Last night's QandA proves it


>Yes! The greater good!

>Who cares how many bodies we throw into the meat grinder when it's for the greater good!

>Trust us goy! In 500 years the European project will be a true utopia for the ages! People being killed, robbed, and raped today is just a side effect of achieving societal perfection! Why won't you trust us!? The protection of your wife's/daughter's vagoo is just an obstacle to my idealistic goals!

>Australia has never liked, needed or wanted guns on our streets and not in the hands of professionals. We are a safer society without them and will will take further steps to get them off the streets thereby making our fair nation greater.

australia doesn't have the worlds most powerful military and brutalist police who shoot people in the back.

If we take control of this country we're coming for each and every one of you filthy snakes wherever you are.
We'll hunt you down like you did to the nazis and there won't be any trials because we'll end you where you stand.

Christ is coming and vengeance will be His.

If you don't want guns in your country and feel safer without them, I'm all for that.

Yet, what right do you faggots have to criticize other countries that do the opposite?

Hasn't really seemed to do anything. Crime and murder is down in the US too even without your cucked gun laws. It's just bad in the cities because of the fucking nogs.

Proof that is just the nogs.

>Australia has never liked, needed or wanted guns on our streets

But if you'll notice sexual assault is up, murders even spiked for a bit, and armed robbery is the same. Hmmm..
