a whole lot more interesting than just being the girl Barry hold a flame for and that's pretty much it.

I'm pretty sure he is going to be killed off. There are way too many deathflags set up for him, and he is all too expendable of a character.

Speaking of that, who is going to be the traitor? We already know from Savitar that one person is getting killed off (I legit wouldn't mind it if it was Iris, since really nothing would be lost), but apparently someone is going to betray them. I would say Cisco, but I feel like he is too obvious due to the dead brother thing.