So I guess we can all agree that these guys are the only truly competent animation studio today right?

So I guess we can all agree that these guys are the only truly competent animation studio today right?

Well how many other animation studios run by former rappers do you know

Eh, Boxtrolls and Kubo weren't particularly good

>who is Disney

>who is Pixar

they have the best batting average. Coraline, Paranorman, and Kubo are 10/10 and Boxtrolls is like a 7 or 8

Maybe art-wise. The production behind these movies are incredible. But Boxtrolls and Kubo had pretty weak writing.

With the exception of Coraline, all their other films are incredibly underwritten.

this, times a million.

Paranorman is the weakest film they've made.

At least they won't be trying to cash in on their beloved characters by making sequels.

The monkey's va in Kubo bothered me.

That's not how you spell Boxtrolls.

>Who is Disney
Though decent, they're films aren't as good as the 90s renaissance/golden age of Snow White, Pinnochio etc.

>Who is Pixar
Everything after Toy Story 3 except Inside Out is balls.

>they're films aren't as good

*their films aren't as good

Auesthetically, mechanically, and thematically yes. All they need is a competent screenwriter.

And a better marketing team.

Zootopia tho

I haven't watched a single Laika movie

Including or excluding vfx animation studios?

Their movies seem like the kind of thing that would have been fucking baller if released back in the 90's, but ever since Pixar came along and kind of changed the game for animation screenwriting (Throwing a lot of Disney mannerisms out of the window like typical animal sidekicks an what not), they're seen as below average.

Don't you be coming around here with that shit.

Even Coraline degenerates into a video game let's play by the end, although the rest is top notch.

What does that mean?

This, their movies are pretty average but they get praise because they use a meme medium, if there stuff was cgi people wouldn't dickride them half as hard.

Hey Paranorman

>Kubo wasn't good.

Nice bait my friend.

I've heard the same thing but largely towards Kubo and how it's formatted essentially like a Zelda game with its 'go here, find thing, beat boss' rhythm it's story has. Coraline only falls into that within the final third, but Kubo does it basically through the the whole film.

At least in the big league, yeah.

This, exactly this. Everything about their films - EXCEPT for the writing - is incredible. Just get better writers, please.

THERE IS a a rumor saying that they are interessed on start doing some 2d animated movies.

I really hope so.

They should just cut Don Bluth a check. That man has at least one more movie in him he has to....

If 2016 takes him too...

>Everything after Toy Story 3 except Inside Out is balls.
I enjoyed Finding Dory

It's not a rumor, Travis Knight straight up said it. I think Kubo's ending credits is proof of that as well. He said they're not going to do it anytime soon, but it's definitely something he wants to explore in the future.

They're like Don Bluth. Amazing animation but the shittiest stories imaginable.

Paranorman > Kubo > Coraline > Boxtrolls

Not that other user but I think the same. It felt way too rushed, sometimes it even felt as if they had cut scenes or something.

>but they get praise because they use a meme medium

CG is a meme medium because normies love it for no explainable reason.

Coraline is the best, followed by Kubo. Boxtrolls was alright, and to be completely honest I've never seen Paranorman.

Coraline > Kubo > Paranorman >>>>> Boxtrolls

The first 3 are around the same level of quality. The one you like the most (and least) comes purely down to personal preference for what you enjoy in a movie. Paranorman feels a bit hit-or-miss, though. I wasn't into its writing, but I found enough to like where I'm not willing to call it bad. I'm pretty sure that people who got attached to its characters would rank it higher.

The only exception is Boxtrolls. Everything about it was mediocre, except the animation. Despite that, it's still the greyest Laika film.

The way Coraline, Paranorman, and Kubo looked and felt are still fresh in my mind, even if I haven't seen a few of those in years. The Boxtrolls is forgettable.

T H I S.

I didn't even hear about Kubo until a week before it went out of theaters. It wasn't their best film but I still found some enjoyment out of it.

zootopia and moana were really good, and a lot of their 00s work was also of fine quality

I liked Secret of Nimh

What about the guys who did pic related?

Shitty writing tho, you can't deny it.

Cartoon Saloon, and yes they are very good and there are other studios that have just as much if not more talent. OP is just a faggot.

I'd put Cartoon Saloon in the same category as Laika: fantastic films in need of better writing.

Though considering their next film is a book adaptation, I have high hopes for it.

What is the next?

But that's not what the people want.

God that movie was awful.

Agree with everything

Literally none of their movies have interesting stories, the only good thing about them is the animation and even thats not good enough to help me ignore the boring ass plot

These movies are only ever good for a one time watch, then maybe a second after a year or two.