Why wont they just say what the reason was? Shit is just making me resent them

Why wont they just say what the reason was? Shit is just making me resent them.

going on 3 years

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they didn't even think far enough ahead to know what it was, either, and they were just hoping they'd come up with something good later.

So are there any funny edits of this page?


they either don't know, had an idea for it but accidentally wrote something that would make the idea impossible, or are planning to relaunch and never explain it.

Do you really believe you're worthy?

I always see old Batman with his exo-skeleton from Kingdom Come in that image

What did Ollie do to Batman?

you know Jason Aaron is still writing Thor, yea?

>Ollie's not that shallow
Since when?!

When it comes to status quo shakes marvel belongs to the school of "fuck thinking up a cause for change, just implement it".

I accept this as the reason because Thor fearing that Gorr is right about how the universe would be better off without gods sound like something that would make him unworthy of wielding the hammer.

Oh course the actual reason is probably the hammer broke up Thor and became a lesbian.

He secretly goes on crime fighting adventures with Dick, who prefers Green Arrow to Batman, hence his original crime fighting name, Robin.


That was the Event where they showed that the JLA Brainwashed Batman and some bad Guys. That was the Reason, why Batman build Brother Eye

Probably they didn't think that far ahead. If we ever do get a reveal I expect it will have to do with with the hammer (recently revealed to be a sentient cosmic super storm) deciding he is unworthy. This further undermining Odin a Thor's agency and emphasising that Jane Foster is just the bestest Thor ever

Comics has reached the post-modernism phase, story writing without an actual story, cliffhangers without even bothering with a resolution.

And so far the audience is still buying it, so they keep shoveling it.

so its completely within the realm of possibilty (and I know this is INSANE, but hear me out) he could be attempting to build and tell a story?

especially while we're in the middle of them releasing a mini specifically focused on THOR attempting to get the Ultimate Thor's Mjolnir.

so its (again, completely crazy idea) a strong possibility to think that its something that Marvel hasn't done for a while and is an ongoing story that will have revelations along the way?

>ongoing story
It's only okay when DC does it.

>Tumblr filename
It's ok when Marvel does it

i don't really care if that's the case. they still took to long to reveal what caused the depowering in the first place. it's a key story element and i doubt it will be worth the wait when (if) they eventually get to it.

Thor will kill Jane Foster.
This would probably be better than anything Aaron came up with.

not a fan of mysteries, huh?

What if it's something about creation of Mjolnir that makes it not worthy of Thor?

not a fan of badly paced mysteries.

that's the logical i can figure it being, but if then they waited way too long because the reader already knows about the cancer thing.

Yeah, if this is what it is, then I'm cool with it. Fury saying something sufficiently evocative like "In your heart of hearts, you agree with Gorr and you know it." Being slapped in the face with a reality like that which he'd been forcing himself to ignore would be enough to shake him to his core and throw him off his path, I think.

I fucking love continuity throwbacks like this

You don't bust out a Chekhov's Gun that big and then not fire it for 3 fucking years if you know where you're going with it.

I hope this ends up being true by Jane being Thor kills her

Some Greek prophesy type shit

Fury didn't talk to Thor
He talked to the hammer.
Mighty Thor #12 reveals that it used to be a conscious being.
Whatever Fury said was meant to awaken that being again, and the specific words aren't really that important.

"I was black all along!"

But what would make the hammer reject Thor and allow someone else to wield it? The idea that a new host could be bent to its will?

Not buying it.

>You don't bust out a Chekhov's Gun that big and then not fire it for 3 fucking years if you know where you're going with it.
You should read 8-bit Theater

The hammer is an SJW and wanted Thor to check his privilege.

bc it's a macguffin

>It was you, Thor
>It was you all along

8-Bit Theater was written with that ending and everything in between was just expansion because it was popular

What is your point?

none of these things would keep odin from lifting the hammer

i was more pissed they never called the other hammer wielders to try. beta ray bill would have lifted that shit no problem.

There was an actual gun shot.

I suspect that Odin hadn't been able to lift Mjolnir for some time due to issues of his own, and that was just the first time his own worthiness was put to that specific test. This particular incarnation of Odin has been a great deal more rash and bellicose than the one which preceded it.

>If you were really worthy of lifting the hammer you wouldn't need to

My theory, and this is just something I made completely up, but I havent seen anything hinted at even:

Fury tells him how can he be worthy, when he hasent been a worthy father. See in avengers next thor has a daughter he sent to earth to learn about humans instead of living up in asguard with him and aparently sif. His daughter has blonde hair, fine she could have gotten it from thor, but my theory is different.

In one of the many many times enchantress has mind controlled thor, he ended up giving her a daughter. She has tried to go good in the last few years, possibly wanting thor to choose her before revealing they have a daughter. Mabye she feels if she reveals the daughter she must leave with trusted allies when she is out scheming, that thor will be with her, but not out of love for her, but responsability and love for the child. And the shock he has not been there for his child did that. Mabye he cant go find the child right now because he feels like he IS unworthy, and needs to make himself so before trying to be a dad.

See Tourin.

Echantress wouldn't be able to baby trap Thor.

>he is still waiting to know the words

Oh my sweet summer child

I don't think the next avengers are canon anymore.
I'm not sure they ever were.

thats from an issue of Avengers World which was in line with Hickman's Avengers...

If it was a good mystery it wouldn't be going on for three fucking year with barely anything revealed or resolved. It also wouldn't have started with the worst fucking character ever to weild Thor's hammer.

Stop playing devil's advocate for shit writing.

>The idea that a new host could be bent to its will?
I mean, Jane is a fucking idiot, so it's highly plausable.

Is this a high int, low wis thing?

She was offered a free cure for cancer with no risks from the gods themselves, and she turned it down because she wanted to die a horrible painful death like a real human being.

No one in their fucking right mind would do that.

cancer existing in the marvel universe is silly to begin with. Doom would have cured that shit on a weekend just to spite Richards.

No. Doom would have found a cure for cancer, found out Richards had already done that shit but didn't release it because reasons, and then thrown a bitchfit about coming in second place and destroyed his own work.

>When is the end a reflection of a time yet to be?

when shitty writers try to write stories involving Kang

Marvel is shit.

Well then Hank Pym would cure cancer.

And then the cure for cancer would start killing people.

So Marvel Cancer is actually a cure for cancer that went wild.

I mean, let's not act like Aaron has ever been good at mysteries. There's some things he's certainly good at, but mysteries aren't one of them.

Also, mysteries getting dragged out for too long gives me bad 90s Marvel flashbacks.

Odin couldn't lift it because of The Serpent's influence is my assumption. Characters have called Odin out on acting differently since coming back from his exile in Asgard with Cul and Cul manipulating/infecting Odin so that he could get the throne (which he currently has) could be enough to throw off Odin's worthiness. Then it's just a matter of accepting the idea that mjolnir's enchantment has grown outside of even Odin's power to undo it.

>Comics has reached the post-modernism phase, story writing without an actual story, cliffhangers without even bothering with a resolution.
You're describing 90s Marvel there. Hardly anything new. We're just in the middle of the All-new 90s Renaissance.

>unworthy says "what?"