fuck off australia, you proxy using cunt
What did he mean by this?
But nearly all of those either fought the Americans (and thus were combatants) or were killed not by Americans but by other Muslims. So basically, "waah my people keep killing each other!"
RIP to the hard earned tax money this kid will take from a county for being a dumb fuck.
I wonder what the total statistics of Iraqis killed by US soldiers / misplaced airstrikes, etc. are compared to how many died from car bombings, suicide bombers, shia / sunni violence in the wake of the invasion are.
Ultimately however, the invasion is what led to the instability which led to sectarian violence, suicide bombings / jihad resistance / airstrikes, etc.
Regardless, fuck Islam. It is a barbaric religion, the worst of them all that the entire world would be better off without. Also a huge fuck you to clock boy and his bullshit antics.
Also dont forget the tens of millions Islam has enslaved and raped during its history
>allah ackbar muh 2 Gazillian
>America is racist, I'm moving to the Middle East!
>Wow, the Middle East sucks! I'm moving back to America!
>America still sucks though LOL!
Even the people who initially supported him want him to shut the fuck up.
cool cock, ahmed
he has the IQ of a damp rag
honestly retarded inbred deformed muslims just need to be deleted from existence
They are no use to anyone
My response to this was what I said last night when we had the exact same thread and discussed it to death.