Since most folks keep ranting about how much of a meme Aikido is. What martial arts are actually effective in close quarters combat? Or do all forms of martial art need to be choreographed in movies in order to conceal their absolute uselessness in real combat situations?
Since most folks keep ranting about how much of a meme Aikido is...
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western style boxing, dodge punish repeat
krav maga
> KENPO >>>>>>>> Akukdo
Boxing and judo, maybe. Everything else is worthless.
Or just buy a gun.
It doesn't depend of the martial art. It depends of the quality of the fighter
Capoeira is the only useful fighting martial arts plus you can dance now
Actual jujutsu, not some shitty version some guy has made to form their own dojo.
Boxing will give you a lot as well.
Watch bas ruttens videos, hilarious and have viable technique.
Picking up an object and smashing the person in the head with it. Or a gun.
Choreographied western boxing is severely underrated. Tyson in Ipman 3 is fucking great.