last night's QandA proves it. Cuck-cannons (guns) and their lovers have NO PLACE in a modern Australia.
Australia has never liked, needed or wanted guns on our streets and not in the hands of professionals. We are a safer society without them and will will take further steps to get them off the streets thereby making our fair nation greater.
And before you ask, no, I'm not a "leftie" I'm actually quite right wing.
>right wing >scared of taking personal responsibility for well being of self and loved ones
Yeah ok buddy.
Samuel Gonzalez
Don't you all have boomerangs? A real man uses a boomerang.
Liam Richardson
Australia is a fucking death world. Guns should be mandatory.
Hunter Lewis
Well, I guess life doesn't have value in Australia.
>hurr don't defend urself, u'll die and go to a better place neway, amirite?
OTOH, it *is* a nation populated by criminals and societal waste, so who really gives a fuck.
Alexander Torres
What do you do when the emus come for your women?
Kayden Wood
>O please great state take care of me as I am too weak of mind and body to do it myself. Fuck my wife too I should not be allowed to further my blood line
That's what you sound like. Go back to Oz faggot and uncuck your shit.
Chase Sanders
>I'm not a "leftie" I'm actually quite right wing.
Joseph Peterson
>being a part of something greater than yourself and fighting for the collective betterment of society is bad
I suppose being a soldier during D-Day was bad too? Because I (and several others) see this as the same thing.
Joseph Gray
Kevin Wilson
Thomas Brooks
>Yes! The greater good!
>Who cares how many bodies we throw into the meat grinder when it's for the greater good!
>Trust us goy! In 500 years the European project will be a true utopia for the ages! People being killed, robbed, and raped today is just a side effect of achieving societal perfection! Why won't you trust us!? The protection of your wife's/daughter's vagoo is just an obstacle to my idealistic goals!
Wyatt Hill
>Australia has never liked, needed or wanted guns on our streets and not in the hands of professionals. We are a safer society without them and will will take further steps to get them off the streets thereby making our fair nation greater.
australia doesn't have the worlds most powerful military and brutalist police who shoot people in the back.
Gabriel Green
If we take control of this country we're coming for each and every one of you filthy snakes wherever you are. We'll hunt you down like you did to the nazis and there won't be any trials because we'll end you where you stand.
Christ is coming and vengeance will be His.
Julian Roberts
If you don't want guns in your country and feel safer without them, I'm all for that.
Yet, what right do you faggots have to criticize other countries that do the opposite?
Christian Price
Hasn't really seemed to do anything. Crime and murder is down in the US too even without your cucked gun laws. It's just bad in the cities because of the fucking nogs.
Alexander Turner
Proof that is just the nogs.
Adrian Johnson
>Australia has never liked, needed or wanted guns on our streets BEST GOYFRIEND, I LOVE EXPLOITING YOU!
Charles Long
But if you'll notice sexual assault is up, murders even spiked for a bit, and armed robbery is the same. Hmmm..
As an American that values life and liberty I take responsibility for the safety of myself, my family, and my community and I carry every day. This offends and angers me greatly.
Jace Butler
Aye suppose beang a soldjuh doing D-DAYEuh was beead too?
'Cause Aye (and sevrul othahs) see this azz the sAYEme thing.
Charles Diaz
Did you have a stroke?
Justin Wood
Survey of 15k police officers. Most think it would do nothing. It's literally the dindu's fault for the bad statistics that pushes us up above you statistically and we have more guns than people. Hopefully you're trolling. I know there are people that fucking dumb but how can you call something a cuck-cannon when facing a group of people, other people with weapons, if you're old, a woman, etc. You're an idiot.
Connor Long
>give us your gun or we will have strangers with guns come into your house and take them
Aiden Reed
Personal protection from criminals, maybe.
But personal protection from a government that mis-uses the manpower and resources of its nation, in order to profit something other than that nation's people? Yes. Gun required.
If it's illegal? Then fuck it, I break the law. A law that protects a corrupt government isn't a law that I want to follow.
Jaxon Reyes
>the same thing
Do Australians really believe that the Allies stormed the beaches of Normandy unarmed?
Austin Carter
>5 cans of VB have been deposited into ya kangaroo pouch. Thank ya for shitting up the record, m8!
Jacob Gutierrez
No, I mean being a part of something greater than yourself. Working towards a better more inclusive world.
Adrian Bennett
> I'm not a "leftie"
Maximum keks.
Liam Ramirez
How does victimhood and tyrany help that? Was Fascist Italy your model for this?
Henry Morales
Yeah probably shouldn't introduce guns to a society that doesn't have them yet. People on this site and in general are fucking retarded, never forget that OP.
Ethan Edwards
Adrian Fisher
And what if that's not what your actions have created? You gave up your last line of defense from your government. If they decided to crack down, declare martial law, you would have no choice but to obey. You think it couldn't happen? So do many others. I can only hope you never have to deal with a home invasion, because you will surely die if you do.
Ayden Evans
How can you be a part of something greater than yourself if some abbo sticks a broken bottle in your neck because you didn't hand over your wallet?
Also, stop speaking in meaningless, flabby, elastic phrases. >part of something greater than yourself then go build a house with some people >working towards a better more inclusive world then give a homeless person your guest bedroom?
Because this anti-gun shit is nothing more than virtue signalling.
Samuel Murphy
>We are a safer society without them Yeah that's why Melbourne has the fucking Apex gang fucking shit up every night, and fuck knows what's going on with all the muzzies in western sydney.
Aiden Rodriguez
My country is becoming more and more cuckified. Soon we'll just end up as even more flaming faggots than JT's Canada.
Cooper Myers
And it's sad. You used to be so cool, Australia, wtf?
Juan Garcia
I was a delivery driver once upon a time and fended off my own wannabe robber with my pistol. I'd say having a gun worked pretty well for personal protection.